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首页 » 商业 » 交易很简单。澳大利亚赚钱,中国赚整个澳大利亚 于2010-09-08 11:43:42翻译 | 已有415人浏览


Tags:资源 | 铁矿石 | 天然气
How's that supposed to make a country feel?


By Malcolm Knox

作者:Malcolm Knox

Every third Wednesday, Michael Box gets up at 3:30 in the morning to catch a flight out of Perth. Isolated in the south-west of Australia, Perth (pop. 1.6 million) is 1,700 miles from the next large city, Adelaide, which isn't even that big. Box and about a dozen co-workers fly two hours north to a yet more remote section of Australia, the Pilbara, a 193,000-square-mile hump of territory arcing into the Indian Ocean. They will land on this patch of iron-rich red earth and spend the next two weeks sending as much of it as they can, about a million tons a day, to China.


The Pilbara—the word is Aboriginal for mullet, a type of fish running in the mountain creeks—is both the end of the earth and the wellspring of Australia's future. The desolate region was home to indigenous people for millennia, then to the stockmen and adventurers who populate fantasies of the outback. It is the last place you would expect to find a businessman from China, let alone several thousand native Chinese.


Here, representatives of Chinese companies Chinalco, CITIC, Sinosteel, Ansteel, and China Metallurgical Group work alongside employees of BHP Billiton (BHP) and other mining companies, like Box's employer, Rio Tinto (RTP), in which China has an interest. Among their jobs—which include building power stations, desalination plants, and other infrastructure around the mines—is overseeing the removal of the iron ore, which is loaded onto 325-yard-long bulk carriers waiting by purpose-built wharves 500 yards long. (Construction has begun on a still larger installation, including a 1.1 mile long jetty.) About eight of these massive ships leave every day.

在这里,来自中国铝业、中信、中钢集团、鞍钢和中国冶金科工集团的业务代表们与必和必拓和其它矿业公司一起工作。伯克思的雇主力拓也在内,而中国恰恰也有力拓的股份。他们的工作包括建电站、脱盐厂,以及其它基础设施,但最重要的是监督铁矿石的运输 - 铁矿石先被运到325码长(约298米)的散装货轮上,这些货轮停靠在500码长(约457米)的专用码头。(更大规模码头的建设工程已经开始了,其中包括一个1.1英里的码头。)每天大约有八艘这样的巨轮驶离港口。

The red earth here contains an estimated 24 billion tons of iron ore. In the 1970s it left in smaller quantities and returned to Australia in Toyotas and Mazdas; now the dirt is going offshore forever, to house and transport workers in the cities of China. In this earth lies Australia's miracle economy, which has seen its gross domestic product grow 3.2 percent in the last year.

这里的红土含有大概240亿吨的铁矿。上世纪 70年代,红土的开采和运输量很小,而且被做成丰田或马自达后又都回到了澳洲。而现在,红土则会永远离开澳洲,被运到中国的城市里建设房屋和公共交通。去年澳大利亚的GDP增幅为3.2%,而这个经济奇迹就蕴藏在澳大利亚的红土里。

If you were searching for someone who has handled as much of this dirt as anyone in the past 40 years, you would find Box, 53, one of the 45,000 Australians who live and work in the Pilbara region. Everyone calls him "Boxy," as he is named on his navy-blue overalls and dayglo vest. "Call me any other name, I won't know who you're talking to," he says.


As a teenager in the 1970s, Boxy came up here to work for Hamersley Iron, building the town of Paraburdoo to support workers in the Pilbara mines. For 92 cents an hour he was one of "a tribe of dogsbodies," as he calls manual laborers, "carting sand and rocks, planting lawns, building retaining walls, then moving into the mine, crushing and screening iron ore, then loading it onto the trains."


Thirty-five years later Boxy is still here, now earning A$145,000 ($129,000) a year as a truck operator for Rio Tinto, his waist thickened by his love of beer, his eyesight aided by thick-rimmed glasses, and with a "hole in my hair that grew as big as my head."


