The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 01:35:41

Summary and Audience
This document catalogs the many tools and tactics available forcorporate web strategy in 2007. Even if your strategy or resourcelimitations restrict you from entering all spaces, awareness of thechanges in our digital landscape are critical.

This document is intended for CMO/VP/Director of Web and Marketing.For those seeking a quick read, normal programming will resume in thenear future.

Changes in communication require corporations to adapt and evolve

The Web in the number one medium in the workplace and second at home, asignificant portion of your resources should be developed around youronline programs, research indicates the web medium will continue to grow.We also know that prospects in a variety of stages in the buying stageuse the web to make decisions, this is an arena no company can affordto ignore. Most importantly, future generations (digital natives) are barely reachable by other mediums, start planning your Web Strategy now.

For many corporations who’re not fully aware of all the tools available, deploying web marketing goes beyond your corporate website and google results.

The Many Forms of Web Marketing:

1) Corporate Domain

This has been a standard since the late 90s, nearly every company, momand pop boutique now has a web presence. The primary purpose of this isto provide the public with information about your company, it’sproducts, and anything else they may need. Corporate websites oftencompose of several features that are listed below.

A) Corporate Site
Little explanation is required here, today’s standard requires forevery company to have a home on the web. The methods and tools arehighly discussed in a variety of locations, books and conferences, butdo remember that some tools are creating an impact on their relevance and marketing in general.

B) Portal Strategy
Widely popular in the late 90s this strategy was intended to serve upall user information on one page, and keep users on one’s domain. A fewwell known portals now exist such as MyYahoo which is a form of a feedreader. Most modern marketers realize that content is now distributed.

C) Microsites for Segmentation
Typically deployed around new product launches or campaign focuses, orspecific market segments, these often short term websites are used forcalling specific attraction. They typically have a unique URL and aretied to an integrate campaign. See Microsoft’s Origami microsite. Caution: some companies overly deploy these microsites and end up with a distributed and unfocused web strategy.

D) Interactive Web Marketing
The web is more than a ‘read only’ medium, unlike othermediums, companies can make the website interactive, encouraging a newdynamic of engagement. There’s a variety of technologies to use fromuses of Javascript, AJAX and Flash based. (Thanks Lisa D forsuggestion) Of course, one can only go far where the limitation is thatit is still a ‘user to computer’ interaction. A few examples include Subservient Chicken experience, What kind of M&M are you, and Geico’s Caveman Crib.

E) Intranet/Extranet

The web isn’t just for communicating to prospects and employees,simliar strategies apply to both your employees, resellers, partnersand suppliers. You can get more information by joining the Intranet User Experience Group, or find other online resources to this specific field..

F) Regionalization
In today’s global web, websites are translated, reformatted andsegmented by region, culture, class. Be sure to focus on France, China, Japan as fast emerging languages. Also see report on internet usage in third world countries.

2) Search Marketing
Ever heard of Google? Many prospects use google in the ‘hunt’ phase fora product. By paying a third party or a search engine directly you canobtain a strategy to get your website listed in search results. I’veheard a variety of stats demonstrating success of natural vs paidresults, however the ROI is usually positive. It’s likely yourcompetitor is also present on the Search results page. View my few posts on Search Strategy or contact Andy Beal, David Berkowitz or Brian Keith.

A) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Many web groups at large corporations have a document, a process, oreven a dedicated resource who’s goal is to make sure web content iseasily found, indexed, managed and correctly served in search results.There’s been some recent discussion the state of the SEO industry.

B) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Frequently, companies will hire a specialized search company topurchase keywords that will help drive contextual links in searchresults. These ads are contextually displayed based upon the searchquery. There’s a growing and sometimes controversial industry focused on these techniques.

3) Out Bound and Syndicated Web Marketing

A) Email Marketing
While certainly not completely native to the web, they certainly aretied. Modern email campaigns (sometimes even direct marketing) involvesbarely personal emails blasted out to indviduals on a mailing list.These modern versions typically have the option to be HTML based, andhave hyperlinks brining users back to the corporate site or Microsite.I hear the conversion rate for these are 2-5%, and typically deploy apositive ROI. Having spoken with many Web directors and Marketers, thisis a task best suited for an outsourced vendor. Be sure to read the research on the growth for this industry in 2007.

