
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/24 06:08:02





          中国北京的“AiX大厦” (爱叉大厦)的外景



                                                    --- 秉诚

       很多到过伦敦的人都会注意到伦敦的塔桥附近出现的新地标性建筑: London Gherkin。这座建筑造型怪异,形状给人很强的性暗示,英国BBC广播公司的有关报道干脆把她称为:”伦敦天际线上的色情小黄瓜“。

        Gherkin 的英文意思是指一种黄瓜, 有时特指腌黄瓜。在西方文化里,由于其形状特点,Gherkin 时常暗示男性生殖器。因此,该建筑的这种怪异的造型,使得伦敦泰晤士河的旅游船上的英国导游也很幽默和毫不掩饰地向游客调侃:”I am very proud to tell you, the building over there is our London Cock"(Cock 在英国俗语中就是男性生殖器)--如果大家原谅我的“粗俗”,原谅我不得不保持诚实的话, 这句话翻译出来就是:“我非常骄傲地告诉大家,那座建筑就是我们的‘伦敦鸡巴’”。



        英国作为后工业国家,后现代建筑是很受欢迎的。但是,对于现代建筑,后现代建筑设计的发展趋势, 很多保守的英国人士, 尤其是英国皇室成员,象英国查尔斯王子 Prince Charles等人持非常谨慎的态度,一直以批判的态度关注着现代建筑设计对于伦敦景观的影响,并致力于阻止现代建筑,尤其是后现代建筑对于伦敦的历史景观的破坏。他们的努力取得了一定成效, 英国伦敦沿泰晤士河一带, 根本见不到任何高层建筑,保持了伦敦的英国皇家城市的景观风貌。

       无独有偶,在地球的另一端,具有千年历史的中国古都北京也同样面临着现代建筑的威胁,也同样出现了一座极其性感的,极具性暗示的后现代建筑-- 中央电视台的新楼。她的造型是以两端楼体斜向交叉,在建筑中心位置形成一个大洞为主要特征, 这种怪异的建筑结构给人极强的震撼性印象。

        远远看去,CCTV的这栋大楼的造型岂止暗示”大裤衩子“,暗示“蹲坑的人”,她那个交叉的大洞式的构造和造型,难道不在是暗示着一个女性的生殖器吗???我看,和英国老百姓给“Gherkin大厦”的雅号相比,中国北京的老百姓送央视新楼的雅号:”大裤衩子“, ”蹲坑大厦“,没有把她叫成“北京的阴户” ,已经实在是很手下留情,很文雅的了。

        这简直是老天爷给我们中国人开了一个大玩笑, 在地球的两端,几乎在同一纬度上,在东西方向的两极,出现了两个阴阳相左的由欧洲人设计的后现代建筑,伦敦的是阳性,北京的是阴性。。。这是纯粹的巧合吗??

        我的观点一直并永远是, 我们中国人绝对不应该盲从于西方的建筑设计潮流。否则, 我们就要上大当。


        我们的政府必须承认,CCTV新楼就是在一个错误的地点, 选择了错误的造型,形成了错误的中国京城的景观。而这就是我不断表达的愤怒的核心所在 --我们中国的首都已经被外国的建筑师通过建筑的设计意淫了, 我们自己不仅不意识, 却反而沾沾自喜。这难道不是我们自己的愚蠢之处吗?

        英国人一向善于自嘲,善于对自己的失败进行自我调侃。英国BBC公开调侃这栋新建筑的特点,也并没有因为 London Gherkin所取的雅号而公开征集新名,这是他们的文化开放的结果, 是明智的思考的结果 -- 尽管有不少人反对,越来越多的英国人平和地甚至是欣赏地接受了这栋后现代的建筑,并从此成为英国伦敦的另一个重要地标。 “伦敦的鸡巴” 这个雅号日益成为英国人公开承认的另一个别号。

        我们中国的北京人也非常善于调侃, 善于讽刺。 可是,中国的CCTV的领导人却为老百姓给新楼送雅号而忧虑担心。。。。我认为, 给CCTV征集新名是越抹越黑的无知和愚笨之举,因为无论CCTV的领导想出什么办法来给CCTV新楼取名,都无法阻止中国人民不断地送给这座大楼具有代表人民的感受和观点的各种雅号!!

