卷丹百合 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 23:01:34

Lilium lancifolium 卷丹百合 Tiger Lily泰格利利 Scientific classification 科学分类 Kingdom:王国: Plantae 植物界
(unranked): (纲): Angiosperms 被子植物
(unranked): (纲): Monocots 单子叶植物
Order:订购: Liliales Liliales
Family:家庭: Liliaceae 百合科
Genus:属: Lilium 百合
Species:种: lancifolium 卷丹
Binomial name 二项式名称 Lilium lancifolium 卷丹百合
Thunb. 藤。

Lilium lancifolium (syn. L. tigrinum ) is a species of lily native to northern and eastern Asia , including Japan . 卷丹百合 (又称属tigrinum)是一种百合原产于北部和东部地区 ,包括日本 。 It is one of several species of lily to which the common name Tiger lily is applied, and is the species most widely known by this name.这是一种百合,以其中的几个常见的名称泰格利利应用,并以此名义物种的最广为人知。


  • 1 Growth 1 增长
  • 2 Cultivation and uses 2 栽培与利用
  • 3 Sub-species 3 亚种
  • 4 See also 4 参见
  • 5 References 5 参考资料
  • 6 External links 6 外部链接

[ edit ] Growth [ 编辑 ] 生长

Like other true lilies, the flowers are borne on an erect stem 80–200 cm tall, clothed with the more or less linear leaves 6–9 cm long and 1–2 cm broad.像其他真正的百合花,该是在一个直立茎承担80-200厘米高,线性披上或多或少留下 6-9厘米长1-2厘米宽。 It is one of a very small number of species that produce aerial bulblets , known as bulbils , in the leaf axils along the stem.这是一个空中的物种产生一个非常小的数目小鳞茎 ,已知珠芽茎,叶腋处沿叶。 These can be used to propagate the plant.这些可以被用来传播的植物。 Flowers on the plant last for a short period of time before they wither and are replaced by newer flowers.鲜花为一个很短的时间内植物枯萎,最后才由新花取代。

[ edit ] Cultivation and uses [ 编辑 ] 栽培与利用

It is cultivated in Asia for its edible bulbs .它种植在亚洲的食用灯泡 。 It is also grown as an ornamental plant for its bold flowers, and has become naturalised in parts of North America .这也是成长为一个观赏植物以果敢的鲜花,并已成为归化的部分北美

While most parts of the plant are edible for humans, the pollen is considered poisonous.虽然大部分地区的植物为人类食用,被认为是有毒的花粉。 All parts of the plant are toxic to cats, resulting in kidney failure in a few days after eating it.工厂的所有部件都是有毒的猫,导致肾功能衰竭几天后吃了。

[ edit ] Sub-species [ 编辑 ] 亚种

Named sub-species in cultivation include;命名分在栽培品种包括;

  • flaviflorum (Makino) , yellow flowers. flaviflorum(牧野),黄色的花朵。
  • fortunei (Matthews) , large form with woolly stems, 扶芳藤(马修),与羊毛大形式茎,
  • splendens (Matthews) , vigorous plant with larger flowers. 芨芨草(马修),积极与大花植物。

[ edit ] See also [ 编辑 ] 参见

  • List of edible flowers 食用花卉名单