By 7:30 a.m. he is in his room in a three-bedroom prefab donga in the miners' camp. A donga is a rudimentary shack, dusted with red dirt but fitted out with flat-screen TVs, sophisticated communications, and creature comforts. After breakfast and a change, he arrives at the West Angeles mine, one of a cluster of mega-mine sites in the Hamersley Ranges. By 8:30 he's at work.

7点半的时候,他就已经在他矿工营地的房间里了,那是一个有三间卧室的活动房中的一间。活动房就是个很简陋的棚屋,浮着红色的尘土,但里面有平板电视和先进的通讯设备,并且生活用品一应俱全。吃过早餐,换了衣服,他来到位于哈默斯理山脉的大型矿区之一 - West Angeles铁矿。八点半,开始工作。

In his time, Boxy has done "just about every job in mining," but his great love is driving big trucks. "After 11 years, I got to drive a 100-ton Wabco truck, working with loaders and bulldozers," he remembers. "We were just like boys in a sandpit." He now oversees a test project of driverless Komatsu trucks that cart out 300 tons at a time, moving 80,000 tons over two 12-hour shifts. When the drilling is good, he says, they can shift 120,000 tons in 24 hours. Without drivers, the trucks are more reliable, with radar sensors stopping them from crashing. They roll 24 hours a day.

在这几十年中,Boxy“差不多干过矿区的每一种工作,” 但他最喜欢的是开大卡车。“11年之后,我开始开一辆威伯科卡车,和装货机和推土机一起工作,”他回忆到。“我们那时就像泡在沙坑里的男孩一样。”他现在正在监督一项日本小松无人驾驶卡车的实验项目,每次装卸量为300吨,两个12小时的班次共可搬运8万吨。无人驾驶卡车更加可靠,雷达系统可以使卡车避免撞车事故,并且它们一天24小时不间断工作。

While it's a complex industry, at the basic level mining is dead-simple: Dirt is dug from the ground, loaded onto trucks, taken to trains, then put on boats. It is the scale that stuns, particularly in this operation. The trucks are two stories tall. The trains are two miles long, and they pour like rivers down the mountains to the coast, where the carrier ships await. The million tons of ore the ships carry away each day is up by 70 percent in the past five years, and most of it is bound for China.


As large as the Pilbara project is, it is just one of many China has funded in a boom that has both enriched and troubled Australia. The Chinese aluminum company Chinalco owns about 9 percent of Boxy's employer Rio Tinto, which has been transformed by China's demand for iron ore into the second-largest miner in the world. Rio Tinto, which had a net income of $1.4 billion in 2003, now earns more than $10 billion a year, and 70 percent of those profits are from iron ore. Until last year, China was trying to buy more of the company, a move resisted by Rio, which would have had its largest customer even more involved in decision-making.

皮尔巴拉工程的规模相当大,但这只是中国投资潮许多项目中的一个。这股投资潮既为澳大利亚带来了财富,也带来了困扰。中国铝业公司拥有Boxy的雇主力拓 9%的股份,而力拓也已被中国对铁矿石的需求改造成了世界第二大矿业公司。力拓2003年的净收入为14亿美元,而现在的年收入超过100亿美元,其中 70%来自铁矿石。直至去年,中国一直试图购买力拓更多的股份,但遭到力拓拒绝。如果交易成功,那么这个力拓最大的客户将会更积极地参与到公司的决策过程中来。

China buys A$22 billion worth of iron ore from Australia each year. In 2009, according to the Australian government, nearly a quarter of the country's exports, A$42.4 billion worth, went to China. The year-on-year growth was 31 percent.


The billions pouring in from China have helped Australia escape the global recession and enjoy a national unemployment rate of just 5.1 percent, about what it was before the financial crisis crushed many other economies.


"A 20-year-old off the street can come up to the Pilbara and earn A$92,000 a year," says Boxy. The median household income in Australia is A$67,000. "He can fly in and fly out 17 times a year for two-week stints, like I do, and he'd be silly not to."


The benefits for Australia in becoming China's quarry are quantifiable and visible, says Tim Harcourt, the chief economist for the government trade organization Austrade. "Our economic relationship with China adds A$3,400 per annum to every Australian household through exports, imports, and foreign investment," he says.

