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博客步入主流在美国已经是事实,如今许多重大的消息都是来源于博客。那么有关博客世界的消息,当然不会首先来自博客之外。美国东部时间2003年2月15日晚上7:41,所有媒体包括当事者都还未正式发布任何新闻,硅谷最著名的IT专栏作家,也是最著名的IT博客之一Dan Gillmor,在他的个人博客网站发布了一个惊人的消息:全球最大搜索引擎公司Google购并了全球最大的博客托管服务网站Blogger.com的母公司Pyra实验室,题目为:博客步入辉煌时代。



Evan Williams

Pyra是最早开发博客软件的公司之一,“我激动得无以言表,”Pyra创始人Evan Williams表示说,“Pyra终于有了资源可以向我们多年来努力追求的目标挺进了”。因为公司曾经几经生死。尽管用户火爆,但是由于缺乏收入,三个创始人中的两个已经被迫离开公司。有一段时间,公司就剩Williams一个人,办公室就是他自己的家。都如果不是Trellix公司相助,甚至都已经破产。Williams没有透露本次购并的细节,包括购并的价格。他只说协议是周四签订,周六向Dan Gillmor透露。

Pyra仅仅成立3年半,它开发的博客软件已经有110万注册用户,Williams估计其中有20万用户积极活跃地建设自己的博客网站。这些用户都寄居在Blogspot.com之下,类似于主机托管。一个只要具备申请邮件的互联网用户,可以在2分钟之内,就申请注册一个完全属于自己的博客网站。目前,绝大多数用户是免费的,需要高级服务的用户才收费,高级用户每年交费35美元。目前其他还有一些公司提供博客软件产品和服务,针对个人应用与企业博客应用。著名的有Blogger Pro、UserLand的Radio和Trellix的软件。


这个由Dan“爆出”的新闻,几乎成为博客们人人谈论的话题。另一位博客界的大腕Dave Winer是在前往机场,检查邮件时得知的,他把这个新闻称为是一颗“炸弹”(bombshell)。他认为这肯定会改变博客世界,同时也会改变Google的搜索引擎。不过,他脑子也一时反应不过来,“我当然会在今天的飞机上好好想想。”


博客Anil Dash持另外观点,他的题目为“2003:Google的第一个失误”。他认为Google从来没有提供过需要用户参与并付费的服务,根本不懂其中奥妙。的确,Google曾经购并了新闻组服务公司Deja,但是Deja几乎托管了所有的新闻组,而Blogger.com仅仅是诸多提供博客服务的领先者而已。此举也只能使Blogger.com因此止步,而那些竞争对手将获得长远的胜利。



2003-02-17 21:45:38Slashdot:Google正在加紧构建自己的Internet王朝,他们丝毫不放过在WEB上出现的任何新兴动向。就在Blogger们改变传统的媒体传播方式,以个人的和交互性的Blog成为新一代的信息源泉的时候,Google却已经先先下手为强,收购了Blog届的代表公司之一-Pyra Labs。



Google表示虽然他们已经收编了Pyra但是他们还没有想好如何使用这重要的资源。但是作为一个公平和客观的搜索引擎,Google不应该在检索Blog站点内容时有任何的偏向。因为同Blogspot.com一样,还有Movable Type和UserLand Radio这样的blogger门户网站。

在Blog的内容显的越来越重要的时代,google的收购之举无疑会给在艰难之中前进的Pyra足够的资源。不过有了一个航空母舰的支持的同时,是不是Evan Williams会失去方向。Blog是一个个人化和主观化的东西,不该也不能随着商业而失去这杆旗帜。

本次购并引发的讨论和评论,还没有时间来得及在传统媒体和网络媒体展开,但是博客世界已经闹翻了天,下面是Dan Gillmor刚刚更新的几条:

  • Nick Denton asks: "Will Google use weblog links to improve Google News?" I asked Google’s spokesman roughly the same question, but got no answer. Stay tuned, he said, because the company is just starting to figure out how it’s going to use this stuff.
  • Anil Dash doubts that it’s a good fit.
  • Rick Bruner calls it an excellent fit.
  • Azeem Azhar envisions (among other things) an interesting media play.
  • Shelley Powers sees centralization of data, not just search.
  • Jeff Jarvis thinks Google is too smart to play favorites in blog searches. Note: Jeff’s company was an investor in Pyra; smart folks.
  • Matt Webb thinks Google is building Memex.
  • Chinese bloggers discuss the news, in Chinese, of course.
  • Metafilter thread.
  • Slashdot thread.
  • Henry Copeland is sure Dave Winer will win this Long Bet.
  • Mitch Ratcliffe remembers a conversation last fall when Google’s Sergey Brin asked all kinds of good questions about blogging. I have a feeling that lunch table will be a footnote in the official history of blogging; it’ll certainly be in the book I’m working on...
    • Dan Gillmor本人的文章分析如下:

    February 15, 2003
    Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time
    ? posted by Dan Gillmor 07:41 PM
    permanent link to this item

    NOTE: This is a slightly edited version of a special column running in tomorrow’s San Jose Mercury News. We’re posting it early to get the story out.

    Weblogs are going Googling.

    Google, which runs the Web’s premier search site, has purchased Pyra Labs, a San Francisco company that created some of the earliest technology for writing weblogs, the increasingly popular personal and opinion journals.

    The buyout is a huge boost to an enormously diverse genre of online publishing that has begun to change the equations of online news and information. Weblogs are frequently updated, with items appearing in reverse chronological order (the most recent postings appear first). Typically they include links to other pages on the Internet, and the topics range from technology to politics to just about anything you can name. Many weblogs invite feedback through discussion postings, and weblogs often point to other weblogs in an ecosystem of news, opinions and ideas.

    "I couldn’t be more excited about this," said Evan Williams, founder of Pyra, a company that has had its share of struggles. He wouldn’t discuss terms of the deal, which he said was signed on Thursday, when we spoke Saturday. But he did say it gives Pyra the "resources to build on the vision I’ve been working on for years."

    Part of that vision, shared by other blogging pioneers, has been to help democratize the creation and flow of news in a world where giant companies control so much of what most people see, hear and read. Weblogs are also becoming a valuable communication tool for groups of people, and have begun to infiltrate the corporate, university and government spheres.

    Just three and a half years old, Pyra’s Blogger software has 1.1 million registered users, Williams said. He estimated that about 200,000 of them are actively running weblogs. Pyra charges for some higher-capability services not available in the base configuration, but most of its registered users don’t pay.

    Google is known best for its search capabilities, but the Pyra buyout isn’t the company’s first foray into creating or buying Internet content. Two years ago Google bought Deja.com, a company that had collected and continued to update Usenet "newsgroups," Internet discussion forums. More recently, it created Google News, a site that gauges the collective thoughts of more than 4,000 news sites on the Net.

    But now Google will surge to the forefront of what David Krane, the company’s director of corporate communications, called "a global self-publishing phenomenon that connects Internet users with dynamic, diverse points of view while also enabling comment and participation."

    "We’re thrilled about the many synergies and future opportunities between our two companies," he said in a statement on Saturday. He didn’t elaborate further on what those synergies and opportunities might be, but said more details would emerge soon. Users of the Blogger software and hosting service won’t see any immediate changes, he added.

    For Williams and his five co-workers, now Google employees, the immediate impact will be to put their blog-hosting service, called Blog*Spot, on the vast network of server computers Google operates. This will make the service more reliable and robust.

    How Google manages the Blogger software and Pyra’s hosting service may present some tricky issues. The search side of Google indexes weblogs from all of the major blogging platforms, including Movable Type and Userland Radio. Any hint of proprietary favoritism would meet harsh criticism.

    Blogging was moving mainstream even before this buyout. Several weblogs draw a large readership, and bloggers demonstrated their collective power to keep an issue alive even when the traditional media miss the story, as former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott discovered to his dismay late last year.

    Major technology companies are seeing the potential. Tripod, the consumer web-publishing unit of Terra Lycos, recently introduced a "Blog Builder" tool. America Online is expected to do something similar, and no one will be surprised if Yahoo and Microsoft do the same. Are more buyouts of blog toolmakers in the offing?

    Developers of blogging software have been finding user-friendly ways to help readers of weblogs and other information find and collect material from a variety of sites. It’s in this arena that the Google-Pyra deal may have the most implications.

    More than most Web companies, Google has grasped the distributed nature of the online world, and has seen that the real power of cyberspace is in what we create collectively. We are beginning to see that power brought to bear.


    Well, this is racing around the blogosphere, as you might expect. I’m anxious to see reactions from other weblog-tools luminaries including Dave Winer and Ben and Mena Trott. Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the commentary.
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