
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 10:49:24
Common Abbreviations, Definitions,
Slang and Idioms Used in Autism
AAC Assistive Augmentative Communication
AANE Asperger’s Association of New England
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
ABA Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavioral therapy
ABC Autism Behavior Checklist
ABI Adaptive Behavior Inventory
ABLE Adult Basic Literacy Education
ABLLS Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills test
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
AD Attachment Disorder
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale
AIT Advanced Individual Training
AIT Auditory Integration Therapy
AMA American Medical Association
APD Auditory Processing Disorder
APE Adaptive Physical Education
ARC Association of Retarded Citizens
ARD Admission, Review, Dismissal (used in Texas)
ARI Autism Research Institute
ARRI Autism Research Review International, Quarterly publication from the ARI
AS Asperger’s Syndrome (DSM IV 299.80)
AS Autistic Spectrum
ASA Autism Society of America
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ASHA American Speech & Hearing Association
ASL American Sign Language
ASPEN Asperger Syndrome Parent Education Network
ASPEN of New Jersey (not affiliatied with ASPEN of America)
ASPIE A person with Asperger’s Syndrome (friendly)
AUTIE A person with Autism (friendly)
BBB Blood Brain Barrier
BBRS Burks’ Behavior Rating Scale
BCBA Board Certified Behavioral Analyst
BD Behavioral Disorder
BD/ED Behavior Disordered Emotionally Disturbed.
BED Body Ecology Diet
BIC Behavior Improvement Class.
BIP Behavior Improvement Plan
BMP Behavior Management Plan
BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services
BP Bi-Polar (formerly called “manic-depressive”)
BSC Behavioral Specialist Consultant
BSU Base Service Unit
BSU Behavioral Services Unit
CADDRE Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities Research & Epidemiology
CAO County Assistance Office
CAP Client Assistance Program administered by the Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services
CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CARD Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (used in Florida)
CARD Center for Autism and Related Disorders (used in Maryland and many other states)
CARD Committee for Admission, Review, Dismissal (used in Texas)
CARS Childhood Autism Rating Scale (diagnostic and evaluation tool)
CASSP Child and Adolescent Service System Program
CAT or CT Scan Computer Axial Tomography - a scan using an xray machine linked to a computer that produces a scan in cross sections using iodine (BEWARE if you are allergic to shellfish)
CBH Community Behavioral Health
CCBH Community Care Behavioral Health
CD Conduct Disorder
CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CF Casein Free
CFIDS Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
CFS Chronic fatigue syndrome
CH.A.D.D. Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
CHARGE Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment
CHAT Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
CHOP Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
CI Community Integration
CLA Community Living Arrangement
CLO Cod Liver Oil
CMMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMS Children’s Medical Services
CNS Central Nervous System
COSAC Center for Outreach and Services for the Autistic Community (New Jersey)
COTA Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
CP Cerebral Palsy
CPEA Collaborative Programs of Excellence in Autism
CPS Child Protective Services
CPT Current Procedural Terminology (Procedure codes used for insurance billing)
CSE Committee for Special Education (called “MDT” in some states)
CST Child Study Team
CVPD Central Vision Processing Disorder
CYA California Youth Authority
DAN Defeat Autism Now! (http://www.autism.com)
DAS Developmental Apraxia of Speech
DAS Differential Abilities Scales.
DCD Development Coordination Disorder
DD Department of Disabilities
DD Developmentally Delayed
DD Developmental Disabilities
DD Developmental Disorder
DDD Department of Developmental Disabilities
DH Developmentally Handicapped
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DMG DiMethylGlycine-See also TMG
DOH Department of Health
DPT A triple inoculation given to kids: Diptheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus
DPW Department of Public Welfare
DR Disability Rights
DREDF Disability Rights Education Defense Fund
DS Developmental Services
DS Down’s Syndrome
DSM Diagnostic Statistical Manual
DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition
DSMR Diagnostic Statistical Manual (Revised) - preceded DSM-IV
DTT Discrete Trial Training
DTVMI Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration
DV Domestic Violence
DX Diagnosis, diagnosed
EASe Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect
EBD Emotional Behavioral Disorder
ECG ElectroCardioGram
ECSE Early Childhood Special Education
ECT ElectroConvulsive Therapy (electroshock)
ED Emotionally Disturbed
EEG ElectroEncephaloGram
EFA Essential Fatty Acids
EFD Executive Functioning Disorder.
