AFP: Taiwanese president in Nicaragua to boos...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/04 16:16:44
Taiwanese president in Nicaragua to boost ties

MANAGUA (AFP) — Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Nicaragua Friday for a two-day official visit aimed at boosting ties with one of the poorest nations in Central America.

"We want to express our desire here to pursue bilateral cooperation" Ma said at a welcoming ceremony where he was greeted by Vice President Jaime Morales and Foreign Minister Samuel Santos.

Ma later told President Daniel Ortega that the global economic crisis "will neither change nor affect cooperation programs between the two countries... We are determined to continue to promote ongoing projects."

A free trade agreement between Managua and Taipei that became effective in January 2008 has helped increase bilateral trade and "we now want this relationship to grow further," the Taiwanese leader said earlier.

Trade between both countries last year reached 53.4 billion dollars, according to figures from the Taiwanese embassy in Managua.

"Nicaragua and Taiwan are real friends," Ma said in Spanish, accompanied by a delegation of over 100 officials, parliamentarians, artists and academics.

"These links are full, complete and comprehensive."

Vice President Morales said Taiwan's "generous cooperation" had helped reduce poverty levels in Nicaragua and tackle the country's energy shortages.

Ma was scheduled to visit the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa, but cancelled his trip after Sunday's coup that overthrew President Manuel Zelaya.

The Taiwanese leader, Morales said, "brings a message of encouragement to Central America," shaken by the political crisis in Honduras, which "will hopefully be resolved soon."

Taiwan, which Beijing considers a rebel province, maintains close ties with Central America, except Costa Rica.

San Jose gave up six decades of ties with Taipei in favor of China two years ago, and is the third Latin American country to negotiate a free trade deal with China after Chile and Peru. Negotiators have said they aim to complete the deal this year.

The visit was Ma's second this month to Central America, where two new presidents -- Panama's Ricardo Martinelli and Salvador's Mauricio Funes -- have said they are seeking rapprochement with China.

Ma arrived in Managua from Panama, where he attended Martinelli's inauguration ceremony on Wednesday. He was scheduled to leave Managua Saturday to return to Taipei.