B) Invasive Marketing

“Pop-ups”, and “Pop-Unders”, trojan and tracking software are bothdisruptive methods to obtain the attention and data of users. Research indicatesthis form of marketing is diminishing, use with caution, or not at all(ask your Ad Agency if they are doing this without your knowledge)remember the market can associate your brand with the way you reachthem, and users are now in charge.

C) Syndicated Content and RSS

I lump Syndication into this category as I see it as being an evolution as marketing shifts from Push to Pull. RSS is quickly becoming a method where users can opt-in for additional content. For more information start with Six RSS Resources for the Internet Professional or Web Strategist, when you’re ready to deploy read Web Strategy: Understanding Syndicated Feeds for your Corporate Website.

4) Brand Extension
This is not a new concept, it’s simply been applied to web properties.The concept is simple, where your audience is, your brand should bealso.

A) Web Advertising
I’m sure you’re all familiar with the banner, tile, or skyscraperadvertising model on websites. This age old strategy simply suggeststhat if there are eyeballs your brand should ‘impress’ upon the users.Click through rates are typically in the 1% or lower rate, sometimessuccess is measured by brand impressions, (visitation by traffic).These ads are static and do not change even if the content on thewebpage changes.

B) Contextual Advertising
These targeted ads will be served up on the webpage depending on thecontent that’s on the page. This is a more ‘intelligent’ and thereforemore relevant than Web Advertising, which may not be targeted atspecific content. This form of advertising can be text, images, mediaor other form and are common on websites, blogs, and are now appearingon web based emails sites. (Submitted by David Berkowitz: Feb 13th. 2007)

C) Sponsorship and /Cross branding/Affiliate
This is a method of promoting your brand with the right audience inwhich the property is rewarded for integrating your brand. This canoccur on content sites, shows, media properties, blogs, podcasts, andjust about everything else. This is expected to increase in 2007.

5) Community Marketing and Social Media Marketing
eMarketer’s research indicatesthat this is the fastest growing area of growth for Web Advertising andMarketing is in the Social Media space. In my experience, the awarenessrate is around 30% and deployment 10-20% for most corporations. Some ofthe tools listed below are not new, while some become critical in howprospects find information about products. For a high level overviewplease read 10 Social Media Strategies for the Fortune 1000 Corporations.

A) eCommerce/Rating Sites
For most consumer products and a majority of enterprise products,there’s a variety of websites that rate products both by expert(sometimes called analyst) or peer review. The most popular site thathas done this in the text industry is CNET reviewswhich deploys both editorial reviews, video demos, and user ratings andopinions. Content can be both positive and negative about your companyas well as your competitors. Ratings and voting has evolved withpopular news voting sites like Digg.

B) Social Networking, Forums, Wikis, Collaboration
I’m tying these two together as both features are starting to merge inmany modern versions. While founded from early usenet days, forumsallow for communities to form around similar ideas and collaborate.Approximately 33% of companies deploy forums. Wikis have also been usedto tie industries together as well as. Savvy marketers are starting toalso realize the power of social networking sites in every flavor offocus, including image sharing sites like flickr for marketing. I’ve created a list of all White Label Social Networking platforms.

C) Syndicated Marketing
See section 3C above.

D) Podcast Marketing
Many corporations are reaching their community though on demand contenton mobile devices, the key to this medium is certainly in the ‘pull’strategy. I’ve listed out my recommendations in a recent post called Corporate Podcasting Strategies for 2007.

E) Blogging
I estimate about 30% or less of businesses are considering blogs (weblogs) as forms of business communication. The subject has been talkedabout quite extensively, I recommend reading Naked Conversations, the Weblog Handbook, and the Corporate Blogging Book. To learn about all the forms of businesses blog. If you’ve not yet deployed a Corporate Blogging program, I reccomend learning from my experience as a corporate blog evangelist.

F) Widget Marketing
Widgets are light weight web applications that are being embedded in websites, blogs, forums, and social sites. Flickr badges, MyBlogLog, and in ways even the Firefox community marketing campaignare companies that are engaged in this way. This isn’t anything new, Inoticed this trend before the term gained popularity, and called it Viral Chicklets, to learn more there’s a growing list of examples on Widgetbox.