EH Emotionally Handicapped
EI Early Intervention
EIBI Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention
EKG ElectroCardioGram (basically, a graph of the heart’s electrical activity)
EMH Educable Mentally Handicapped
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EOH A listserve on Yahoogroups.com named after the book, Evidence of Harm by David Kirby
EPD Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization
EPSDT Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Program
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center, a computer database of educational information
ESD Educational Service District
ESE Exceptional Student Education
ESL English as a Second Language
ESY Extended School Year
FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (an info sheet in Q&A format)
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FC Facilitated Communication
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDSS Family Driven Support Services
FERPA Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FFP Federal Financial Participation
fMRI Functional MRI (brain scan test)
FNS Fuzzy Neuron Syndrome (associated with FADD)
FOIA Freedom Of Information Act
FRAX Fragile X Syndrome
FSP Family Support Plan
FSS Family Support Services
GAF Global Assessment of Functioning scale.
GARS Gilliam Autism Rating Scale
GED General Education Development (a test in place of High School Diploma)
GFCF Gluten-free, casein-free diet
GFCFSF Gluten-free, casein free, soy-free diet
GI Gastrointestinal
HCBW Home and Community Based Waiver
HELP Hawaii Early Learning Profile Test
HFA High Functioning Autism
HFS Health Food Store
HH Hard of Hearing
HH Household
HI Hearing Impaired
HMO Health Medical Organization
HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Organization
IACC InterAgency Coordinating Committee
IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
ICD-9 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (used for billing insurance) which classifies diseases by numbers.
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Individualized Education Plan
IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan
IgG Immunoglobulin G
IHP Individualized Habilitation Program
IME Independent Medical Examination
InLv Independent Living (support group)
IQ Intelligence Quotient
IRB Institutional Review Board
IRWE Impairment-Related Work Expense
ITM Interagency Team Meeting
JADD Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
LD Learning Disability, Learning Disabled
LEA Local Education Agency
LKS Landau Kleffner Syndrome
LOD Low Oxalate Diet
LRE Least Restrictive Environment
M-D Manic Depression (now called bipolar depression)
MDO Major Depressive Disorder
MDT Multi-Disciplinary Team (called “CSE” in some states)
MEG Magnetoencephalogram, used in LKS
MFC Marriage and Family Counselor
MFCC Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor
MFE Multi-Factored Evaluation
MH Mental Health
MH Mentally Handicapped; Mentally Retarded (IQ less than 70)
MMR Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination
MPD Multiple Personality Disorder
MR Mental Retardation, Mentally Retarded (IQ less than 70)
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSDD Multi-system developmental disorder
MT Mobile Therapist
NACD National Academy of Child Development
NBAC National Bioethics Advisory Commission
NBD Neurobiological Disorder
NDA Not Diagnosed with Anything
NICHCY National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
NIDS NeuroImmune Deficiency Syndrome
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Services
NIH National Institute of Health
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
NJCOSAC New Jersey Center for Outreach & Services for the Autism Community
NOD Not Otherwise Defined, Often appears alot with DX by psychologists
NOD Not Otherwise Diagnosed
NORD National Organization for Rare Disorders
NOREP Notice of Recommended Educational Placement
NOS Not of Specific Origin
NOS Not Otherwise Specified, usually seen as PDD-NOS
NPD Normal Person Disorder (used jokingly)
NPND National Parent Network on Disabilities
NT Neurologically Typical
NT Neurotypical
NVLD Non-Verbal Learning Disability
NYD Not Yet Diagnosed (informal usage)
OAAC Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children.
OASIS On-line Asperger’s Syndrome Information and Support (organizational site at http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger)
OB Specific to
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
OCB Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD Office of Child Development
OCD Oppositional Conduct Disorder
OCR Office of Civil Rights
OCYF Office of Children, Youth and Families
ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OHI Other Health Impaired.
OIM Office of Income Maintenance
OMHSAS Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
OMR Office of Mental Retardation
ORS Office of Rehabilitation Services
OSEP Office of Special Education Programs
OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
OSP Office of Social Programs
OT Occupational Therapist or therapy
OVR Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
P&A Protection & Advocacy
PA Parents’ Auxiliary
PANDAS Pediatric Autoimmune Neurological Disorder Associated with Strep.
