Get to know each other打破成见:走近少数民族学生

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/12 16:09:15
导读:在日常生活中,你经常与少数民族(minority nationality)接触么?你觉得与他们沟通交流有什么困难么?本报走访了几名在校大学生,让我们一起来看看他们怎么说。
Get to know each other
FROM Wang Zi, 21st century staff
PUBLISHED: 2009-07-16
 CFP: Stereotypes can be misleading and taking time to get to know other types of students is a good way to overcome them.
SHEN Suming, a 21-year-old information major from Wuhan University, enjoys playing football with strangers. But for three years, he was reluctant to take the pitch with Uygur or Tibetan players.
"I thought Uygurs and Tibetans were more likely to cause tension during physical confrontations. And since they aren`t very good at speaking Putonghua, it`s hard to talk things through," said Shen. "So, I simply avoided playing with them."
When asked about the origin of his assumptions, Shen said, "I was told so." But he couldn`t remember who had told him.
Stereotypes like these erect a social barrier between Han students and those of minority ethnic groups. Thankfully, the university campus is a great place to overcome those barriers - if only students will muster up the courage to talk to each other.
Guli, a 21-year-old literature major at Minzu University of China (MUC), came to Beijing from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region with great anxiety in 2007. In addition to her features, her heavily accented Putonghua set her apart from her classmates. "Even a glance from my classmate made me feel insecure," she said.
But instead of locking herself in her dorm room, Guli took initiative and began conversing with her classmates. They talked about their favorite TV dramas, fashion and their teachers. Soon, she felt like one of the girls.
"Once you interact with others, you realize it`s way easier than you thought it would be, just two individuals with different backgrounds making friends - that`s it."
Unfortunately, too few students come to this realization.
Like many Uygur students studying in big cities, Akemu, a 22-year-old management major at MUC, plans to return home after graduation. This plan has given him less motivation to develop lasting friendships with his Han classmates.
"Many [of the people from my town] think they are just here to get skills and knowledge to serve back home," Akemu said. "If they will not stay after graduation, then why bother putting time and energy into interactions [with others], especially when there are cultural and religious differences?"
Fighting stereotypes
Universities like MUC try to encourage students from different ethnic backgrounds to learn from each other and get to know each other, often through talent showcases. But that is not always the case at other universities. "MUC is special because ethnic minorities make up the majority of students," said Li Jian, an employee at the MUC student affairs office. Such an environment makes it easier for students from minority ethnic groups to feel comfortable. But even at schools like MUC, stereotypes can also be misleading.
Overcoming these stereotypes, then, has to begin with a sense of curiosity. Pasha, a 20-year-old English major from South-Central University for Nationalities, first met her best friend, a Han student from Hunan, during an elective course.
"You`re Uygur right?" asked the classmate. "When you pray, what do you say to your God?"
"This was a really good question that just eliminated my insecurity," said Pasha. "She seemed very interested in my culture, so I talked with her about it for a long time, more like a discussion actually." Over time, they became best friends.
Even Shen Suming, the soccer player, mustered up some curiosity and finally took the pitch with some guys from Xinjiang. When giving high-fives to them after a goal, he felt happy to be playing on such an exotic squad. After the game, he told them, "We`ll have to do this again sometime, my friends."
(Translator & Editor: Sylvie AND 小胡)
accent 有口音
assumption 预想
erect 使树立
ethnic 民族的
pitch 足球场
reluctant 迟疑的
autonomous 自治的
exotic 异域的
squad 球队
confrontation 对峙
diversify 使多样化
intimacy 亲密
stereotype 模式化
Uygur 维吾尔族
muster up 召集,激起
talk sth through 说明白,说通
minority nationality 少数民族