澳大利亚贸易委员会首席经济学家蒂姆. 哈考特说,澳大利亚成为中国采石场的好处是可以计算并清晰可见的。他说,“我们与中国的经济关系,包括出口、进口和外商投资,每年为每个澳洲家庭增加3,400澳元的收入。”

The greater part of China's interest in Australia lies in the ground. Chevron's Gorgon natural gas project at Barrow Island, off the northwest coast of Western Australia, will cost $37 billion to build and employ 6,000. China has committed to buying gas from the project for 20 years. Chevron (CVX) is also developing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project at Wheatstone in the same area that will produce an estimated 8.6 million tons of LNG annually. As a consequence, property prices in central Pilbara rose by 230 percent last year, according to RP Data.

中国对澳大利亚更大的兴趣是在地底下。雪佛龙公司在巴罗岛(西澳州西北海岸附近)的Gorgon天然气项目需要370亿美元的资金,并且提供6000个就业机会。中国已承诺将购买该项目天然气二十年。雪佛龙目前还在同一地区的惠特斯通开发一个液化天然气项目,年产量预计将达860万吨。RP Data公布的数据显示,受天然气项目带动,皮尔巴拉中部的房价去年上涨了230%。

Chinese resource investment comes in three main forms: In the year leading up to July 2009, Australia saw A$42.4 billion in export demand, A$3 billion of direct investment in Australian companies, and more than A$4.9 billion in other project financing. More than 60 new direct Chinese investment projects have been approved this year by Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board and are expected to total A$23 billion over their lives. Huge mining projects need the type of capital that is not easily available within Australia, and 99 percent of current Chinese investment in the country is in the resources sector.


Direct investment has been politically charged, with Chinese bids to take over or increase their shares in miners such as Rio Tinto and Oz Minerals blocked by management and the government, respectively. (A portion of Oz Minerals was purchased in June 2009 for $1.35 billion, however.) The Australian Foreign Investment Review Board has issued guidelines suggesting that Chinese direct investment in Australian companies remain below 50 percent, but no such law has been passed. This has not harmed Chinese financing. In June the China Development Bank signed a $1.1 billion loan facility for the $1.8 billion Karara iron ore project in Western Australia, developed by Australia's Gindalbie Metals and China's Angang Steel, as well as deals to fund Aquila Resources' A$5.8 billion West Pilbara iron ore project and Fortescue Metals' various Pilbara iron ore projects.

直接投资已经产生了政治效应。中国对力拓和Oz Minerals的收购或增购股份的尝试分别受到了公司管理层和政府的抵制(虽然2009年6月Oz Minerals的部分股份还是被以13.5亿美元的价格收购)。外国投资委员会已发布指导意见,将中国在澳企的直接投资份额限制在50%以下,但它并无法律效力。这些行动并未影响中国注资。六月份,中国国家开发银行签署协议,将为在西澳州价值18亿美元的卡拉拉铁矿石项目提供11亿美元的贷款。此项目由澳洲的Gindalbie Metals和中国鞍钢共同开发。此外,国开行还将为Aquila Resources的西皮尔巴拉铁矿石项目和Fortescue Metals的多个皮尔巴拉铁矿石项目注资。

The consequences of a A$6.6 billion trade surplus with China are evident on Australia's streets as much in what is unseen as what is seen: There are no dole lines, no rash of real estate foreclosures, and little of the social unrest that has followed economic downturns elsewhere.


Politically, China treats Australia as a serious partner. Three of its politburo standing committee members have visited Australia in the past 15 months, including Vice-President Xi Jinping in June, who noted the "advancement of the China-Australia relations at large." Talks are under way for a free-trade agreement, and an annual Australia-China Strategic Dialogue has been inaugurated.


