EU proposes measures to boost single market

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EU proposes measures to boost single market

08:19, October 28, 2010      

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The European Commission published two reports on Wednesday aiming at strengthening the European Single Market with measures to boost growth and enhance citizens' rights.

"Markets need to serve both the economy and our citizens. That is what defines our society," Commissioner for Internal Market Michel Barnier said.

In the first report, namely the EU Citizenship Report, the commission proposes measures to make peoples' lives easier when they exercise their rights to travel, study, get married, buy a house or a car in another EU country.

The second report, which is entitled the Single Market Act, calls for action to make the lives of all market participants easier in order to boost growth, competitiveness and social progress.

"Free movement is a cherished right in the European Union. Businesses and citizens have reaped huge rewards as the EU steadily broke down internal barriers to goods, services and people," Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Viviane Reding said, adding "citizens must have the same rights no matter where they are."

The European Single Market, which was officially launched in 1992, is an area in which is guaranteed free movement of goods, persons, services and capital between member states.

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