       当然,真正把央视的这座新大楼看成女性生殖器的, 除我之外, 还没有他人 --这是伦敦的那个Gherkin提示了我,使我从这种性暗示的角度来观察中央电视台的新楼。。。。 一旦这样开始思考和观察, 我除了感到脸红外,更多的是无法遏制的愤怒 -- 因为, 我太爱我的北京了!我实在不愿看到北京的皇家文化受到外国人的肆意和无理亵渎!

        中国的风水观念给了我深刻的影响, 我至今认为, 在中国的皇家文化宝地的首都北京出现这样一座具有强烈的性暗示的建筑,无论丛心理上, 从文化上,从建筑环境的审美关系上, 我都是无法接受的。我认为,从文化上,我们中国人可能上了外国人的一个大当!!尤其是当我们把伦敦的Gherkin大厦和我们的央视新楼的图片放在一起来欣赏的时候,我的任何话都是多余的了。

        可悲的是, 我们的这个文化错误可能已经永远无法纠正了!!

       央视新楼的性暗示是显而易见的。因此, 我在本博客前文中给中央电视台新楼起名为AiX大厦的理由是充分的,艺术逻辑的考虑是全面的,语义学的意义是深刻的 -- 既然英国人能够理性地接受性暗示, 把自己的大厦叫成”小黄瓜“,我看, 我们平静地和现实地接受央视大楼被称为” 挨叉大厦”就有充分的借鉴来源了!

       我期盼我为央视新楼所起的这个“AiX大厦” 的名称能够被有关当局尽快采纳。



英国BBC广播公司 2000年8月23日的有关报道

'Erotic gherkin' for London skyline


A 'virtual' image of the gherkin on the City skyline
A new sky-scraper, nicknamed the erotic gherkin, is to be built in the City of London following a decision by John Prescott.
The deputy prime minister decided the planning application for the tower, to be built on the site of the Baltic Exchange, did not need further consideration.

The 41-storey high, round, tapered building, was designed by Lord Foster.

It will be the second tallest structure in the City, after the NatWest tower - now named Tower 42. But Canary Wharf will remain the highest building on the London skyline.

The construction will involve the levelling of the old Baltic Exchange building which was severely damaged by an IRA bomb in 1992.

The 1992 IRA bomb devastated the Baltic Exchange area
The Exchange has expressed its disappointment at Mr Prescott's decision.

Its chief executive Jim Buckley said he could not understand the government's decision to demolish a "unique feature of the City's architectural heritage".

"This particular planning application raised many important issues relating to conservation and the environment which could only be dealt with satisfactorily and objectively by a formal public inquiry," he said.

"We have urged this consistently. It is a matter of regret that the government did not share our view."

Sky scraper fears

He also criticised English Heritage, which advises the government on the listing of buildings.

English Heritage's recommended that: "the old Baltic Exchange could not be properly preserved and that it could, in the unique circumstances of this case, be replaced by a new high quality building".

But Mr Buckley dismissed that argument as a "nonsense".

The insurance company Swiss Re, which will occupy the new building, welcomed the decision.

John Coomber, a member of the executive board, said: "This headquarters building is evidence of Swiss Re's long-term commitment to London and confidence in its future as a leading financial centre."

An artist's impression of Lord Foster's design
The Corporation of London granted the building planning permission last month.

The tower will be the first tall structure allowed to be built in the City since the 1970s.

Peter Wynne Rees, City planning officer at the Corporation of London, dismissed fears that the application would mean more sky scrapers will get the go-ahead in the City.

"The issue that was being determined here was not whether or not to a have a high building, it was whether to rebuild the Baltic Exchange," he said.

"It is not a precedent for not looking after listed buildings or for having high buildings in the City."

English Heritage said it would authorise the Corporation of London to grant listed building consent for demolition of the old Baltic Exchange.

It said it regretted that it could not justify replacing the bomb-damaged site, saying that if the Exchange were to be reconstructed, it would involve a "substantial degree of replication".

English Heritage said it had "considered very carefully the potential impact of the proposed new building on surrounding listed buildings, conservation areas and the Tower of London world heritage site".