Part B References parts of IDEA which covers education of ages 3-22, ie. school system
Part C References parts of IDEA which covers birth to 3; Early intervention
PCA Personal Care Assistant
PDD Pervasive Developmental Disorder
PDDNOS Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified
PDR Physician’s Desk Reference
PECS Picture Exchange Communication System
PEN Parent Education Network
PERS Personal Emergency Response Systems
PET Positron Emission Tomography Scan
Pica (not an abbreviation) means the eating of non-food stuff
PKU Phenylketonuria
PL94-142 Public Law 94-142. Education for Handicapped Children Act, Revised in 1990 to become IDEA.
POA Power of Attorney
POHI Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired
PPO Preferred Physician Organization
PPO Preferred Provider Option
PPS Pupil Personnel Services
PQ Performance IQ
PRT Pivotal Response Training
PT Physical Therapist or Therapy
PTIC Parent Training and Information Center
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PUNS Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services
PwD People with Disabilities
Q&A Question-and-Answer, generally referring to a document format.
QEEG Quantitative ElectroEncephaloGram
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RDI Relationship Developmental Intervention
SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka “Wintertime Depression”)
SBH Severe Behavior Handicap
SCD Specific Carbohydrate Diet
SD School District
SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed
SELPA Special Education Local Plan Area (used in CA)
SERRC Special Educational Regional Recourse Center
SI Sensory Integration.
SID Sensory Integration Dysfunction
SIB Self-injurious behavior
SIPT Sensory Integration and Praxis Text
SLP Speech and Language Pathologist
SM Selective Mutism.
SNT Special Needs Trust
SNT SuperNu Thera - by Kirkman Labs
Sped special education
SSA Social Security Administration
SSD Social Security Disability
SSDI Social Security Disability Income
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (class of meds, incl: Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox.)
SST Student Study Team (used in CA)
STAART Studies to Advance Autism Research and Treatment
STRANS Survey of Teenage Readiness And Neurodevelopmental Status
TACA Talk About Curing Autism
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TEACCH Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Disorders
TEC Transitional Employment Consultant
TMG TriMethylGlycine (see also DMG)
TMH Trainable Mentally Handicapped
TOPL Test of Pragmatic Language
TS Tourette’s Syndrome
TS Tuberous Sclerosis
TSS Therapeutic Support Staff
VAERs Vaccine Adverse Experience Reports (published by FDA)
VB Verbal Behavior
VE Varying Exceptionalities
Voc-Ed Vocational Education
VQ Verbal IQ
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (an IQ test)
WIIA Work Incentives Initiative Act
WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (an IQ test)
WPPSI Weschler Preschool Primary - testing for under age 6
YO Year Old
Absence Seizure: Also know as Petit Mal Seizure. In absence seizures, the person may appear to be staring into space with or without jerking or twitching movements of the eye muscles. These periods last for seconds, or even tens of seconds. Those experiencing absence seizures sometimes move from one location to another without any purpose.
Aphasia: the complete or partial loss of ability to use or understand words.
Apraxia: a disorder of voluntary movement, consisting in partial or complete incapacity to carry out deliberate movements, without impairment of muscular power, ability to feel, or coordination. May be specific to speech.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): a style of teaching that uses a series of trials to shape a desired Behavior or response. Skills are broken down into their simplest components and then taught to the child using a system of reinforcement.
Asperger's Syndrome (AS): a developmental disorder on the autism spectrum defined by impairments in communication and social development, and by narrow interests and repetitive Behaviors. Unlike typical autism, individuals with Asperger's Syndrome have no significant delay in language or cognitive development.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a condition with specific core symptoms including developmentally inappropriate degrees of attention, disorganization of thinking, distractibility, problems with concentration, lack of impulse control, and hyperactivity, all of which vary in different situations and at different times. Common secondary symptoms include perceptual and emotional immaturity, poor social skills, disruptive Behaviors and academic problems.
Atypical autism: a general term for conditions that are close to but don't quite fit the set of conditions for autism or other specific conditions.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT): auditory integration training is a therapy based on a theory that the small internal organs of the ear can be exercised and that this can lead to modification of sound perception and Behavior. Musical sounds are washed through a filtering apparatus that alters them, emphasizing some tones and reducing the intensity of others. The treatment is modified to suit individual needs as determined by special auditory testing.
Augmentative communication: the use of aids to help the child with autism to communicate his/her wants and needs. For example, photographs, picture exchange communication.
Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC): A checklist containing a list of Behaviors and scores, which appear to be capable of measuring the level of autistic Behaviors in individuals.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS): a standardized play session that allows the examiner to observe communication and social Behaviors that are associated with autism. It requires 20 to 30 minutes to administer.
Autistic savant: an autistic individual who displays incredible aptitude for one or two skills (e.g., amazing musical or art ability). Only 2 percent of ASD people have a savant skill.
Autistic spectrum disorders: term that encompasses autism and similar disorders. More specifically, the following five disorders listed in the DSM-IV: Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder - not otherwise specified, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Retts Disorder.
Aversives: Behavioral methods employing punishment rather than positive reinforcement. Often use physical pain. Controversial technique. Sometimes used with DTT.
Bayley: a developmental assessment used for children age one month to 3-years old. It is composed of mental, motor, and Behavior scales.
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS): A short rating scale that helps measure and distinguish mild and moderate autism from severe autism in children
Celiac (or coeliac) Disease: a disease in which the intestinal lining becomes inflamed after ingestion of foods containing gluten (a protein found in oats, wheat, rye, barley and triticale). The symptoms in infants in children include diarrhea, slow growth, bloody stools, weight loss, and vomiting.
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: a condition occurring in 3- and 4-year-olds characterized by a deterioration of intellectual, social, and language functioning from previously normal functioning. Children with this condition, which is sometimes misdiagnosed as autism, develop normally for a prolonged period of time, but then experience loss of social skills, bowel and bladder control, play Behaviors, receptive and expressive language, motor skills, and nonverbal communication skills.
Communications notebook (Also known as Comm Log) a notebook sent with a student (typically a special education student or young student) to and from school by which parents and teachers maintain (possibly) daily communication.
Continuum: Used to describe a full range
Co-treatment: When more than one type of therapist works with a child at the same time
Cranial Sacral therapy: CST is a hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
CUM file (Also known as cumulative file): Your child's permanent school record
Discrete Trial Training (DTT): refers to a behavioral training technique in which behavior is modeled, the child is prompted to perform it, and a reward given if the student's behavior is what is desired. If the response is not correct, the sequence is repeated until the desired behavior is shown.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV): the official system for classification of psychological and psychiatric disorders prepared by and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Dysgraphia: Writing or fine motor skills deficit
Dyspraxia: impaired or painful functioning in any organ.
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI): a generic term for a program that systematically teaches skills that have been broken down into small steps. Each component of the desired behavior is repeated until the child masters it. Learning is rewarded with an object or activity that the child likes.
Echolalia: repeating words or phrases heard previously. The echoing may occur immediately after hearing the word or phrase, or much later. Delayed echolalia can occur days or weeks after hearing the word or phrase.
Expressive language: the ability to express one's needs through speech, communication devices, sign language or others
Extinction: a term used to say a particular behavior is on a program to get rid of it
Facilitated communication: the use of a keyboard by a person with autism. The training begins with simple questions that have predictable answers, and becomes increasingly complex with less physical support from the facilitator. Proponents of this method argued that some people with autism eventually learn to communicate complicated thoughts. It has now been discredited through stringent research.
Fine motor skills: such as threading beads, writing or other skills with hands or feet
Fragile X Syndrome: a genetic disorder that shares many of the characteristics of autism. Individuals can be tested for "Fragile X" by having a karyotype (see below).
Functional Behavioral Analysis: a process of carefully observing Behavior to determine what sets off the chain of events that leads to tantrums or aggression. The goal is to eliminate the trigger so that the problem Behavior is stopped completely, not just reduced in severity.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): an imaging technique that can show which parts of the brain are active during specific tasks such as reading or doing a math problem.
Gaze pattern: in the study of communication between individuals, the patterns of looking at the other person that has communicative value.
Generalized (or global) anxiety disorder: this disorder is characterized by excessive, prolonged worry and tension about everyday things like work, one1s health, or family and friends.
Gluten-free/casein-free diet: Eliminates gluten (a protein found in wheat and other grains) and casein (a protein found in milk) from the diet.
Grand Mal Seizure: AKA Tonic-clonic seizures are a type of generalised seizure affecting the whole brain. Tonic-clonic seizures are the seizure type most commonly associated with epilepsy and seizures in general.
Gross motor: large muscle groups dealing with skills such as walking
Habilitation: the development of a socially productive, conventional lifestyle or skill for the first time. Also see Rehabilitation.
