
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 03:45:54
Tomson Hotel, the first five-star hotel in the Pudong New Area, has hosted a large number of domestic and foreign guests.

Shanghai Museum, one of the largest in China, has a collection of over 5,000 Chinese traditional paintings.

Exports from Shanghai, the nation’s industrial hub, to Europe and North America are on the rise.单句:
The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role in expanding the tourist market and in turn promoting the economic and social development.

The boom in the Pudong office market is due to the concentration of
high-quality buildings in certain areas and the implementation of preferential policies by the government to boost the sales and leasing of those properties.

The further economic globalization and the rapid advance of science and technology have presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.

China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas.

Over the past two decades and more, China has deepened the reform of its economic system, visibly increased its overall national strength and steadily expanded its foreign economic cooperation and trade.




It is said the foreign people can never understand why the Chinese people should keep their remote controller of the televisions in a sheath. We believe there are mainly three reasons. First, the remote controller is something mysterious and great asking for pious protection; secondly, it is something vulnerable. The Chinese families are characterized by their large number of children who are not so respectful towards the remote controller; thirdly, the remote controller is believed to be something inseparable with the television, and thus can not be afforded to lose. Fourthly, the remote controller can not bear the least contamination of oil while the Chinese people like to watch television when eating. The sheath for the remote controller, a symbol for the particular status in China, offers a good evidence for China on its way to the well-off country.

The Shanghai in 2003 is no longer a city with nothing but a good
history. After it succeeded in winning the bidding for the holding of the Expo 2010, the Shanghai of today is a city full of vitality and well on its way ahead. The nostalgia(reminiscence) that used to sink inits residents has naturally become invisible here in Shanghai, now a real international city offering dreams for more and more immigrants. Comparatively, Beijing, enjoyed its prime time in the years 2001 and 2002 when its city proper was expanded until the 6th ring road. Given that,it is quite easy to understand why Beijing is rather nostalgic(reminiscent)about its prosperous past.

Because of the poor environment of market and the resultant
underdevelopment market, the home brands can not compete with those foreign ones yet. LOGO is something taking the value of the product being advertised. The LOGO “IBM” reminds people of the expensive and high-quality computer. That is mainly because the success of “IBM” makes the consumers attribute more to the LOGO “IBM”. The plainness also reflects the poor position taken by the Chinese brands in competition.


Surveys suggest that with the implementation of consumer credit policy, the demand for refrigerators will grow among urban and rural residents in Shanghai

The demand for computers is predicted to grown considerably with the wide application of electronic networks.

The insurance market is expected to boom with the entry of various commercial insurance into urban families.

Nokia best Motorola last year as the world’s top mobile phone maker with a market capital of around US $ 100 billion.

Most computer, telecommunication companies in Shanghai are joint ventures with heavy investment and advanced technologies.

The demand for color TVs will explode in China, with the largest increase in rural areas.




Whether you have noticed or not, automobile has slided into your life. Whether you have possessed a car or not, it has become your dream. Now, the automobile is not only representative of a vehicle with four wheels, but a new life attitude. However, automobile advertisement is also not simple just like that there must be a road in mountain, there must be cars on the road. Single saling a car will not attract more poeple, so automobile manufacturers will sale you a new life way associated with the cars before saling a car. .现在电子贺卡凭借免费、环保和传送迅捷等优势,成为上网一族的首选。
The electronic cards are the favorite with Web users with their advantages of being free in charge, being environmentally-friendly and being fast in delivery.

Thailand is Asia’s largest production base for pirated CDs, with an annual production of 60 million copies.

Shanghai government has issued a new policy on registered permanent residence for qualified non-Shanghai residents with the aim of accelerating economic and social development.

By 2050, the old people in China will reach 400 million, accounting for on fifth that of the world.

There are 400 million mobile phones in use globally with another 250,000 new users added every day.

The walkman has been selling well for two decades since its introduction, with 200 million having been sold globally.





1.译文:The fact that private cars are competing with commodity houses to be the first consideration in peoples consumption itself shows that the traditional idea of sticking to a certain place is challenged. The purchase of commodity houses is a kind of inflation proof investment. By limiting people in an isolated space, houses provide a type of conservative lifestyle. The purchase of private cars, however, is greatly different in that the private cars can easily take people to remoter places and into larger societies to have a wider communication in the city, no matter socially or spiritually, although the cars begin to devalue the very moment people buy them.

2.译文:To charge for the use of email boxes has become a practice well accepted. That is in sharp contrast with the past when the various websites were blamed fiercely by the netizens simply because these websites attempted to charge the email box services. The cyber games operators followed a different way by charging for their service the very moment the players begin to use them. Despite of the existence of some bad operators, the players are satisfied with most operators and are ready to pay for their consumption.
Websites are fully confident of the attraction of their games. The only worry of us is that you do not want to try the cyber games, because you can never give it up once you have begun.Li Ciquan, general manager of Yiquan said.

