中国富人狂买奢侈品 Recovering rich spur pace of sales

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 21:26:38

On a recent bright autumn afternoon, a Chinese couple – she wrapped in furs, he in Louis Vuitton scarf – emerged from Pisa Orologeria, the exclusive watch boutique, in Milan’s luxury shopping district.

近日一个秋高气爽的下午,一对中国夫妇——女的全身裹着皮草,男的系一条路易维登(Louis Vuitton)围巾——出现在米兰奢侈品购物区一家名为Pisa Orologeria的手表精品专卖店。

Flanked by a Chinese translator, a store assistant and a security guard, the couple scanned the shop windows and settled on a Roger Dubuis Excalibur Double Tourbillon jewellery watch for him. Then they turned their attention to Patek Philippe ladies’ watches. All told, a shopping trip worth at least €250,000 ($344,621).

在一位中文翻译、一名专卖店员工和一位保安的陪同下,夫妻俩仔细看过橱窗里的展示品,最终决定给丈夫买一块罗杰杜彼(Roger Dubuis) Excalibur系列双陀飞轮镶宝石腕表(Double Tourbillon jewellery watch),而后他们又把目光投向了百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)女表系列。合计下来,这一趟购物至少花费了25万欧元(约344621美元)。

Visits by customers such as these are a large part of the reason behind the unexpectedly strong growth in the luxury goods industry, and especially the watches and jewellery segment, as the world’s rich emerge from the financial crisis.


Moreover, many industry experts believe consumers from China, which overtook the US last year as the biggest destination for watches, will be an even greater reason behind the sustained growth of hard luxury next year too.


Scilla Huang Sun, head of equities at Zurich-based Swiss & Global, considers demand from these consumers as one of the main reasons investors should continue to take a look at the sector.

总部位于苏黎世的瑞士及环球资产管理公司(Swiss & Global)证券主管黄意芝(Scilla Huang Sun)认为,来自这些消费者的需求是投资者应该继续关注该领域的主要原因之一。

Even as share prices have risen by as much as 50 per cent for some luxury goods companies this year, Ms Huang Sun believes demand from China will keep the sector attractive in 2011 as well.


The latest Swiss data show that a third of Swiss watches are sold in China, and the strengthening of the renminbi over the past weeks mean that still more Chinese will find it attractive to buy watches while travelling.


“In the first six months of 2010, exports to Greater China grew by 49 per cent. The market is booming,” Ms Huang Sun says.


After a 10 per cent rise in 2010, the $168bn global luxury market is seen returning to its usual 3 to 5 per cent growth rates next year, according to Altagamma, the Italian luxury goods foundation.


This relative slowdown has spawned caution from investors, and some companies, including Richemont, the world’s second largest luxury goods group, believe business will become tougher next year.


However, within that, the watches and jewellery segment is seen as remaining strong and even gaining momentum in the second half of 2011, when other parts of the luxury goods industry are expected to slow.


Demand for hard luxury – watches, jewellery, pens and lighters – is expected to grow by 8.5 per cent in 2011, with sales up a further 9.5 per cent in the past six months of the year, according to Altagamma.


Jon Cox of Kepler Capital Markets shares the view that next year “demand will remain robust” within the watches segment.

开普勒资本市场(Kepler Capital Markets)的乔恩•柯克斯(Jon Cox)对此表示赞同,他认为明年手表行业的“需求将保持强劲”。

“Swiss watches have captured the imagination of the Chinese in Asia. Asians are also buying watches in France and North America and the lower currency is helping tourists to buy a watch and bring it home,” he says.


“Next year I’d expect we will see ongoing growth, and the three major watch companies – Swatch Group, Rolex and Richemont – are all well placed.”


Mr Cox disagrees with the view that the rebound in sales in 2010 was due predominantly to wholesale restocking after a barren year in 2009.


“I don’t see why there would be such a sudden deterioration because the economic situation is much better in Asia than in the developed world,” he says, adding that retail data from Singapore, Hong Kong and mainland China shows growth from the end consumer.