High Functioning Autism (HFA): individuals with autism who are not cognitively impaired are called 'high functioning'.
Hyper: Having too much of something such as hyperactivity which refers to extremely energetic activity
Hyperlexia: the ability to read at an early age. To be hyperlexic, a child does not need to understand what he or she is reading.
Hypo: Having too little of something such as hyperactivity which refers to not being very active
Hypotonia: low muscle tone.
Inborn error of metabolism: the cause in multiple diseases and due to the lack of, or poor functioning, of an enzyme.
ICD-9: International Classification of Diseases is a list of codes used for insurance billing. ICD-10 is used outside the US
Inclusion: placement of a child with a disability with his non-disabled peers; mainstreaming
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP): a plan that identifies the student's specific learning expectations and outlines how the school will address these expectations through appropriate special education programs and services. It also identifies the methods by which the student's progress will be reviewed. For students 14 years or older, it must also contain a plan for the transition to postsecondary education, or the workplace, or to help the student live as independently as possible in the community.
Joint attention: the ability to follow another's gaze and share the experience of looking at an object or activity.
Ketogenic diet: a restricted diet thought to help control epileptic seizures. Should be used only under a specialist doctor's supervision.
Leiter International Performance Scale: a nonverbal assessment of intelligence, used primarily with children with communication difficulties. It gives both an IQ score, and an age equivalent for the child's level of functioning.
Macrocephaly: the term used to describe the condition of having a head circumference two standard deviations above average, which translates to a clinical definition of greater than the 97th percentile.
Mainstreaming: placement of a disabled child with non-disabled peers in a regular classroom.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): a diagnostic technique that uses the magnetic qualities of body chemicals to produce an image of the brain.
Medicaid Waiver (Medwaiver): A state-specific program to give Medicaid and other autism-specific services to children with ASD.
Microcephaly : Microcephaly is a neurological disorder in which the circumference of the head is significantly smaller than average for the person's age and sex. Microcephaly may be congenital or it may develop in the first few years of life.
Mullen Scales of Early Learning: a comprehensive test of children's motor, perceptual, and language abilities. It helps assess learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses.
Neurologist: a doctor specializing in medical problems associated with the nervous system, specifically the brain and spinal cord.
Neurotransmitter: a chemical messenger that permits communication between brain or nerve cells.
Neurotypical: a term used for persons with typical neurological development and function.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): having a tendency to perform certain repetitive acts or ritualistic Behavior to relieve anxiety.
Occupational therapist (OT): individuals who specialize in the analysis of activity and tasks to minimize the impact of disability on activities of daily living. The therapist then helps the family to better cope with the disorder, by adapting the environment and teaching.
Oppositional disorder: according to the DSM-IV, the Behaviors seen in oppositional disorder are:
violations of minor rules temper tantrums argumentativeness provocative behavior stubbornness
Picture Exchange Communication System ( PECS ): allows children and adults with autism and other communication deficits to initiate communication through the use of a system of picture symbols.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT): a test of receptive vocabulary; that is, it tests whether or not young children recognize words and their meaning without them having to say the words.
Perseveration: repetitive movement or speech, or sticking to one idea or task that has a compulsive quality to it.
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD): a group of developmental disabilities which are neurological disorders of unknown cause. The symptoms include diminished ability to understand language and to communicate with and to interact with others. Children with a PDD usually have limited interests and engage in repetitive activities. There may be sensory problems related to perception of sound (hypersensitivity or lowered response)
Phenylketonuria (PKU): an inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine, which is present in many common foods. Usually associated with a gradual development of mental retardation if a diet eliminating or severely restricting the intake of phenylalanine.
Placebo: an inactive substance that looks the same as, and is administered in the same way as, a drug in a clinical trial, usually in a double-blinded study. Its purpose is to test whether or not effects seen in participants are actually due to the active medication.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan: a scanning device that uses low-dose radioactive sugar to measure brain activity.
Prevalence: the proportion of people with a particular condition or disease within a given population at a given time.
Prognosis: the possible outcomes of a condition or a disease and the likelihood that each one will occur.
Proprioceptive: capable of receiving stimuli originating in muscles, tendons, and other internal tissues.
Receptive language: What language you can understand being said to you
Regressive Autism: a form of autism in which infants, after apparently normal development, start to lose language and other skills. This condition is fairly rare and has not been well described, nor does it have scientifically established standards for diagnosis.
