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Autism Recovery Network

Abbreviations and Definitions


ABA Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavioral therapy
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AIT Auditory Integration Therapy
APD Auditory Processing Disorder
AS Asperger's Syndrome
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ASPIE A person with Asperger's Syndrome
BBB Blood Brain Barrier
BD Behavioral Disorder
BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services
CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CARS Childhood Autism Rating Scale
CHAT Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
CLO Cod Liver Oil
CNS Central Nervous System
CP Cerebral Palsy
CSE Committee for Special Education
CST Child Study Team
DD Developmental Disabilities
DD Developmental Disorder
DH Developmentally Handicapped
DMG DiMethylGlycine-See also TMG
DS Down's Syndrome
DSM Diagnostic Statistical Manual
DSMR Diagnostic Statistical Manual (Revised)
DTT Discrete Trial Training
DX Diagnosis, diagnosed
ECT ElectroConvulsive Therapy (electroshock)
ED Emotionally Disturbed
ECG ElectroCardioGram
EEG ElectroEncephaloGram
EFA Essential Fatty Acids
EH Emotionally Handicapped
EI Early Intervention
EMH Educable Mentally Handicapped
ESE Exceptional Student Education
ESY Extended School Year
FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FC Facilitated Communication
FERPA Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
FRAX Fragile X Syndrome
FSP Family Support Plan
g/f c/f Gluten Free Casein Free
HFA High Functioning Autism
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IHP Individualized Habilitation Program
InLv Independent Living (support group)
IRWE Impairment-Related Work Expense
IQ Intelligence Quotient
LD Learning Disability, Learning Disabled
LLD Language-based Learning Disability
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
LKS Landau Kleffner Syndrome
M-D Manic Depression (Bipolar depression)
MDT Multidisciplinary Team (teacher, SLP, OT, psych and Parents! Used in reference to the group of individuals who are a part of development and implementation of an IEP).
MEG Magnetoencephalogram, used in LKS
MH Mentally Handicapped; Mentally Retarded (IQ less than 70)
MR Mental Retardation
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSDD Multi-system developmental disorder
NBD Nuerobiological Disorder
NDA Not Diagnosed with Anything
NOD Not Otherwise Defined, Often appears alot with DX by psychologists.
NOS Not Otherwise Specified, usually seen as PDD-NOS
NOS Not of Specific Origin
NT Neurologically Typical
OCD Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder
OCD Oppositional Conduct Disorder
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OT Occupational Therapist or therapy
P&A Protection & Advocacy
Part B government fund that covers education of ages 3-22, ie. school system
Part H Now Part C, government fund that covers birth to 3; Early intervention
PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PDDNOS Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified
PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PL94-142 Public Law 94-142. Education for Handicapped Children Act, Revised in 1990 to become IDEA.
PT Physical Therapist or Therapy
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
QEEG Quantitative ElectroEncephaloGram
SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder
SBH Severe Behavior Handicap
SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed
SIB Self-injurious behavior
SLP Speech Language Pathologist
SNT SuperNu Thera - by Kirkman Labs
Sped special education
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSDI Social Security Disability Income
TMG TriMethylGlycine
TMH Trainable Mentally Handicapped
TS Tourette Syndrome
TS Tuberous Sclerosis
VE Varying Exceptionalities
Voc-Ed Vocational Education
WISK 3 testing ages 7 & up
WPPSI Weschler Preschool Primary - testing for under age 6
YO Year Old

Organization Abbreviations

AMA American Medical Association
ANI Autism Network International
ANI-L The listserv (mailing list) for Autism Network International
ARC Association of Retarded Citizens
ARI Autism Research Institute
ARRI Autism Research Review International, Quarterly publication from the ARI ASA Autism Society of America
CAN Cure Autism Now
CAP Client Assistance Program administered by the Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services; provides info and assistance to individuals seeking services under the Rehabilitation Act
CH.A.D.D. Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
DAN! Defeat Autism Now!, A project of the Autism Research Institute
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center, a computer database of educational information
JADD Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
NAAR National Alliance for Autism Research
NICHCY National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
NIDS NeuroImmune Deficiency Syndrome
NIH National Institute of Health
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
SSA Social Security Administration
TEACCH Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Disorders

Internet Abbreviations

ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
FWIW For What It's Worth
BTW By The Way
GSOH Good Sense Of Humour
HTH Hope That Helps
OSOSBSU Oops, straying off subject, better shut up
LOL Laugh Out Loud
AFAIK As Far As I Know
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IOW In Other Words
:-) happy
:-( sad
:-> very happy
:-< terribly sad
:-0 laughing
:'-( crying
:-P sticking tongue out
:-O yawning
B-) I wear glasses
:-* kiss
:-o surprise
{} hugs
;-) wink
:-x say nothing
) greedy


Aphasia An impairment of the ability to use or comprehend words, usually acquired as a result of a stroke or other brain injury.
Apraxia a motor speech disorder
Applied Behavioral Analysis the systematic application of making specific consequences contingent on the child's behavior
Aspergers Syndrome HFA with advanced language skills
Aversive Controversial technique sometimes used with DTT, use of punishments
Continuum Used to describe a full range
Dyspraxia difficulty with learned patterns of movement in the absence of damage to the muscles or the nerves
Echolalia The repetition or parroting of words or phrases
expressive language the ability to express one's needs through speech, communication devices, sign language or others
extinction a term used to say a particular behavior is on a program to get rid of it
fine motor skills such as threading beads, writing or other skills with hands or feet
gross motor large muscle groups dealing with skills such as walking
hyper Having too much of something such as hyperactivity which refers to extremely energetic activity
hypo Having too little of something such as hyperactivity which refers to not being very active
inclusion placement of a child with a disability with his non-disabled peers; mainstreaming
mainstreaming placement of a child in a classroom with non-disabled peers
perseveration the practice of repeating something over and over
receptive language what language you can understand being said to you
respite trained health care workers care for your special needs children so you can get a break
self-help skills such as getting dressed and feeding oneself