G) Online Video
While Online Video has existed for many years on the web, it’s mostnotably been gaining traction from the video blog, or video sharingsites of great popularity such as Google Video, or it’s recentacquisition YouTube. In addition to third party video sites, colleague Robert Scobleis well known for being the ‘Video Guy’ at Microsoft, while he tookbehind the scenes footage and shared on a Community networking site.Other companies have seen the success in this and have also launchedonline video sites such as General Motors. I recommend starting withthinking about Video for your Executives and thought leaders.

H) Instant Messaging, Presence
Clever marketers are figuring out how to involve real timeconversational media using Instant Messaging tools, presence, andstatus tools, such as Twitter.These tools tie to online and mobile devices. My experience withGeneration Y is that they are using IM as their primary way tocommunicate over all other mediums.

I) Tagging, Collective Tools
I’ve discussed how tagging can be used to harvest marketing intelligence as well as help your SEO results. See using Delicious for Market Research. Properly tagging content as well as researching how tags are used will help communities find your content.

J) Infinite Other Flavors
The list of potential applications can go on and on, from Toolbar plugins such as Delicious plugin, Alexa Plugin Attention recorder, etc, to web based mobile applications. User voted news sites are rapidly appearing such as Digg. There’s a whole another category (read all my posts tagged Community Marketing) on the many different forms the above tools create when they’re combined, from Community sites like Microsoft’s Channel 9 to real time Conversation indexes like Techmeme or Technorati’s WTF,new ways to find, sort and harness information will emerge over theyear. The notable attributes include a ‘community’ or ‘viral’ and‘conversational’ tone to them.

6) Emerging Mediums tie with the Internet
The web will be a platform and will extend to other mediums as well as create new ones.

A) Internet TV (IPTV)
While still emerging, the web will marry the TV and content,communication will evolve to a new form of media we’ve not yet seenyet. I doubt it will be as simple as ‘TV content online’ or ‘Readingwebsites in the living room’. Something new will appear, and it willimpact your web team. See all my thoughts on IPTV.

B) Mobile Content
Websites are already being viewed on mobile devices, either fullbrowsers, or fast load browsers. Many executives, decision makers, roadwarriors and techies are accessing the web using mobile devices, so astrategy to deliver correctly to this medium is necessary. See all my thoughts on Mobile Technology.

C) Online Massive Multi Player Games, Console Games
If you’re not heard yet, Second Life is being trialed by largecompanies such as IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sears and a variety ofretailers. Also popular are Massive Multiplayer Online Role PlayingGames (MMORPG for short) are appearing online such as World of Warcraft (WoW), and Club Penguin a growing online game for kids, teens, and some adults. XBox 360 has IPTV capabilities and most console games have online components, so there are multiple experiences to tap into.

7) Real World and Virtual World are Tied
What happens in real life echos online. We’re seeing that more and more as politicians,CEOs and organization involve bloggers, podcasters, and otherinfluentials to real life events. The role of Online/Offline CommunityRelations is becoming more and more important. I’ve dissected how Microsoft hosts blogger dinners. Train your orginsiation to tie both strategies together. Read my post on Web Strategy: Overlaying Social Media for your Corporate Events

Putting it all Together
Whew, that’s the major families, but remember for manycorporations, these elements will not be successful in a vacuum, theopportunity for momentum happens when they are combined and usedstrategically. At least one person or group should have full knowledgeof how your brand is being used online and in other mediums.

About this Document

Web Strategy (How companies use the web to connect with customers) is my passion.

As the Director of Corporate Media Strategy at PodTech network, I’m a social media consultant to some amazing clients).I use this blog to answer clients questions, and to share my knowledgewith the web network. You can learn more about me on my profile page.

I’d like to thank Christopher Coulter to helping me brainstorm this post, as well as David Berkowitz for asking for follow-up content from a previous discussion.

I will update this post based upon feedback from the community, both in comments and other blog posts.

73 Comments so far

  1. Alan Hume February 5th, 2007 7:28 pm

    It looks like you redefined the promotional mix for marketing 101. This is good stuff. You should share it on Dot Email

    It’s a free online community for email marketers.

    Alan H.

  2. jeremiah_owyang February 5th, 2007 8:41 pm

    What promotional mix are you reffering to? The 4 “P”s. If so, I wrote this post from scratch, not trying to think of ‘traditional marketing’ but what IS.

