loon english

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 04:49:28
1.         You've/ got a/ point there.      你说的挺有道理
2.         Opportunity knocks /but once. 机不可失,时不再来 but once 连读
3.         Don't cry/ over spilt milk.      覆水难收  spilt  p—b 查证split out 分开Let’s split it. AA制。
4.         Keep it up!                   坚持一下
5.         Could you/ tell me/ where/ I can /wash my hands?   洗手间在哪里?
6.         He broke his words once again.   他又食言break one`s promise=bread one`s words keep your words  誓言
7.         I've been dying to see  you.  我想死你了
8.         This isn't a laughing matter.   Laughing 变音 梅花音。这件事不能开玩笑
9.         An idle youth, a needy age.    少壮不努力老大徒伤悲
10.     I hope/ this will/teach you/ a lesson.  我希望这个可以给你一个教训
11.     You can't take it back.    你不能反悔/你要说话算话
12.     I will /back you /up.       我会支持你的。
Always have English learning materials /with you, so you can use every spare minute to improve your English! It doesn’t matter if you’re waiting for the bus or waiting for your girlfriend to call, every minute can be used to practice crazily! Through this way, all these sentences can be fixed in your memory.