More than 80% of civil servants in Qinghai's Tongren are bilingual

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 08:40:21
Party organizations of Tongren County in Qinghai province have actively provided cadres with Chinese and Tibetan bilingual training. Currently, 303 out of the county's 613 civil servants can handle work in both the Chinese and Tibetan languages and more than 80 percent of them can communicate with others using both languages.
Under the requirement that Tibetan cadres must be able to speak Chinese and cadres from other ethnic groups must be able to speak Tibetan, Tongren country has taken the bilingual training for cadres as a major task over the past several years. They have strived to enhance the quality of cadres, adopted regulations and implemented measures for bilingual learning, training and evaluations.
All cadres below the age of 35 are required to pass Tibetan tests and the county holds such tests every year. All the rules and regulations, bulletins and meeting banners should be written in Chinese and Tibetan. The county has also combined bilingual training for grassroots-level cadres with their daily agricultural and pastoral farming work as well as with the construction of the work style of cadres.
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