3.译文:SMS enjoys the greatest revolution in
Japan. Sociologists and psychologists are shocked at the scene down in the subway or up on the streets in Tokyo: thousands of people, the young with their hair dyed in different colors, the housewives tending for the whole family, and the salarymen with their serious appearance, are busy with their pressing on the buttons of the various mobile phones.After getting to the platform provides by DoCoMo, the mobile operator, they can, on the net, chat, send or receive emails, exchange photos, listen to music, have fortune-telling, play games, make appointments, or even buy flowers or sell stocks. In fact, SMS ceases to be something merely fashionable. Instead, it offers one of the best ways of communication, entertainment and lifestyle. 1.美国两家国际性通信公司合并,对处于霸主地位的AT&T公司构成威胁。
The two US international communication corporations merged, challenging the dominant AT&T Corp.

The combination of the Internet and wireless communications will further revolutionize our lives, creating what is called a “wireless information society.”

Benefiting from rapid international and domestic economic growth and the policy of expanding exports, foreign trade maintained high growth.

Tiantan (the Temple Heaven), first built in 1420, is a masterpiece of
traditional Chinese architecture.

The picturesque Xishuang Banna, surrounded by green mountains covered with sub-tropical trees and vegetation, is located in a large flat valley bordering on the Lantsang River.

To speed up the economic growth and become an international metropolis (a cosmopolis), Shanghai is pay close attention to the global developments.



Today, a new generation of white-collars, who work in the buildings of nearly 100-year history in Bund, is undoubtedly the upper class of the elites in Shanghai. Those with the salary more than 6000 or 7000 yuan can be found everywhere, and also include the ones reaching about 10 thousand yuan. Most of them are handsome boys and pretty girls. Together with that the Shanghai has the tradition of paying attention to life quality, and most of the Shanghai have one child, only using one half of their salary, could those white-collars unrestrained make high expense without considering giving money to their parents. 1.世界各种文明和社会制度,应取长补短,共同发展。
Different civilizations and social systems should draw upon and benefit from each other to achieve common development.

We will use science, technology and education to increase trade and follow a strategy of diversifying markets to increase imports and exports.

Carrying out the strategy for western development to accelerate the development of the central and western regions is a major step taken to achieve the strategic goals of the third stage of the country’s modernization.

Globalization is a powerful force that stimulates economic growth, and holds great promises for delivering higher living standards to people and improving social well-being for APEC communities.

The Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world, is 6,300 kilometers long with a basin of 1.8 million square kilometers.

Raising the people’s living standards in both urban and rural areas is the basic goal of our economic development and a crucial factor for expanding domestic demand and stimulating sustained economic growth.



Obviously, those who were born in 70s of 20th century are the generation connecting between the preceding and following. Now, they are standing in a splitting gap, jumping from one block to anothe, growing up with every step in company with the formation of a new block, and every link embeded in times advancing wheels. Perhaps, as the lifes have a characteristic that the more variable environment they grow up, the stronger vitality they develop, the 70s at least have the strong ablility for adaptation and subsistence. 1.


With the acceleration of national economic growth and the effective
implementation of policies on expanding domestic demand, consumer confidence was strengthened and commodity sales in the domestic market increased steadily.



Chinese culture is the tie that keeps the entire Chinese People close at heart, and it also constitutes an important basis for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.



The eastern coastal areas take the lead in economic development, taking full advantage of their own strengths, while the central and western regions are relatively backward.



China does not seek hegemony now and will not seek hegemony in future when it grows stronger.



Seen as a business with great potential for growth, the real estate market has boomed since the State Council abolished the welfare housing system.


中国入世是历史性的发展,有助于使 WTO成为名副其实的全球性组织,并加固全球经济合作的基础。

China’s membership in the WTO is a historic development that not only helps make the WTO a truly world organization but also reinforces the underpinnings for global economic cooperation.



Micdoland has not only brought Chinese a new way of having meal,but also made them accept a new behavior manner.The result shows that while they accepted the Micdoland quick meal, they also accpeted the foreign culture of meal with it.The culture is expressed by a warm pure yellow and this made the Chinese be unanimous.What's more,it appears to try to mix the Chinese food and the Micdoland meal.We could see them in any big cities. They use orange as its colour,just like red with yellow.Experts work out that orange is the best colour to make people have a good diet. That's why so many restuarant ,which mix local ones and foreign ones,make a balance between them.

Shanghai, a vigorous cosmopolitan city, is witnessing profound changes in the housing conditions for the local residents.

A major change in the market disposition pattern has given rise to a fresh round of color TV price war among home TV

Hong Kong’s return marks the great success of the concept of “one country, two systems.”


