
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/12 06:46:49
观点 2010年 12月 02日 08:04洪博培:美国吸引理想远大的中国学生America Lures Chinese Who Dream BigJON M. HUNTSMAN, JR.

Headlines about trying times in America may dominate the news, but U.S. institutions of higher learning are still attracting the best and brightest students from around the world─and nowhere more so than in China. Our schools and universities not only give young Chinese opportunities, they are also among the best advertisements for how we can promote mutual understanding, encourage collaborations and develop a richer, more informed and more cooperative relationship with the world's second largest economy.

According to this year's Open Doors Report on Student Mobility, produced by the Institute of International Education, America's institutions of higher learning are by far the preferred destination for Chinese students who want to study abroad. While the total number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by 3% during the 2009-10 academic year, this growth was driven by a 30% increase in student enrollment from the People's Republic of China. This is good news for the American education system, it's good news for the American economy, and it's good news for the future of our bilateral relationship.

With almost 128,000 students in the U.S., China has now overtaken India as the biggest source of foreign students. The Open Doors Report confirms what those of us working here have long believed: Chinese students and their parents still see the United States as the place for those who dare to dream big, and that American schools are big enough─and good enough─to make those dreams come true.

We should be proud of the global appeal of the U.S. education system. Foreigners studying in the United States don't just earn an American degree, they learn about America. They learn our value system and our core beliefs. They discover our multiethnic diversity, and the transparency and openness that promote good governance.

And when our foreign graduates return to their countries they bring those values back to their governments, their schools, their media and their corporations. They chart the destinies of their countries.

Since China began to reform and open its economy more than 30 years ago, more than one million Chinese have studied in the United States and have contributed to the economic growth of both countries. This has created jobs and economic opportunities across America, as foreign students spend money on everything from tuition and books to pizza and clothes.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, international students pumped $19.9 billion dollars into the U.S. economy in 2009-10. Considering that 18.5% of foreign students in the United States hailed from China in the 2009-2010 academic year, Chinese students are spending billions of dollars in the United States, helping to rejuvenate the economies of communities from across the United States.

This is a two-way street, and while we welcome the continued rise in the number of Chinese students in the United States, it is equally important that we also grow the number of American students studying in China. When he was in China last November, President Barack Obama said he wants to see the number of American students studying in China increase to 100,000 over the next four years.

In order for the United States to compete economically and address common global challenges, we need to train a new generation of Americans who understand the Chinese language as well as Chinese history and culture─and increasingly, advances in Chinese science and technology. We are working hard, on both sides of the Pacific, to meet President Obama's challenge.

As more of our citizens understand each other's culture and language, it makes it that much easier for us to work through our differences and find solutions for complex global problems. Foreign students who come to the United States often come in order to seek a piece of the American dream. What's important for us to realize is that these same foreign students take that dream back to their countries. As they work to make a better life for their families, they are also helping to transform their societies.

(Mr. Huntsman is the U.S. ambassador to the People's Republic of China. )洪博培


根据今年由国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)编纂的《学生流动门户开放报告》(Open Doors Report on Student Mobility),美国高校是中国有志赴海外留学学生的首选目的地。尽管2009-10学年美国各大专院校国际学生总量只增长了3%,但这是由中国学生增长30%带动的。这对美国教育体系和美国经济来说都是好消息,对于中美双边关系的未来也是好消息。






交往是双向的,在我们欢迎中国在美学生数量持续增加之际,增加在华学习的美国学生数量也同样重要。奥巴马总统(Barack Obama)去年11月份访华时说,他希望未来四年在华学习的美国学生数量增加到10万人。



(编者注:洪博培(JON M. HUNTSMAN)是美国驻中国大使)(本文版权归道琼斯公司所有,未经许可不得翻译或转载。)