
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 09:21:57
   Fiscal woes shape next stages of China's reform
  原文来源:South China Morning Post
  Chinese officials have said the crisis that began in the US will not slow down long-planned reforms in China's financial markets. They insist they will go ahead with plans to introduce margin trading, short selling, and futures contracts on share prices. But Beijing slowed capital-account liberalisation after the Asian financial crisis 10 years ago, so it is possible that America's troubles could make it more cautious.
  China has played an important role in financing the US budget deficit in recent years by managing the yuan's exchange rate against the US dollar. Beijing does not want its large current-account surplus to cause the currency to overshoot on the upside, and may now want to slow the yuan's appreciation out of concern for the global economic slowdown.
  If so, China would have to expand its foreign exchange reserves by another US$300 billion to US400 billion, which would allow it to finance the large expansion in the US fiscal deficit. Recent slight falls in the yuan suggest that China's exchange rate policy may be changing following its 20 per cent appreciation since July 2005.
  Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world. Chinese officials have not yet echoed these comments, but the US experience will naturally make them more suspicious of western investment bankers and US-style regulation.
  The People's Bank joined the co-ordinated global interest rate cut on October 8 - the first time China has participated in a global monetary policy move. Beijing's plans to increase infrastructure spending by US$586 billion during 2009 and 2010 demonstrate clearly that it is prepared to compensate for export weakness by stimulating domestic demand. It must now take further action to bolster consumer spending.
  Beijing's goal is to keep annual growth above 8 per cent, to generate sufficient employment to maintain social stability. It is currently also more sensitive to employment risks than usual, because several thousand small factories in the textile and toy sectors have closed this year as a result of the impact of rising labour costs and the appreciating yuan on profit margins.
  China wants to shift from low value-added, labour-intensive industries such as textiles to higher value-added sectors such as electronics and capital goods. But it does not want to generate high levels of unemployment as this transition occurs.
  China has the resources to cope with the current financial crisis. Foreign exchange reserves are an immense US$1.9 trillion. Booming tax receipts have provided the government with a fiscal surplus. The critical issue has been policymakers' willingness to act promptly, before there is clear evidence of an economic downturn. The government's stimulus package demonstrates that it is aware of the risks in the global economy and is prepared to act decisively.
  The current crisis marks an important step in China's evolution as a great economic power. It has been pursuing a policy of extreme Keynesianism at a time when Europe and the US are also undertaking massive interventions in their financial systems to prevent the crisis from leading to a global financial collapse.
  Thus, there is a growing convergence between China's and the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations' economic policy, born of the need to compensate for massive failures in US financial regulation and monetary policy.
  The US has been lobbying China for some time for economic policy changes aimed at stimulating domestic demand and open markets. Ironically, to compensate for a crisis that America's own policies have created in global markets, the US is now getting what it has long sought.
  (David Hale is chairman of David Hale Global Economics and a long-time analyst of China's economic reform process. Copyright: Project Syndicate) 
  作者:David Hale
  (作者是David Hale Global Economics主席,以及中国经济改革进程长期分析家。版权所有:Project Syndicate)