Economic and diplomatic advances, however, have not fueled a warm national glow. Australia's proposal to increase taxes on mining became a national issue, precipitating a three-month barrage of anti-government campaigns paid for by the mining industry, which in part led to the removal in June of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, a Chinese-speaking former diplomat. In the August federal election, the ruling center-left Australian Labor Party lost its majority due in large part to massive swings against it in the resource-rich states of Western Australia and Queensland. Supporters of the tax argue that the resources are not coming back and that Australia should participate more fully in the outsize profits. Those against include the mine operators and the many who work in the mines; mining salaries are, on average, Australia's highest, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


The countries' diplomatic ties were also strained in early 2010 with the opaque trial and imprisonment in China of Stern Hu, an Australian convicted of accepting bribes and spying while working for Rio Tinto. He is to spend 10 years in prison. Hu was arrested a month after Rio Tinto rebuffed state-owned Chinalco's attempt to double its stake in the company.


Mining executives and other Australian businesspeople dealing with China were reluctant to comment on the Hu case. The Chinese embassy in Australia did not respond to a request to make a spokesman available.


China's hunger for Australian resources has aggravated the deepest divisions in Australian society over population size, immigration rates, taxation, and infrastructure. Bob Kinnaird, formerly of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and now a private consultant, warns: "The huge growth of the Chinese presence in Australia, through the mining boom, students, tourism, and permanent migration, has been mismanaged to an incredible degree. The industries involved have urged extraordinary growth, but there hasn't been the infrastructure support to cope with it, and the result is that large numbers of Australians in the cities are worried that while the economic indicators are going one way, their real living standards feel like they are going the other."


Public opinion reflects this ambivalence. In new polling conducted by the Lowy Institute for International Policy, an Australian think tank, 73 percent of Australians say Chinese economic growth has been positive, but 57 percent say there is now too much Chinese investment. Economic power has brought fear, too: 46 percent believe China will pose a military threat within the next 20 years.


Fergus Hanson conducted the polling. "In some ways," he says, "these polls repeat what was happening with Japan two decades ago. In 1988, 70 percent of Australians said we had too much Japanese investment, even though they thought it had been good for Australia. The difference now is that the ambivalence over the future comes with fears about the motivations of an authoritarian central government."


In the markets, speculators, unable to bet on a yuan pegged to the U.S. dollar, use the currencies of China's main trading partners instead. That has helped make the Australian dollar the fifth-most-traded currency in the world—after the U.S. dollar, the yen, the pound, and the euro—even though Australia is the 18th largest economy. It has also made it more volatile. In May it fell by almost 10 percent in one day when traders sold it as a proxy for China, after Chinese growth forecasts were downgraded.


It's in the towns, however, where the boom is most powerfully felt—and least trusted, especially as projects are prepared for and sometimes abandoned. In Ravensthorpe, in the Pilbara, the shelving of a nickel mine cost a projected 6,000 jobs. ("When I first went to Paraburdoo in the Pilbara in the 1970s," remembers Box, "the place was only half-built from the 1960s boom. It had been shut down when the boom ended.")


Wandoan, a hamlet of 300 homes in outback Queensland, on the eastern side of Australia, is hanging by a Chinese thread right now. Life there has become contingent on decisions in steel towns in China or at the headquarters of Mainland-based multinationals. Mining giant Xstrata, to take one example, has been planning a A$6 billion coal mine that is part of a A$150 billion complex of projects in central Queensland to export coal and LNG to Asia.


Ray Mortimer is a local real estate agent and head of the town's business chamber. "The mine's been on the drawing board for a long time," he says, "and people feel like they're being strung along. Xstrata has bought 70,000 acres of the most beautiful grazing land for seven mines. Forty families were coming to grips with whether to take the money or stay where they've been for generations and didn't really want to leave. When they did leave, it caused the local supermarket to close down. Then Xstrata stopped buying. Then two months ago it was on again, but now it's up in the air again."

雷.莫蒂默是本地的地产经纪人,也是镇商会的主席。“煤矿项目已经计划了很长时间,人们也都觉得在被它牵着鼻子走,”他说,“Xstrata买下了7万英亩最美的牧场用以开发七座煤矿,当时四十个家庭面临着拿钱搬家或继续留在他们世世代代生活的土地上的选择,而他们并不想走。当他们真走了之后,当地的超市也随即关门了。然后 Xstrata停止了收购。两个月以前项目筹备又开始了,但现在又暂停了。”

The consequence, in the small towns whose livelihoods hinge on those decisions, is a sense of helplessness.