  3. Ted R. February 5th, 2007 8:55 pm

    Great list! Nice.

  4. Yulia February 5th, 2007 9:35 pm

    Jeremiah, have you thought about writing a book, seriously publishing? I think it would be a hit. For now, I would just print out this post as a reference.

  5. jeremiah_owyang February 5th, 2007 9:47 pm

    Yulia, I’d love to write a book, I’m waiting for the right publisher to give me an offer I can’t refuse.

    In the meantime, I’m happy with the direction blogging is taking me, and I’d love to present web strategy at conferences.

    Who knows, I may start a video show, stay tuned!

  6. Expert SEO Group February 5th, 2007 9:50 pm

    This articles is good categorised with in subtopics for web marketing in 2007. This article can help to understatnd the forms and techniques for web marketing.

  7. jeremiah_owyang February 5th, 2007 10:02 pm

    Thanks Expert CEO group…cool blog too

  8. » Blog Archive » No Time to Stay Up-To-Date on Web Marketing Trends? One Click Solution - Jeremiah’s Blog February 5th, 2007 10:54 pm

    […] Again, Jeremiah, web strategist, treated his readers with some web marketing nuggets, that he patiently collected through his passionate blogging. Being under the impression and current influence of business case readings for weekly commercialization and enterpreneurship class, I was inspired to write an elevator pitch for Jeremiah. Main reasons: to practice the newly learnt skill and share my respect for Jeremiah’s content. […]

  9. Karen O'Brien February 6th, 2007 11:09 am

    Awesome piece Jeremiah! I love these comprehensive overviews that you do…I look forward to more nuggets from that huge brain of yours.

  10. jeremiah_owyang February 6th, 2007 11:16 am

    Karen, thanks so much for reading…very cool, I’m glad to be a resource.

  11. Allen Stern February 6th, 2007 5:40 pm

    Simply awesome. I just posted on CN about this calling it my first post of the year candidate (click my name to read my post). You are clearly one of the absolute leaders in this area and I can’t wait until you hit the tour circuit!

    You could easily become the new seth godin.

  12. jeremiah_owyang February 6th, 2007 10:53 pm

    Thanks Allen. While I’m still many levels away from Seth Godin, I’ll take this as a fantastic comment.

  13. Andrew Davies February 7th, 2007 10:07 am

    Great work Jeremiah! A really nice classification.

  14. Brian Keith February 7th, 2007 1:14 pm

    Thanks for putting all of this in to one place, and for mentioning me. From my perspective as an internet marketer, here are my thoughts:

    Search Marketing

    The top page of Google, both the paid ads and the natural rankings, is where most of the ecommerce of the world starts. Questions you need to answer: how important are search rankings for your industry? What percentage of revenue comes through search engines?

    Search Engine Optimization

    If you are willing to pay, and change your site according to their recommendations, you can hire someone to get you above the fold (top 5 spots) in Google for the keywords important to your company. But how important are those spots? Find out by tracking what the average visitor to your site is worth. Realize that SEO is a years-long endeavor, and getting results can take 6+ months. A short-term SEO strategy is an oxymoron.

    Search Engine Marketing

    Also called PPC (pay-per-click), search engine marketing refers to the ads you see on the right side of Google and other search engines. You pay per click to your website, so it is easy to track performance. Like with SEO, you MUST know how much a click is worth before putting too much money in to SEM. An average medium-size company may bid on 2,000 or more keywords as part of their PPC campaign.


    Email Marketing

    Sending out emails to past customers and people who have opted in is potentially dangerous and usually worth the risk. Ground rules: Respect people and the time they take to read your emails. Don’t invade their privacy. Do see emails as part of your long term branding strategy: are you a company who offers discounts and help from time to time, or a company that invades people’s privacy and interrupts them? Do consider emails as part of the larger whole of internet marketing.


    Putting it all Together (in addition)

    Because internet marketing and print marketing and branding and community marketing (online and offline) are all tied together, you cannot consider them as separate pieces, to be done by separate firms at separate times with separate visions. Branding must inform search engine optimization must inform blogging must inform community marketing as a whole which must inform email marketing… the future goes to the corporations who understand web strategy as a unified vision.


