A case study of motivational design (4)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/12 05:42:15
Table 1. Motivational Analysis of "The Secret of Aunt Mariko"动机分析
(+) Novelty effect by utilizing multimedia to realize a previously unencountered learning environment利用多媒体来实现一个先前没有遇到过的学习环境的新颖性影响。
(+) Sustaining attention by presenting problems frequently通过不断地提出问题来维持注意。
(+) Curiosity aroused by the mystery of the grand story通过整个故事的神秘性激起好奇;
(+) Variability by unanticipated happening such as being called on by pizza delivery通过一些未曾估计到的事情例如速递的拜访等多样性(变化性)
(+) Avoiding boredom by dividing a long grand story into daily substories通过将一个很长的大故事分成每日的小故事,来避免产生厌烦感
(-) Technological complexity to be unrecognizable so that it can be seen as "Nothing new" or "TV without sharpness" for the users不易被识别的技术的复杂性以便使其能够被看作是对使用者没有什么新鲜或没有什么锋芒的电视节目。
(+) Familiarity by concrete scenes with on site filming通过将场景与每个影片的场景相结合,体现相似性
(+) Instrumentality by being able to listen to English conversation that leads to uncover the mystery通过听英语对话来解开这种神秘的工具性
(+) Match to the interest of potential users by showing everyday life of studying abroad通过介绍国外学习的日常生活来迎合有潜能的学习者的兴趣。
(-) Preventing from enjoying the study process by a lengthy waiting time for accessing visuals from the videodisc通过进入光盘的视觉画面需要长时间的等待来阻止其享受学习的过程。
(+) Avoiding to remember failure experiences of studying English by making the learning aspect invisible通过不可见的学习过程来避免学生记得学习英语的失败的经验。
(+) Fear exclusion by providing multiple chances after a failure失败后的多种选择消除了学生的恐惧感
(+) Anxiety reduction by offering detailed orientation on how to play the game通过提供有关进行游戏的细节性的指示来减少学生的焦虑。
(+) Personal control by letting a low score user choose either to give up the quest, or to proceed with knowing that the possibility of getting murdered becomes greater通过允许一个低分数的使用者选择是放弃追求还是在知道失败的可能性可能越来越大的情况下继续进行来实施个人控制。
(+) Personal control of pacing by frequent interactions without long presentations of learning materials没有学习材料的大篇陈述的频繁交互来进行个人控制。
(-) Limited personal control with not being able to decide the flow and consequences of the story不能决定故事的进展和结果来局限个人控制。
(-) No direct mechanism provided to inform user of the goal or improvement relating his/her listening comprehension skill没有直接的机械设备来通知使用者与其听力理解水平相关的目标或改进。
(+) Immediate reinforcement for the responses by providing the result at once通过马上提供结果对其反映进行及时的强化。
(+) Reward mechanism by solving mystery解决神秘感的奖励机制
(+) Multiple consequences depending upon the user‘s performance by having different endings for different scores根据使用者的表现产生多样化的结果,即不同的结局给予不同的分数
Table 2. Some observations of motivational design process of this project 项目动机设计过程的观察资料
(+) Novelty effect would enhance Attention.新颖性影响能够强化动机。
(-) Because this project is innovative, it is difficult to anticipate users‘ characteristics as to which of four aspects motivates potential users.由于该项目是革新性的,所以很难预期到是那方面的特征激发了那些有潜力的使用者。
(+) The story with many happenings would be effective focusing on sustaining Attention.拥有许多事件的故事能够有效地维持学生的注意。
(-) Due to difficulty of defining users‘ characteristics and due to the fact that this project focuses on enhancing motivational characteristics of the product, it is hard to avoid overdose of motivational strategies.由于确定学习者特征的困难较大,以及这个项目本身以强化产品的动机特征为重点的状况,所以很难避免过度地使用动机策略。
(-) It is difficult to specify which of the four categories is selectively emphasized.很难详述这四个方面中哪个应该被强调。
(+) Revisions have been made based on the inputs from within the project.根据项目内的投入来进行修订
(+) Empirical data have been collected to make future revisions of the product.应该收集一些经验性的数据来进行产品的未来修订
(-) It is hard to judge the completeness of the final product due to the lack of existing courseware of this sort.很难判断最终产品的完整性因为缺少这方面的课件。
(-) It is possible to affect users‘ motivation not only by the courseware itself, but also by the characteristics of the setting of evaluation study. 不仅课件本身,而且评价研究的设备特征也可能会影响使用者的动机
Table 3. Rules of expert judgments on game design 游戏设计的专家判断原则
(Screen Design)屏幕设计
#Use a simple display design with distinctive features stood up.使用一些简单的包含有一些有特色的特征的显示设计。
#Emphasize the critical factor of game advancement.强调游戏前进性是一个关键的因素。
#Vary substories in difficulty levels, suspension factors, content seriousness, and mix them to create a rhythm.使各个小故事在难度水平,终止的方面,内容的严重性方面呈现多样性,并将他们混合以组成一个有节律的故事。
#Show users the goal, but have deep process toward the goal.像使用者呈现目标,但是实现目标需要一定的过程。
#Have the user an experience of game over or they don‘t understand the critical rules of the game.使用者需要有一些游戏的经验否则他们就不能理解游戏的关键性规则。
#Do not expect the user to have navigation skills in interactive environment. Train them at the outset or explain how to.不要期望使用者在交互的环境中拥有导航的技能。在出口处训练他们或者向他们阐释如何做。
#Provide user with either regularity as in series, or novelty.向使用者呈现序列的规则性或者是新颖性。
#Differentiate from other products and emphasize the difference.区分其他的产品,强调之间的差异。
#Build a concrete prototype for multimedia products to facilitate communications among members with various backgrounds制作一个具体的多媒体产品原型方便与具有各种背景的人进行交流。
#Make a visual design first to provoke images, then do interactions.进行视频设计,首先是图片,然后是交互。
#Use/Develop a tool to link multimedia data to computer program.开发一种连接多媒体数据和计算机程序的工具。
#Adjust the balance among multimedia parts, after linking them.连接后,在多媒体部分调整平衡。
#Adjust the game difficulty level thoroughly during the field test.在整个测试考查过程中彻底地调整整个游戏的难度水平。
#Check if users are dipped into the world of game, by weaving out contradictions, unnatural assumptions, unfriendly interface, etc.检查使用者是否进入了游戏世界,通过编织矛盾,人工设想和非友好界面等。