中国拟向私人飞机开放4000米以下空域 China to open airspace for civil aviation

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 00:03:35

China plans to open its airspace below 4,000 metres to civilian aircraft, a decision likely to open up one of the world’s largest untapped markets for corporate and other private aviation.


The Central Military Commission – which governs the People’s Liberation Army – and the State Council, China’s cabinet, said in a policy paper that low- altitude airspace would be gradually opened to private aircraft, according to people who have seen the document and reports posted on official websites.


Helicopters and light aircraft are virtually absent from Chinese skies because of tight military control over all airspace and regulations that require all private flights to be approved by military and civil aviation authorities, which can take weeks or longer.


“Right now it is basically impossible to use general aviation aircraft in China and some aircraft owners are already pushing the envelope by flying without permission,” said Jason Liao, chairman and chief executive of China Business Aviation Group, who has been lobbying for the past decade to get Beijing to open China’s lower-altitude airspace. “This is a huge step for China and almost certainly means the country will eventually become the second-largest market in the world for general aviation aircraft like helicopters and turboprop aircraft [after the United States].”

“目前在中国基本上不可能使用通用飞机,某些机主已经在打擦边球,他们在未经许可的情况下飞行,”过去10年里一直在呼吁中国政府开放低空空域的中国公务航空集团(China Business Aviation Group)董事长及首席执行官廖学峰(Jason Liao)表示。“这对中国来说是一大步,几乎肯定意味着中国最终将成为全球第二大的通用飞机(如直升机和螺旋桨飞机)市场,仅次于美国。”

At present the PLA has the final say over the use of China’s airspace and often schedules air drills and weapons tests at short notice, disrupting commercial aviation operations and exacerbating the country’s chronic flight delays.


According to the new policy paper, any aircraft flying at 1,000m or lower will be able to take off and fly without any prior approval or paperwork.


Aircraft flying below 4,000m but above 1,000m will be required to file a flight plan but will not need to get approval to fly.


For years, private aircraft makers and corporate jet producers have eyed China’s booming economy and predicted it would be the world’s fastest-growing market for their products.


But despite pent-up demand from the country’s new rich and from cashed up corporations, the restrictions have kept the market from living up to the hype.


According to state media, as of the end of 2008, China had only 898 private aircraft, compared with 222,000 in the US.


An official at the defence ministry who asked not to be named said the reform plans did not mean the military had changed its focus on security. “The fact that our airspace can be put to better economic use is of strategic value in itself,” the official said.


Officials said such economic use of low airspace would include tourism, flight training, agricultural applications such as crop spraying, and medical rescue helicopters.


The reports did not give a concrete timeline for the reform.