    That is it for now- let me chew through some of the other descriptions you have here. The great value in putting all web strategies in one place is that it becomes obvious that a)they all fit together and b)you can’t do just one or three and ignore the rest.

    -Brian Keith

  15. Yulia February 7th, 2007 3:59 pm

    Jeremiah and Brian, I have a question:
    What is the difference between communication channel (medium) and communication vehichle? Is that the same thing?
    The way I understand it now: print is medium, a specific publication is the vehicle. Maybe, I am just getting bogged down with classsification.
    So, where NL, email fall into? Thank you!

  16. jeremiah_owyang February 7th, 2007 5:59 pm

    Brian. I’m in Miami now, was reading Conversation Marketing on the way over. lot’s of similar and interesting stuff. No doubt spurred by your excellent add on.

    I’ll read into this more.

  17. jeremiah_owyang February 8th, 2007 4:29 am


    What’s “NL” do you mean newsletter? If so, I consider that Email Marketing.

    I don’t see a tremendous difference between a channel or vehicle, or, put differently, I don’t want to get hung up on such specifics.

  18. jeremiah_owyang February 8th, 2007 7:36 am

    I’ve updated this post to include a suggestion from Lisa D. I’ve added a reference to Ajax and Flash under interactive marketing as an example of RIA

  19. Brian Keith February 8th, 2007 3:30 pm

    Ditto to Jeremiah. The specifics are not as important as what you are trying to do.

  20. Yulia February 8th, 2007 10:32 pm

    Brian and Jeremiah, no problem, I got to the same idea by the end of the day. It is all details that are not meaningful to desipher..But, when I asked, I felt I was reaching the emergency service :)thank you, anyways!

  21. ian February 9th, 2007 1:03 pm

    The list of tools, channels, vehicles, etc. is almost endless, and the lines get blurrier every day. Is direct mail using personalized URLs internet marketing or direct mail? Is a TV spot shown on YouTube a TV ad first, or a viral marketing technique?

    One way to simplify the discussion a bit is to flip it over: What are you trying to accomplish through marketing? The resulting picture of your audience and their needs can focus your strategy and make sure you target the right channels and technologies.

  22. RD2 Blog : links for 2007-02-10 — RD2 February 9th, 2007 8:33 pm

    […] Web Strategy by Jeremiah » The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist I love the “hit ‘em with both barrels” nature of this post by Jeremiah. When we talk about one of the most important factors of how we offer our services, brand extension, this one hits home when thinking of the order of magnitude with respect to where y (tags: socialmedia marketing) […]

  23. jeremiah_owyang February 10th, 2007 7:33 am

    Ian, it’s assume a needs analysis would always be done first, this is simple the toolbox that you dig into after first drawing the plans of the house.

    Excellent book “Conversational Marketing” I’ll write a review soon.

  24. Yulia February 10th, 2007 3:12 pm

    This is great. I did not expect I can get a book to answer my question on a blog!

    Ian, I looked through your free online book on conversational marketing and I am already planning to read it soon.

    Jeremiah, your blog becomes a hub for marketing professionals.

  25. RD2 Blog : Where’s Your Voice? — RD2 February 10th, 2007 8:18 pm

    […] While some people I talk to still want to know about the technologies and mechanisms that will differentiate and extend their brands, we work to focus the discussion on “discovering voice” before and within extension. And for those who are just dipping their toe into the pool, it can get very confusing, very fast. I recently bookmarked a link to a post by Jeremiah Owyang where he wrote a great article on the many forms of web marketing. The list is daunting and I cannot help but think of the marketing manager, C-level executive or business owner touching their toe into the icy waters of opportunity. What’s more, Jeremiah gave a quick reply to a comment I made about how he’s hitting us with “both barrels.” His comment: “reloading barrels ;).” He’s absolutely right, the blasts will just keep coming. The web geek in me loves this, but the brand geek in me realizes the need to embrace our clients and advise them on where to start and how. […]

  26. Friday Night Link-o-rama » Small Business SEM February 11th, 2007 10:47 pm

    […] Since the “holistic approach” to online marketing is all the rage these days, Jeremiah’s Owyang’s vbery comprehensive list, The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist, shares a good overview of all the avenues to consider. […]

  27. David Berkowitz February 12th, 2007 8:10 am


    This is really a phenomenal post. I spend my day looking at how a lot of this tie back into search engine marketing and search engine optimization, and just about all of these can tie in with the other in some way. What might even be fun sometime (something I’d be willing to help with) is to put this whole field as a matrix, and then showing the connections between every pair… daunting, perhaps, but it coul be a valuable resource if done right.

