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《New York Magazine》对于博客来了一系列褒贬不一的深度分析文章,其中这个小文章很有意思。它画出了被链接最大的50个博客网站之间的互相链接图,可以大致窥视一下博客世界的相互关系。
1.Boing Boing
A herald from the expanding fringe of Net culture: nerdy and fun.
The Net’s premier tech blog and the flagship of the Weblogs, Inc., blog network. Pete Rojas, the brains behind the blog, specializes in product reviews and breaking news in gadget-land.
An online “art project” that allows people to read your deepest secrets on scanned anonymous postcards.
4.Daily Kos
Started by a U.S. Army veteran, Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, Daily Kos is the standard-bearer for liberal political blogs Netwide.
5.The Huffington Post
Famed national syndicated columnist, former California gubernatorial candidate, and former conservative Arianna Huffington gets on the blog bandwagon with a posse of famous friends in tow.
Where Rojas used to work, before he jumped ship.
University of Tennessee law prof Glenn Reynolds started spinning his libertarian-conservative punditry pre-9/11 and ranges freely among tech issues, law, politics, and the war on terror.
8.Thought Mechanics
A mishmash of Website design, code, music, and art.
9.Crooks and Liars
A lefty blog composed mostly of links to video clips from the MSM (that’s “mainstream media” to you).
The Horn Village Blog, in Chinese.
11.Michelle Malkin
Dubbed the Filipino Ann Coulter, Malkin writes about America-haters, illegal immigrants, and Democratic windbags.
In Chinese.
The public suffering of a postpartum depressive. Mommies everywhere seem to relate.
14.Beppe Grillo Grillo, an Italian political satirist noted for packing stadiums in Italy and having giant wavy hair, writes an English/Italian blog peppered with strong anti-corruption, anti-globalization outrage and a pro-tech, pro-little-guy ethos. He knows his audience.
In Arabic.
16.Herramientas para Blogs
Madrid, Spain–based blogger Marcelino Madrigal writes in Spanish on music, graffiti, and whatever else he wants.
Part of the Nick Denton blog empire, Lifehacker envisions a better world where computers make us more productive, rather than suck down our spare time.
In Chinese.
19.Open Palm! silicn
In Japanese.
20.Think Progress
House organ of the Center for American Progress, a think tank led by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta.
21.Official Google Blog
As the name implies.
Jason Kottke got his big break in 2000, when he was profiled by The New Yorker. Now he blogs full time.
A frenetic mix of Star Trek: The Next Generation tidbits and dorky Photoshop contests.
The gossipy flagship of the Denton blog empire.
What’s not to love about sketches of skinny adolescent Kimono-clad girls playing with hippos? In Japanese.
In Chinese.
In Japanese.
The blog of one pensive-looking Japanese boy with photos that highlight his six-pack and pecs. In Japanese.
Part of Denton’s empire, gossip for the D.C. set. Founding editor Ana Marie Cox handed over the reins in January, but it still dishes Cox-like ’tude.
30.shiraishi seesaa
In Japanese.
31.The Space Craft
Where Microsoft discusses its rather lame network of blog sites called Spaces.
32.Talking Points Memo
Josh Marshall has taken the blog form from couch-potato punditry to real journalism. He recently hired a reporter to muckrake full time.
More Japanese.
34.A List Apart
If the term liquid center makes you think of candy rather than a Web page, this site isn’t for you. Design tips and tricks for those in the business.
More Japanese.
Welcome to “a Tiger’s Space.” In Chinese.
37.Power Line
A conservative political blog by three lawyers. The blog got famous during “Rathergate” for helping to prove that the docs used by CBS questioning Bush’s military record were fakes.
38.Weebl’s Stuff News
From the creators of Weebl and Bob, cartoon talking eggs who love, I mean love, pie. They’re Internet stars and were recently picked up by MTV UK.
Liberal pro-Dem political blog of Duncan Black (a.k.a. Atrios). Known for its serious, in-your-face invective.
Self-absorbed travails of twentysomething lovelorn Wendy Cheng. Famous in Singapore, she has also been criticized as racist and xenophobic.
All things video-game related, and part of the Calacanis blog network that includes Engadget.
42.Little Green Footballs
A rabidly conservative war blog. The source of so much Net controversy that it spawned a watchdog, LGF.blogspot.com.
Lefty political blog famous for exposing Jeff Gannon, the male prostitute cleared to attend White House press conferences.
In Japanese.
45.Joel on Software
Joel Spolsky, CEO of a small New York–based software company, computer programmer, and book author, shares his coding tips.
In Japanese.
Lots of blurry cam shots of 19-year-old Ceci and her friends in Toronto. In Chinese.
48.Google Blogoscoped
A Google gossip-watch site run from Stuttgart, Germany.
49.The Superficial
Maliciously funny celeb gossip that—along with the ubiquitous celebrity boob and butt shots—keeps you coming back for more.
50.Andrew Sullivan
A gay, Catholic war supporter, albeit one who is very critical of Bush. In January, he leased the site to Time Warner.