Her family

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/02 16:08:28
  "She was called Miss Harriet. Seeking out a secluded village in which to pass the summer, she had been attracted to Benouville some six months before and did not seem disposed to leave it.If you had seen little wow power leveling Jo standing at the street corner in the rain wow gold, you would hardly have admired him wow gold cheap. It was apparently an ordinary autumn rainstorm buy lotro gold, but the water which fell upon Jo (who was hardly old enough to be either just or unjust wow gold cheap, and so perhaps did not come under the law of impartial distribution) appeared to have some property peculiar to itself cheap lotro gold: one would have said it was dark and adhesive -- sticky. She never spoke at table, ate rapidly, reading all the while a small book of the Protestant propaganda. She gave a copy of it to everybody. The cure himself had received no less than four copies, conveyed by an urchin to whom she had paid two sous commission. She said sometimes to our hostess abruptly, without preparing her in the least for the declaration:
     "'I love the Saviour more than all. I admire him in all creation; I adore him in all nature; I carry him always in my heart.'
     "And she would immediately present the old woman with one of her tracts which were destined to convert the universe.
     "In, the village she was not liked. In fact, the schoolmaster having pronounced her an atheist, a kind of stigma attached to her. The cure, who had been consulted by Madame Lecacheur, responded:
     "'She is a heretic, but God does not wish the death of the sinner, and I believe her to be a person of pure morals.'
     "These words, 'atheist,' 'heretic,' words which no one can precisely define, threw doubts into some minds. It was asserted, however, that this English woman was rich and that she had passed her life in travelling through every country in the world because her family had cast her off. Why had her family cast her off? Because of her impiety, of course!