
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 04:57:36
  •     蕾丝胸罩与晶莹黑发柔顺呼应,勿需胸罩肩带的过渡,强光突出了女人肩部的圆润,笑容的清澈与幸福感,一个瞬间就是永恒。   This lady is wearing a black lace bra.  Bras normally have straps that go above the shoulders, but she has let one of the straps fall down her arm and hook on her elbow.  Of course this is a seductive gesture and she is showing her playfulness by her beaming smile.  Notice her exceptionally long eyelashes.  With strong lighting and a white background, the feel of the picture is simple and straightforward.  It is not too racy, as everything that would be considered pornographic is covered by her arms or by the bra.     双手对合,置于胸前,产生美妙的光影,成就“最时尚的内衣”,其实那是手臂的影子,让前胸不再外露。   This lady is wearing a tight and revealing black dress.  The amount of skin that the dress exposes makes it like a piece of lingerie.  Her entire back is exposed, which shows that she is not wearing a bra, and she has her hands in a praying position.  It is doubtful that she is praying, however, given her naughty facial expression and impish smile.  One striking thing about her dress is the belt, which has a triangular and sharp pattern on it.  It looks like it is made of some hard material such as plastic.     别致的创意,用内衣的线条突出女性曲线,沙漏形体的又一次美好诠释,本图的艺术感在于,她鼓励你的遐思飞扬,你尽可想象她成为任何美好的事物。   Here is an interesting pose to show curves.  We are seeing the back view of a woman bending forward.  The only things visible are her legs, buttocks, and her hands grabbing her ankles.  She is wearing black panties with a flowery pattern on them, high heels, and full length panty hose.  The pantyhose have a stripe down the middle of the leg which accentuates the length of her legs.  Her pumps have a strap that go above the heel on the Achilles tendon.  This is a very artistic photo, and if you gaze at it for a long enough time you may see all kinds of things, depending on your imagination.       红色的长袜,黑色的横纹,是镜头最近的部分,却无法夺目,因为光线和色彩搭配,让女性的健康形体无从隐藏。   This blonde has nothing on except for knee length red striped socks.  Although her face looks slightly older, she still looks to be in excellent shape with shapely arms thighs, and a well developed chest.  She is sitting with her legs crossed, and her left arm wrapped around her knees, and right arm resting on the back of her neck.  The background contrasts nicely with the subject, with the top of the background dark and the bottom of the background light, which accentuates the color of the dark striped socks.       这档Rankin内裤,用亮蓝又含蓄的颜色搭以白色的花边,和肤色自成一体,昭示内衣舒适的一面。虽然颜色并不炫丽,却展示了青春、美丽和荣华的生活气质。   Here we see a close up of a woman’s crotch.  The panties are blue with a white frilly outline.  The underwear has a word “Rankin” on them which could be her name or the name of a clothing company.  In the center of the panties is a white ribbon.  She has inserted her hand into her panties with her thumb coming up over the top, while the other four fingers are inside of the panties.  Her pointer finger goes straight down the middle of her crotch while the other three fingers are resting on her thigh.       银亮胸罩散发盈盈光彩,与笑容的光彩媲美,加之背景的暗淡,让快乐这个主题变得鲜活,在灯光下熠熠闪亮。   This woman is wearing a glittery metallic looking bra.  She looks like she is on the filming set for a lingerie advertisement.  She definitely has model-looks and her hair is stylized.  This photo, despite the fact that she is only wearing lingerie is on the conservative side since the bra is not exposing very much.  The straps are still where they should be and the amount of area covered by the bra is relatively high.         白色的紧身上衣和黑色内裤营造了温和的气氛,这种最经典的颜色搭配,加之百叶窗透出的光芒,让女性之美在温和的色调中,变得纯粹。   This woman is wearing a white tight vest undershirt and black panties.  On her wrist she is wearing several bracelets.  On her right pinky she has a ring on.  The picture has heavy back lighting which is most likely sunlight coming in through the blinds in the background.  This makes the image of the model dark and almost like a silhouette.       内衣和黑白,又一款色彩艺术的组合,同时呈现女性后部形体的突兀和丰满,沙漏形体的优美曲线游走在黑白之间。   This brunette is wearing a girdle and we are seeing it from the back view.  She also has a garter belt on which is suspending her stockings.  Her shoulder blades are sharp and protruding.  Her butt cheeks are completely exposed as she is wearing thong underwear.  The picture is in black and white, which gives it a more artistic feel.     基尼的红兰色搭配,是海滩风情的绝佳点缀,你尽可展现自己的活泼和外向,在大自然的和风里,浪花追随不止的,是你的亲吻。  Here is a woman on the beach.  She is puckering her lips pretending to get ready for a kiss.  She is wearing a bikini with alternating red and blue stripes.  She is also in a position similar to a dog, on her knees and arm and facing down.  She has her right calf slightly raised.  In the background we see the waves of the ocean.