    I’ll offer one specific comment to search engine marketing. There’s a big difference between SEM and contextual advertising, so the two shouldn’t be lumped together (even though just about everyone does, including authorities in the industry like the IAB and eMarketer). Search ads aren’t contextually triggered in the traditional sense; they’re targeted to the consumer intent (or perhaps the consumer behavior) expressed in a search query.

    Separately, it might be interesting to do a piece on different types of targeting - behavioral, contextual, demographic, etc - to complement this.

  28. Brian Keith February 12th, 2007 9:22 am


    You have hit on a key difficulty in composing a list like this, and one I think Jeremiah has done well on. If you ask a professional in any one of these areas, they will tell you why their industry cannot be limited to 3 sentences.

    One approach then is to make another list for each of these areas, where you break out SEM into the areas you think are most relevant.

    Search Engine Optimization
    -Keyword research
    -page count
    -site code

    Would be an example. What would your list for SEM look like?

  29. jeremiah_owyang February 12th, 2007 12:02 pm

    I tried hard to keep these categories into major families but drawing the line is difficult.

    Let me give more thought about seperating SEM and Contextual ads out into seperate buckets. Anyone else agree with David?

  30. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Updated the “Many forms of Web Marketing” post February 13th, 2007 6:17 am

    […] After some discussion with Search Marketing expert and buddy David Berkowitz, I’ve updated the post to be more clear on two different forms of Web Marketing check out the changes at: The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist: […]

  31. Bjorn February 13th, 2007 11:57 am

    this is the best post i have seen cataloguing and classifying the different web mktg tactics out there. i can see how this could be integrated into all marketing textbooks in future. you should explore that book idea someone suggested up there, i will definitely buy it. =)

  32. jeremiah_owyang February 13th, 2007 12:36 pm

    Thanks Bjorn. I’ve got many more ideas, most I publish, some I do not.

    I’m sure some enterprising soul is going to write a book based upon some of what I’m writing!

    Someday I’ll write something! But right now, I feel I’m getting great traction blogging.

  33. Singapore Entrepreneurs ~ Venture Capital Funding in Singapore » Blog Archive » Tech Reads for the Day: Valentine’s Day 2007 February 13th, 2007 8:51 pm

    […] There has been a lot of discussion on Bjorn’s post on web 2.0 readiness, particularly on the technology vs customer debate for our branded conversation tomorrow. For those who want to learn more about forms of web marketing, The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist is a very good read for those who wants a summary of current existing marketing methods. The article is written by Jeremiah Owyang, a web strategist who is currently employed as Director of Corporate Media Strategy at […]

  34. Rishi February 17th, 2007 11:32 am

    GREAT post as usual ! the more I read your blog, the more I am becoming a fan of yours

    I have posted this article in my blog at Various Forms of Web Marketing”

    You should actually consider publishing a book !

  35. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Web Strategy for Small Businesses and HyperLocal Marketing February 22nd, 2007 8:54 am

    […] Once a business gets a bit more advanced in their web strategy, I recommend reading the Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist. I would also consider inviting those that create media (traditional media, bloggers, reviewers, and others) to your business and encouraging them to review one’s business. […]

  36. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » 105 Miles Per Hour February 27th, 2007 4:12 pm

    […] Posting has been light lately, and it will likely stay light. I’ve not had time to focus on some real analytical pieces like web marketing, customer reference, online data storage, white label social network apps, and others. […]

  37. February ‘07: Best Search/Marketing Posts » Small Business SEM March 1st, 2007 6:05 pm

    […] Jeremiah Owyang: The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist […]

  38. bupendar singh March 5th, 2007 2:31 am

    very good information read it. I got information about The Web in the number one medium in the workplace and second at home, a significant portion of your resources should be developed around your online programs, research indicates the web medium will continue to Marketing

  39. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Web Strategy Education April 3rd, 2007 8:50 am

    […] I would also like to suggest you start with The Many Forms of Web Marketing, it’s designed to be a high level primer at all the tools available to an organization. […]

  40. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Web Strategies of the 2008 Presidential Candidates April 5th, 2007 9:02 am

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist […]

  41. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Strategies for organizing your Corporate Social Media Program (Starting internally first) April 23rd, 2007 10:28 am

    […] Related Topics The Many Forms of Web Marketing: An overview of all the tools at your disposal, in addition to Social Media. […]

  42. The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist « jobboardgawker April 26th, 2007 9:10 am

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist […]

  43. James Lim May 16th, 2007 3:33 pm

    Thank you for sharing this. An excellent menu of tools and tactics to choose from.

