Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bedbugs ...

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Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bedbugs :NPR

Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bedbugs...

The bedbug is sometimes called the"perfect parasite."

"They bite you while you're sleeping and the bites are painless,"explains entomologist Michael Potter. Potter, who works at theUniversity of Kentucky and specializes in pest management, says thereare several reasons bedbugs are more insidious than other parasites suchas lice, fleas and ticks.

"Bedbugs don't stay on the host — they scurry away to their hiddenharborages that are far from obvious," he tells Fresh Air'sTerry Gross. "And then on top of all of that, people react to bedbugbites differently. Some don't react at all; others' reactions aredelayed until days or weeks later. So it's a very efficient critter fromthe standpoint of doing its business and creating a lot of anxiety interms of what's happening."

EnlargeCourtesy of MichaelPotter

Bedbugs are more likely to inhabit a bed thananywhere else because, as Michael Potter says, "Why crawl further thanyou have to for your next meal?"

Courtesy of Michael Potter

Bedbugs are more likely to inhabit a bed thananywhere else because, as Michael Potter says, "Why crawl further thanyou have to for your next meal?"

What's happening when a bedbug bites a person is tricky, he explains,because initially a human may not even realize he or she has beenbitten.

"They inject both an anti-coagulant, which allows a bedbug to extractblood from a human, and also a sort of anesthetizing agent, whichallows the bite to be painless," Potter explains. "That's a goodsurvival mechanism because if you woke up and felt the pain, not toomany bedbugs would survive to feed another day."

Potter says that not only have bedbugs survived, they've thrived. Inrecent years, the tiny critters have moved beyond homes and hotels —affecting many different types of facilities, including collegedormitories, homeless shelters, nursing homes, office buildings,hospitals, schools and day cares, movie theaters, modes oftransportation, laundromats, retail stores, libraries and camps.

Though bedbugs are certainly appearing more frequently than they usedto, Potter says it's important to have a healthy attitude about theinfestation.

EnlargeCourtesy of MichaelPotter

Michael Potter has a B.S. in entomology fromCornell University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in entomology from theUniversity of Arizona.


"We're still in the early stages of bedbugs showing up in these lessconventional places like clothing stores and libraries and movietheaters," he says. "People should probably be unconcerned aboutencountering bedbugs in those types of places at this point. Is itpossible? Certainly it's possible. But what's happening is the newsmedia attention focusing on these isolated infestations here and therecreates a huge concern among people and I think we have to keep a bit ofthis in perspective."

Michael Potter is a professor of entomology at the University ofKentucky. He was previously the national technical director for Orkin,the world's largest pest control company. Recently, Pest ControlTechnology Magazine named him one of the 25 Most Influential Peoplein the Pest Control Industry.










波特说,这些床虱不但容易存活,而且发展兴旺。近些年来,这些小小的寄生虫不仅仅在家里,旅馆里猖獗,而且一直繁衍到了各类场所,像大学宿舍,救助中心,养老院,办公楼,医院,学校,托儿所,电影院,各式交通工具, 自助洗衣店,超市,图书馆以及露营地,它们无处不在。


“在一些场所例如时装店,图书馆和电影院,床虱们还是不多的。” 他告诉我们,“人们现在并不需要为这些地方有床虱而大为担心。那可能吗?这当然是可以做到的。但因为媒体的大肆报道这种孤立的寄生虫,在人群中间出现了许多的焦虑和恐慌,我认为这是值得商榷的。”


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