Floods affect more than 6 million people in NE China's Jilin

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Floods affect more than 6 million people in NE China's Jilin

09:59, August 10, 2010      

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Floods have left 85 people dead and 67 others missing in northeast China's Jilin Province since June, when the flood season began, the provincial flood control authorities and civil affairs department announced.

More than 6.08 million people have been affected and around 1.93 million people evacuated by Sunday, the local civil affairs department said in a statement.

About 116,000 homes have toppled down and 298,000 houses damaged, according to the statement.

Direct economic losses were estimated at 48.1 billion yuan (7.07 billion U.S. dollars), it added.

The statement said the local civil affairs department had allocated nearly 7,200 tents and 13,000 quilts to the flood-ravaged areas, and provided drinking water and food for the people affected.

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