    As you said, “awareness of the changes in our digital landscape are critical.”

    Based upon past experience, fully accepting that one must change is also critical. It’s definitely diminishing, but embracing change itself is often the most important tactic that people don’t use and the one thing that prevents them from seeing the great power of using any or many of the tools you have listed.

    Thanks again Jeremiah!

  44. Rohit May 30th, 2007 3:38 am

    Amazing post.. Lots of things about Web Marketing got cleared..

  45. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Graphic: Why I still think the Corporate Website is Irrelevant June 4th, 2007 7:39 am

    […] Additional Resources The Many forms of Web Marketing […]

  46. The Waving Cat » Blog Archive » links for 2007-06-04 June 4th, 2007 4:33 pm

    […] Web Strategy by Jeremiah » The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist (tags: communication corporate corporateblogging internet media web2.0 trends strategy webstrategy) […]

  47. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Industry Watch: Web based gaming Yahoo Games, Kongregate, Pogo, and Miniclip June 12th, 2007 10:06 am

    […] From Interactive to User to User Some of these games are a form of computer to user interaction but games like Quadradius are actually player to player, which completely changes the dynamics of the game. There’s all kinds of cross-branding opportunities for games to be used in a variety of unique ways. New opportunities to build experiences open up for the web strategist. Don’t know the difference between interactive marketing and social marketing, here’s a helpful guide. […]

  48. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Happy Birthday to!!! June 20th, 2007 12:42 pm

    […] Top viewed posts: -Index page -List of White Label Social networking sites -The many forms of Web Marketing -My Profile Page -Social Media Optimization (which I sort of regret) […]

  49. Singapore Entrepreneurs ~ Venture Capital Funding in Singapore » Blog Archive » Talking Points with Jeremiah Owyang, July 1st, 2007 4:30 pm

    […] Of many web marketing blogs I have read, I highly recommend this article entitled “The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist” by Jeremiah Owyang. Jeremiah Owyang is a web strategist and currently employed as director of corporate media strategy at Recently, he was here in Singapore for the IX Conference, and we managed to get him to do an interview with us about his thoughts about social media, corporate websites and the upcoming trends in the web other than Facebook. […]

  50. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Widgets, a viable Web Marketing Strategy July 11th, 2007 5:10 pm

    […] In a recent post, I listed out all the Many Forms of Web Marketing. In fact, there are over 40 of them! […]

  51. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Evolution of Social Media in Corporations and what they should know July 31st, 2007 6:51 am

    […] Related Resources The Many Forms of Web Marketing (comprehensive list) […]

  52. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Who owns Customer References and Support in the World Wide Web? August 6th, 2007 7:13 am

    […] Additional Resources The impacts of social media on customer references programs The support site is no longer on your extranet Web Strategy: The Air Traffic Tower Marketing is not on two domains alone The many Forms of Web Marketing […]

  53. 小叮当 » Blog Archive » 网络营销的不同形式 August 7th, 2007 5:19 am

    […] 原文作者:Jeremiah Owyang原文链接:The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist译者:安步当车 […]

  54. Web Strategy by Jeremiah » Welcome Marketing Profs Community! Resources for you August 9th, 2007 8:48 am

    […] move off the Corporate domain Impacts of the Social Media on the Customer Reference Program The many forms of Web Marketing The Corporate Website is […]

  55. Your website is irrelevant and must evovle at CreunaBlog August 17th, 2007 4:30 am

    […] I mine øjne beskriver Jeremiah Owyang meget præcist, hvad der bør være enhver moderne virksomheds onlinemarketing kogebog The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist […]

  56. idiomag » Blog Archive » Web marketing classification September 4th, 2007 4:44 am