"There are deeply mixed feelings over the mine," says Mortimer. "Older people have no sense that this is going to be good for the district, because all they see is their communities being decimated. For the businesses who are meant to profit, whether it's mine mechanics or hardware or all the small businesses in the towns, they don't know from one week to the next whether they're going to have a job or not."


Dina Fraser, whose family has owned the local pharmacy in Wandoan for 40 years, says the mine project has been anything but a blessing. "A lot of people have lost their properties to acquisitions by the mine and some have left town," she says. "If the mine doesn't happen, the town might just fade away. There's great upheaval about it and a happy farming community has been turned into something else, and you could say a lot of people wish the resources were somewhere else."


Unpredictability brings anxiety and hope in equal measure to the 8,000 Aborigines in the Pilbara, who hope their third-world living conditions might be raised by the China boom. Tony Wiltshire, an indigenous mechanic who runs a guild of Aboriginal businesses and tradesmen in the Pilbara, says the mining boom's benefits could sidestep the local population.


"The reality is that industrial discrimination against local people is huge," he says. "The big corporations fly workers in and out, and see these mines as short-term projects."


Charlie Williams, a 55-year-old Aboriginal electrician who had worked on the east coast all his life, decided to fly west and try his luck three years ago. "I went to Perth and qualified as an electrical contractor," says Williams, who now works on electrical maintenance in BHP Billiton's rail yards at Nelson Point, on the Pilbara coast. "My main aim is to get Aboriginal apprentices into work," he says. "There's a terrible cycle of poverty for Aboriginal people, and the mining industry can either break that cycle or it can pass us by."

55岁的查理.威廉姆斯是一名澳洲土著电工,他从参加工作开始就一直在东岸,但三年前他决定到西边去碰碰运气。“我去了珀斯,当上了电力承包商,”威廉姆斯说。他现在在必和必拓位于皮尔巴拉海岸Nelson Point的铁路围栏场做电力维护。“我的主要目标是让澳洲土著学徒们找到工作,”他说。“土著人的生活一直在贫困中循环,矿业要么可以打破这种循环,要么就会和我们擦肩而过。”

Williams, a graying, bespectacled, and fair-skinned Aboriginal man, has Chinese blood on his mother's side. Chinese immigration to Australia started in the 1850s gold rushes, and that diaspora spread through the country, including to north Queensland, where Williams' people come from. "I'm color-blind on these things," he says. "China is just a customer, and if they can bring us jobs, that's what China means to me."


But if it's just a customer, what are its obligations to the supplier? Tony Wiltshire asks a question that is a perennial for citizens of a land that is used as a quarry: "Are they just here to make a buck and go, or build something sustainable? The question is whether we're going to have mines with towns, or towns with mines."


That question speaks to the rest of Australia. In June, Wiltshire was one of many locals surprised to see the Sino mine project in the Pilbara advertise for riggers, crane operators, and fitters who speak Mandarin. As an unhappy union official named Joe McDonald put it: "The only bloke I know who can speak Mandarin is Kevin Rudd."


John Sutton, the national secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the biggest representative of Australian mine workers, voices a widely held concern: "As more Chinese investment comes in, it's inevitable that they'll want to bring in their own workforce, with lower costs and conditions than the locals. Why else would a company advertise in a way that shuts out pretty much every Australian job applicant?"


Or, as Kinnaird puts it: "We've seen it before in the 1980s, when Japanese companies brought in Japanese-speaking workers. When the Japanese economy busted and they pulled out of Australia, they left nothing for the local workforce."


It is all a jarring turnaround in a long relationship. For most of the 20th century, Australia had an immigration policy that was biased against non-Europeans. Although Australia recognised the People's Republic of China in 1972, ahead of many Western governments, trade with communist China was minimal until this decade. A precedent existed, however, in Japan, which went from Australia's No. 1 military threat to its biggest trading partner in the space of a generation.