All this is good news for behemoths such as Richemont, owner of Cartier and Jaeger-LeCoultre, LVMH and Swatch as well as the smaller Swiss producers such as Roger Dubuis, a boutique house founded only in 1995, that are already reaping the rewards of a strong year.


For Swatch, 44 per cent of sales come from all of Asia, 28 per cent of them from China. This compares with 46 per cent of sales from Asia for the Richemont, 35 per cent from the region for LVMH and 43 per cent for the Gucci Group.


Richemont last month forecast significantly better first-half profits because of sharply higher sales in the first five months of the year. Its specialist watch brands, led by upmarket Vacheron Constantin and Jaeger-LeCoultre, proved strongest, with unadjusted sales up 40 per cent. Jewellery, including the Van Cleef & Arpels brand, rose 32 per cent.

由于今年头5个月销售火爆,历峰10月份预测,公司上半年的利润将大幅飙升。其旗下由高端品牌江诗丹顿(Vacheron Constantin)与积家领衔的主打名表表现最为强劲,未作调整的销售额飙升了40%,而包括梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)品牌在内的珠宝销售则增长了32%。

As with rivals LVMH and Swatch Group, its business in Asia proved particularly buoyant. Sales were up 51 per cent in the period, or 36 per cent adjusted for currencies and acquisitions. Europe and the Americas were resilient, while Japan was up 4 per cent on an adjusted basis.


While luxury sales in the US, still by far the world’s biggest luxury market even since the financial crisis, tend to tilt towards the relatively lower cost aspirational luxury segment, in China luxury consumers buy the priciest goods. The same goes for consumers from the Middle East, also a focus for hard luxury sales.

即便遭遇了金融危机,美国仍是全球最大的奢侈品市场。虽然美国的奢侈品销售往往向价位较低的引领型奢侈品行业(aspirational luxury segment)倾斜,但中国的消费者专买最贵的奢侈品。中东的消费者也是如此,专注于硬奢侈品。

Last month, LVMH, the world’s biggest luxury goods company by sales, reported a 14 per cent increase in like-for-like sales in the first nine months of the year. Watches and jewellery showed the strongest growth, up 29 per cent on a reported basis.


The strong increases prompted Swatch Group, which makes watches from the simple Swatch to handmade Breguets, to reinforce its hope for record sales and earnings for 2010. Swatch said growth had continued to be “solid” in July across all of its activities and regions.


Nevertheless, some experts remain cautious, in part due to volatile currency movements.


Johann Rupert, Richemont group executive chairman and chief executive, has warned that the past year’s momentum might not be maintained.

历峰执行主席兼首席执行官约翰•鲁珀特(Johann Rupert)已发出警告,过去一年的增长势头或许无法继续下去。

Richemont, which produces mainly in Switzerland, would be hurt by exchange rates, given the surge in the Swiss franc against the euro – its reporting currency – and the dollar.


Mr Rupert says sales in Asia and the Middle East “continue to expand”, but performance in other regions remains below the record levels of 2008-09.


Still, industry experts say that pressure will be cushioned by the pricing flexibility enjoyed by luxury goods companies. Some watch manufacturers have already pushed up prices by about 10 per cent, allowing them to offset the currency swings.


Luca Solca, a senior analyst at Bernstein Research, says trading momentum is favouring companies with higher exposure to emerging markets.

伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)高级分析师卢卡•索尔卡(Luca Solca)称,交易势头有利于那些与新兴国家市场联系更为紧密的公司。

He says this coincides with recent research from the Boston Consulting Group that shows the emerging market consumer’s perception of the macro-economic picture is materially better, and purchase intentions are materially higher US or European consumers.

他表示,这与波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)最近公布的调研报告不谋而合。报告表明,新兴市场的消费者对宏观经济状况的看法明显更为乐观,购买欲望也比欧美消费者要强烈得多。

Moreover, Mr Solca expects retail stores for hard luxury to expand by about 20 per cent by 2011 with most of that expansion coming in China. Chinese consumers such as the well-dressed couple in Milan, will soon have more opportunities to shop closer to home too.