    […] Here is a great post by Jeremiah Owyang which identifies and classifies the types of online marketing. It reads like a marketing textbook (reminiscent of my University days) but does a great job of structuring how marketers should think about their online strategy. Posted by andrew Filed in General, Advertising, Web 2.0 […]

  57. Which Tool to deploy for your Strategy? It depends September 18th, 2007 6:02 am

    […] saying Google is the Killer App, it’s true. I’ve been watching, in fact, cataloging the many forms of Web Marketing (See list) and have a good sense of how many of these tools […]

  58. Pat Allen September 25th, 2007 4:06 pm

    Very interesting.

    Does anyone happen to know of a comparable discussion on content strategy for 2007?

  59. Mis enlaces recomendados del 21 Oct en Marketing Hotelero, Marketing en entornos Web 2.0 y Turismo 2.0 October 21st, 2007 5:31 pm

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist - […]

  60. Web Strategy: The Many Forms of Monetization using the Web November 5th, 2007 8:01 am

    […] Additional Resources If you want to get specific on blog monetization, problogger has a great list. Also read The Many Forms of Web Marketing. […]

  61. Gagner de l’argent sur le Web « Web Entrepreneurs November 6th, 2007 11:45 am

    […] sont très intéressants car ils permettent d’aller en profondeur sur un sujet. Voilà un article encore plus général qui revient sur les “modèles” (mais aussi sur les formats) de […]

  62. Ten Web Strategy Blog Posts I wish you’d read November 26th, 2007 6:05 pm

    […] 6) The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist “This document catalogs the many tools and tactics available for corporate web strategy in 2007. Even if your strategy or resource limitations restrict you from entering all spaces, awareness of the changes in our digital landscape are critical.” […]

  63. 10 artículos sobre estrategia web que deberías leer December 3rd, 2007 2:34 am

    […] El marketing en internet ha cambiado: ya no sólo hay que tener una web oficial, sino aplicar marketing en buscadores, sindicación de contenidos, extensión de marca, comercio electrónico, otros soportes… […]

  64. Video: How to Allocate Resources for your Web Strategy December 9th, 2007 7:22 pm

    […] you seen my list of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2007? I’m going to update it soon, what should be […]

  65. The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist « Brands, Web and Beyond December 23rd, 2007 2:14 pm

    […] how to get REALLY overwhelmed by the immensely growing number of marketing channels on the web: The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategiste […]

  66. Huh? » Blog Archive » Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2007 December 27th, 2007 7:56 am

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the (2007) Search Strategist (Web Strategist): Jeremiah alludes to many tools and tactics for corporate web strategy. […]

  67. Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2007 » techipedia | tamar weinberg December 28th, 2007 9:31 am

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the (2007) Search Strategist (Web Strategist): Jeremiah alludes to many tools and tactics for corporate web strategy. […]

  68. A Complete List of the Many Forms of Web Marketing for 2008 January 1st, 2008 1:07 am

    […] is an updated revision of the 2007 version, which was one of the top viewed posts for the entire year. I’ve added quite a few new forms […]

  69. SEMMYS January 15th, 2008 10:56 am

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist Jeremiah Owyang, Web Strategy by Jeremiah | 2/5/07 […]

  70. Online Marketing / General - All 2008 Nominees » January 22nd, 2008 2:39 pm

    […] The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist Jeremiah Owyang, Web Strategy by Jeremiah | 2/5/07 […]

  71. 翻译:网络营销的不同形式 | 新 营 销 观 察 March 3rd, 2008 3:40 am

    […] 原文出处:Web Strategy - The Many Forms of Web Marketing for the 2007 Web Strategist […]

  72. Improve your marketing with the social media halo effect | Web Business by Ken Burbary December 28th, 2008 11:48 pm

    […] business or personal brand, is not an all or nothing proposition. Much like interactive marketing, as Forrester’s Jeremiah Owyang reminds us, social media marketing comes in several […]

  73. Improve your Marketing with the Social Media Halo Effect | The Daily Anchor | Media tips and tools January 2nd, 2009 11:15 am

    […] business or personal brand, is not an all or nothing proposition. Much like interactive marketing, as Forrester’s Jeremiah Owyang reminds us, social media marketing comes in several […]