World Cup success to boost economies

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World Cup success to boost economies

07:50, December 06, 2010      

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Russia and Qatar have been announced as the next World Cup host countries. And their economies are set to get a boost from re-vamping of infrastructures to job creations and the inflow of tourism dollars.

After Russia unexpectedly won its bid to become host of the 2018 World Cup, the country's stock market rose to its highest level in about two years.

Stocks of the country's steel makers were particularly boosted by the news. Investors are confident steel companies will benefit from new stadium construction, as well as other infrastructure like roads and airports.

Russia has pledged to build 13 sports venues, and revamp 3 existing ones. The total cost is estimated at 3.8 billion U.S. dollars.

Russia is also promising to upgrade and expand the capacity of most airports in the host cities.

In another surprise result, Qatar was chosen as the 2022 World Cup host.

That's despite being small in land mass and lacking sufficient sporting facilities. There's also the problem of climate - the country's average temperature during the summer can reach as high as 50 Celsius degrees.

But there's one thing the Middle Eastern peninsula isn't short of, and that's cash. Qatar is home to the world's third-largest oil reserves, and oil and natural gas account for more than 50 percent of its GDP.

It's promised to equip sporting venues with cooling systems, so players and spectators can enjoy the games at temperatures under 27 degrees.

The country also promises to spend 84.4 billion U.S. dollars in building new infrastructure facilities as well as revamping existing ones.

All this could make the Qatar World Cup the most costly, yet the most luxurious games in history.

Source: CNTV.cnRelated Reading
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