With such an unexpected and rapid windfall, from a country with a suspect record on human rights and unknown intentions for its trading partners, it is perhaps normal for many Australians to look for a catch. Fergus Hanson's polling shows a recent pushback against China. "Record numbers of Australians support our alliance with the USA," he writes. "Part of that is the popularity of Barack Obama, but a bigger part is fear of China." These findings were backed up by a survey of 2,000 investors in January 2010 by Fairfax Media newspapers, in which only one in five had positive feelings about Chinese investment. Others were worried by China's human rights record, or that China's state-owned enterprises would act against Australia's interests.

从一个人权状况和对其贸易伙伴动机受到质疑的国家一下子得到大笔的财富,这自然让许多澳洲人觉得蹊跷。弗格斯.汉森的民意测验显示出了最近澳洲对中国产生的抗拒。“从没有这么多澳洲人支持我们与美国结盟,”他写到。“这一部分是由于巴拉克.奥巴马非常受欢迎,但更大的原因是出于对中国的恐惧。”2010年1 月Fairfax Media旗下的报纸对两千名投资者所做的调查也印证了这些结果。调查显示,每五人中只有一人对中国投资持积极态度。其他人或为中国的人权状况担忧,或担心中国国有企业有可能将澳洲利益弃而不顾。

At street level, there is little evidence of ethnic tension. Chinese businesses are long-established not only in Australian cities but in small rural towns. "Chinese immigrants were here very soon after the Europeans," says Kinnaird, "They've long been a part of Australian life."


There has been no recent reporting of race-related violence against Chinese in Australia, as compared with the well-publicized attacks on Indian students in 2009, the riots directed at Middle-Eastern immigrants in 2005, and national anxiety over asylum seekers from South Asia. Says Kinnaird, "The tension you do see is related to labor markets specifically, through workers coming in from China on short-term visas, rather than a broader social phenomenon directed at Chinese-Australians."


For union leader Sutton, it boils down to what the Chinese companies build and leave here. "The big mining companies have tended to see themselves as visitors to an area, flying in and flying out," he says. "What's needed is for governments to insist on them contributing to the building of schools, roads, hospitals, permanent housing, all the things that are going to leave these towns better than before. As long as the companies aren't doing that, the fear for Australia workers is that Chinese companies will just be building camps to fly in and fly out Chinese workers on temporary visas, to work for less pay and worse conditions, and deprive Australians of the benefits that they are due."


One of the local councils in the Pilbara, Shire of Ashburton, recently refused permission to Rio Tinto to expand its camp around the Tom Price mine. Instead the company has been asked to invest in facilities that will remain after the mine is closed, to spend $247 million on housing, an air strip, and other infrastructure at the town of Pannawonica. This kind of investment, and the employing of locals, is the only move that is going to convince skeptics like Tony Wiltshire.

皮尔巴拉的阿什伯顿郡最近拒绝了力拓在Tom Price矿周围扩大营地的请求,并且要求力拓支付2.47亿美元用以在Pannawonica镇建设房屋、一条机场跑道以及其它基础设施,直到矿关闭之后仍可继续使用。这样的投资和雇用本地人是能说服像托尼.维特谢尔这样的怀疑派的唯一方法。

"We were at a town meeting the other day when a representative from a mining company said, 'Come on, we're all up here to make a dollar.' The locals in the room looked at each other and thought, 'What?' We live here. We can cope with the hot summers. We're here for the long term. We are actually better for the multinationals than the contractors they fly in and fly out. We just need them to wake up to the fact that they, and we, are all in it for the long haul."


Like many miners making money off the boom, though, Michael Box is optimistic.


"I'm a simple man, but I've had a good life," he says. "My total salary and superannuation is A$145,000 a year, and when I'm in the Pilbara I don't have to put my hand in my pocket. I have a house in the city and an investment property and a 1972 Falcon pickup. I couldn't have had this life without mining."


And though he has seen booms go bust, his confidence stretches as far over the horizon as Australia's economy seems to. "When my 18-year-old son Christopher was wondering what to do with his life, I showed him everything I've got from driving trucks and carrying dirt," says Box. "He's decided to study mining engineering. I'll be proud as punch if he ends up being one of my bosses."

