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付罐疗法  通经活络


前不久,我在友人的极力推荐下,接触到一种新的“罐疗”———“付罐疗法”。凭心而论,我对这种所谓的新罐疗实在没有什么兴趣,颇不以为然。你想,不就是一个原始拔火罐的玻璃瓶换成了一个橡皮罐吗!不就是用空气压力变化形式的气压作用代替了拔火罐的火吗?对了,还有用硅胶做的“付罐”,那又怎么样呢?不过是用硅胶比橡皮更美观更耐用一点。这一切对“罐疗”作用而言,似乎不关痛痒,毫无用处,也不可能改变以往“罐疗”的弱势形象。虽说我心里对“付罐疗法”不屑一顾,但出于礼貌考虑,我还是像模像样地按照“付罐疗法”的发明人付文心教授的指点在身上拔了一组橡皮罐,并且耐着性子等待"# 分钟的“留罐”结果。人们常说凡事心诚则灵,此时此刻的我可以肯定地说是毫无诚心可言!有的尽是胡思乱想,这样也好防范心理暗示的误区。耐着性子,时间嘀嗒嘀嗒地一秒一秒过去,已经快$ 分钟了,却未见发生任何反应,我心里暗喜习惯思维没错!可是到了第% 分钟,突然生出一股热流在体内蠕动,我的第一个念头是付老师给我做一组六位的颤罐等新罐法,这不过是偶然的生理现象,不必大惊小怪,也没在意
Fu’s cupping therapy and opening up meridians
Zhengbo Jian .MD
It’s very hard to change your habit as soon as it formed,whether good or not. I still remember the time I began studding TCM, our teaching books told us the five therapies in TCM—herbs, Tuina, acupuncture, moxibution and cupping therapy which is popular among folk with injuries from falls. In fact, different from other four therapies, cupping therapy was in a lower status. I do agree this so-so therapy cannot walk further although some modified devices such as vacuum cups were came up. But all my thoughts about cupping therapy broke up by once accidentally experince of Fu’s cupping treatment.
Not too long ago, one of my friends introduced me one new therapy of cups—Fu’s cupping therapy, for the sake of my friend and manners, I practiced Fu’s cups on my back followsing the words of professor Wenxin Fu, the founder of Fu’s cupping therapy. However,in the deep of my heart, I have no interests at this new therapy, how can a rubber cup instead of glass cup and Compression Deformation instead of fire make any sense, and even silica cups just more pretty and durable rubber’s. All those “small tricks” changes of Fu’s cups cannot change my view, yes, people often say devotees received good effects, but now I know I wouldn’t fall in the trick of psychological hinted. Several minutes have passed, nothing changed, that’s what I want, I am ready to celebrate the coming success of my traditional thought. But ------minutes later something happened, a warm stream was flowing in my body . I thought it was just a kind of physciological phenomenon by accident under a new cupping therepy.
不料,这股热流不仅没有消失,而且强度在增加,范围在扩大,慢慢延伸到会阴部。立刻,会阴部温暖和脉动。此时的欣快感,只有成年男女才会出现,无法形容。这股如春风般快意的暖流爬过骶椎尾部来到腰部,整个腰腹部洋溢着暖流。随后分成二路,一路沿腰脊直上肩颈,越过头顶,下降胸部,落归腹部形成所谓的“小周天”圈,但绝不是线状,而是一种立体的带状的样子。另一路则趟过两臀部沿两大腿两小腿直奔两脚底,也是立体的,带状的,而非线性的。此时全身上下只感觉到一种非常舒畅的脉动,无论手指、脚趾还是皮肤毛孔都无不跳动。这种感觉不仅仅似温泉沐浴,想用文字描述此时的心身体验,竟感到人类语言文字是那样的贫乏。我敢说这样的心身体验让人放弃对仙境的向往。等我回过神来看钟点时,早已超过了规定的"# 分钟。这次体验使我改变了原来的思维习惯,事实就是事实,谁也无法否定它的存在。我开始重新认识罐疗。更确切地说,我开始深入认识付文心教授发明的“付罐疗法”,并与付老师就“付罐疗法”对人体经脉的激发作用进行广泛深入地交流与探讨,还购得两套价值一二百元的便携式罐。

此后,我天天自身做罐疗保健,每天早晚各一次,每次一刻钟,方便省时。没几天就出现自动轻微拉肚子&排毒反应’,近(# 年来的局部皮肤干燥脱屑的病症消除了,近(# 年来的心慌&临睡前’现象消除了,整天精力充沛。深深体验到“付罐疗法”通过激发经络诱导全身感传,排除内毒,同享共振的健康状态。无论是治病、健身,还是防老、养生都具有难以想象的威力。

To my surprise, it was growing much stronger, from perineum up to block and shoulder and then neck, over head and down to chest and came back to abdomen at last—this called small Zhoutian circle( connection of DU and RN ). I feel this three-dimensional band stream instead linear shapes devided into two flows, one runs in small Zhoutian and the other runs in two thighs, legs and bottom of feet at last. What’s more the sense of adult euphoria came with this stream makes me so comfortable that I cannot describe it in any human words, I dare to say you will give up your dream to heaven if you have experienced this feeling. After I returned back from this great sense, the time has almost passed over.Fact is fact and fact talks. Since then, I got the new understanding of Fu’s cupping therapy , precisely speaking, I got a further study on Fu’s cupping therapy and commnication with professor Fu ahout it’s promoting effecting on meridians.

Since I practising Fu’s cups which I boutght from professor Fu per quarter every morning and night for health care, the syndrome of local scaling and skin drying and flustered before sleeping that disturbing me several years disappeared after slightly diarrhea—we called detoxification reflection. Now I feel energetic and comfortable everyday, thanks to the stimulation and inducement on meridians and excluding the toxin, all the people enjoy the healthy condition. On  both treatment and health care, fitness for old age and preserve nourishing life, Fu’s cupping therapy would plays its unimaginable effects.