13MBA翻译中可能遇到的较难的专有名词 - 英 语 时 空 - 中国MBA论坛 MBA论坛,...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 03:01:14
planned economy 计划经济

  an economy in which most decisions about resource allocation are made by the government

  portfolio theories 资产组合理论

  theories that argue that monetary policy affects output through its effect on prices of various assets, in particular the prices of stocks

  portfolio 资产组合

  an investor's entire collection of assets and liabilities

  potential GDP 潜在GDP

  a measure of what the value of GDP would be if the economy's resources were fully employed

  potential output 潜在产出

  the level of output that would prevail if labor were fully employed (output may exceed that level if workers work more than the normal level of overtime)

  precautionary savings motive 谨慎储蓄动机

  people save to guard against the chance of an unexpected illness or accident

  predatory pricing 掠夺性定价

  the practice of cutting prices below the marginal costs of production to drive out a new firm (or to deter future entry), at which point prices can be raised again

  present discounted value 现期贴现值

  how much an amount of money to be received in the future is worth right now

  price index 价格指数

  a measure of the level of prices found by comparing the cost of a certain basket of goods in one year with that cost in a base year

  principal 本金

  the original amount a saver deposits in a bank or a borrower borrows

  principal-agent problem 所有者—代理人问题

  any situation in which one party (the principal) needs to delegate actions to another party (the agent), and thus wishes to provide the agent with incentives to work hard and make decisions about risk that reflects the interests of the principal

  private marginal cost 私人边际成本

  the marginal cost of production borne by the producer of a good; when there is a negative externality, such as air pollution, private marginal cost is less than social marginal cost

  privatization 私有化

  the process whereby functions that were formally run by the government are delegated instead to the private sector

  product differentiation 产品差异

  the fact that similar products (like breakfast cereals or soft drinks) are perceived to differ from one another and thus are imperfect substitutes

  product market 产品市场

  the market in which goods and services are bought and sold

  product-mix efficiency 产品组合效应

  the condition in which the mix of goods produced by the economy reflects the preferences of consumers

  production efficiency 生产效率

  the condition in which firms cannot produce more of some goods without producing less of other goods

  productivity (GDP per hour) 生产率/平均每人时的GDP

  how much an average worker produces per hour, calculated by dividing real GDP by hours worked in the economy

  proprietorship 独资企业

  a business owned by a single person, usually a small business

  protectionism 保护主义

  a policy of protecting domestic industries from foreign-made competition

  pure profit (monopoly rents) 纯利润或垄断租金

  the profit earned by a monopolist that results from its reducing output and increasing the price from the level at which price equals marginal cost

  Quantity demanded 需求量

  The amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase

  Quantity equation 货币数量方程式

  The equation MxV=PxY, which relates the quantity of money, the velocity of money and the dollar value of the economy's output of goods and services

  Quantity supplied 供给量

  The amount of a good that sellers are willing and able to sell

  Quantity theory of money 货币数量论

  A theory that asserts that the quantity of money available determines the price level and that the growth rate in the quantity of money available determines the inflation rate; The theory that velocity is constant, so that changes in the money supply lead to proportionale changes in nominal income (which also equals the value of output)

  quota rents 配额租金

  profits that accrue to firms which are allocated the rights to import a good subject to quotas that result from the artificially created scarcity
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