Maliki to stay another term in office

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Maliki to stay another term in office

08:31, November 08, 2010      

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Iraqi incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will stay in office for another term after the country's political blocs reached a power-sharing deal, an official television reported on Sunday.

"The political blocs reached an agreement yesterday in which prime minister Nuri al-Maliki will stay on, while the Iraqia political bloc will choose a candidate for the parliament speaker post," the state-run television of Iraqia quoted the government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh as saying.

Iraq's Kurdish President Jalal Talabani will also stay in office as the sole candidate for the Kurdish Alliance for the president post, the channel said.

Late on Saturday, Talabani held a meeting in his office in Baghdad with Maliki and the former Shiite prime minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, in which the three leaders agreed on the need for forming a new government as soon as possible.

"We were discussing the finishing touches of the parliament session which definitely will be held on Thursday, and to whoever want to participate in the government, we say the road now is clear," Maliki said after the meeting.

Maliki was fighting for another term for the premier post but he is facing bitter resistance from his rival Ayad Allawi, who gained narrow win with two seats in the country's March 7 polls, and the Shiite religious party of Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, headed by Ammar al-Hakim.

The latest announcement came as the Kurdish president of the regional government Massud Barzani invited all Iraqi political blocs to hold a meeting on Monday in Arbil in an attempt to solve the differences between the country's political blocs over forming a new government since March 7 parliamentary elections.

Source: Xinhua
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