Rehabilitation: the return to a lifestyle or skill previously lived and known. Some insurers only want to pay for rehabilitative but many lawsuits have been won setting precedence over ASD children in particular. Also see Habilitation.
Residential Habilitation (ResHab): Residential Habilitation services are community-based or at-home services designed to help the consumer and his/her family to develop or improve on existing skills. Residential Habilitation staff works one on one to teach independent living skills at home and to encourage participation in social recreation activities within the community.
Respite: Trained health care workers care for your special needs children so you can get a break
Secretin: a polypeptide neurotransmitter (chemical messenger), one of the hormones that controls digestion, increasing the volume and bicarbonate content of secreted pancreatic juices.
Self-help skills: Skills such as getting dressed and feeding oneself.
Sensorimotor: Pertaining to brain activity other than automatic functions (respiration, circulation, sleep) or cognition. Sensorimotor activity includes voluntary movement and senses like sight touch and hearing.
Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID): Sensory Integration Dysfunction is the inability of the brain to correctly process information brought in by the senses.
Serotonin: a neurotransmitter implicated in the behavioral-physiological processes of sleep, pain and sensory perception, motor function, appetite, learning and memory.
Speech-language pathologist: individuals who specialize in the area of human communication. The focus in on communication, not speech, to increase the child's ability to impact and to understand their environment.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence test: a test that assesses intelligence and cognitive abilities in children and adults aged two to 23. It is used in determining the presence of a learning disability or a developmental delay.
Stim: short for 'self-stimulation', a term for Behaviors whose sole purpose appears to be to stimulate ones senses. Many people with autism report that some 'self-stims' may serve a regulatory function for them (i.e., calming, increasing concentration, or shutting out an overwhelming sound).
Superbill: the form the doctor fills out with CPT and ICD9 codes to bill your insurance. If your doctor doesn't take insurance, you will need to learn how to use the superbill.
Titers/Titres: A blood test to measure immunity to any particular disease. Two types of tests include postive/negative or quantitative.
Tuberous sclerosis: a neurocutaneous disorder characterized by mental retardation, seizures, skin lesions, and intracranial lesions. It is caused by a dominant gene and occurs in 1 in 7000 births.
Vineland Adaptive Behavioral Scales (VABS): a scale that assesses personal and social abilities of individuals from birth to adulthood. These scales are applicable to handicapped and nonhandicapped individuals.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III): an individually administered clinical instrument for assessing the intellectual functioning of children.
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Revised (WPPSI-R): a clinical instrument similar to the WISC-III and the WAIS-R, except for children ages 3-0 to 7-0.
Internet Slang and Icons
:'-( crying
:-( sad
:-) happy
:-* kiss
:-< terribly sad
:-> very happy
:-0 laughing
:-O yawning
:-P sticking tongue out
:-x say nothing
;-) wink
:-o surprise
{} hugs
$-) greedy
B-) I wear glasses
AFAIK As Far As I Know
BIL Brother in Law
BTW By The Way
DD Dear (darling) Daughter
DH Dear (darling) Husband
DS Dear (darling) Son
F2F Face to Face
FIL Father-in-law
FWIW For What It’s Worth
GSOH Good Sense Of Humour
GT Get Together
HTH Hope That Helps
IFLACA I Feel Like A Complete Ass
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMMV Individual Mileage May Vary
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IMVHO In My Very Humble Opinion
IOW In Other Words
LMK Let Me Know
LOL Laugh Out Loud -- Laughing Out Loud
LOL Lots Of Love
LOLROFL Laughing Out Loud, Roll On Floor
MIL Mother-In-Law
NP No Problem
OIC Oh, I See
OPM Other People’s Money
OPM Over-Protective Mom
OSOSBSU Oops, straying off subject, better shut up
OT Off Topic
OTOH On The Other Hand
PITA Pain In The Ass
POV Point Of View
PPS Poor Parenting Syndrome
RL Real Life
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLSHCT Rolling On the Floor Laughing So Hard Can’t Type
RPITB Royal Pain In The Butt
SAHM Stay-At-Home Mom
SIL Sister In Law
SLK Severely Labeled Kid
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIC Tongue In Cheek
TTFN Ta-Ta For Now!
TTYL Talk To You Later
TTYS Talk To You Soon
VP Virtual Party
WNA Word Nitpickers Anonymous
WTG Way To Go!
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary