Iran's leader warns of insecurity in region

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Iran's leader warns of insecurity in region

09:14, December 21, 2010      

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Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday warned against any attempt to destabilize security in the Persian Gulf region.

In a meeting with visiting Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, Khamenei stressed the importance of tightening security in the Persian Gulf, adding all regional countries will benefit from a secure region, according to the satellite Press TV.

"However, all countries in the region will become insecure and suffer from insecurity if regional security is undermined," he was quoted as saying.

Both the Iranian leader and the Qatari emir highlighted the significance of maintaining unity among Shiite and Sunni Muslims in the region, reported Press TV.

Al-Thani praised relations between Tehran and Doha, saying "the two countries have always enjoyed similar political stances," according to the report.

He expressed hope the two countries will further promote relations in other fields.

Heading a high-ranking delegation, the Qatari emir arrived in Tehran on Monday for an official one-day visit, who is scheduled to meet with senior Iranian officials and discuss bilateral relations and the latest regional developments.

Source: Xinhua
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