
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/23 19:03:55
2010年07月25日 07:58:20  来源: 环球网

( 其实“丹麦属地法罗群岛”是一个相对独立的“国家”有自己的政府,而丹麦只是技术意义上的拥有者,而且这个““丹麦属地法罗群岛”并不属于欧盟,欧盟管不了它。环球网的编辑应该在发表之前做好功课 by  )


海豚是人类的朋友,尤为孩子们喜爱,是动物园里最受欢迎的佳宾,在中国也属于国家二级保护动物!海豚属于哺乳纲、鲸目、齿鲸亚目,海豚科,通称海豚,是体型较小的鲸类,共有近62种,分布于世界各大洋。体长1.2~4.2米,体重23~225千克。海豚一般嘴尖,上下颌各有约101颗尖细的牙齿,主要以小鱼、乌贼、虾、蟹为食。 海豚喜欢过“集体”生活,少则几头,多则几百头。海豚是一种本领超群、聪明伶俐的海中哺乳动物。经过训练,就能打乒乓球、跳火圈等。除人以外,海豚的大脑是动物中最发达的。
Barbarians still live in Northern Europe. Shame on Denmark!
Posted Sat, 07/03/2009 - 12:52 by nuno

I am deeply shocked with such attitude. No words. I am such against traditional  in Southern Europe ( in Portugal and  in Spain) but I think I have found much more barbarian acts in a country which, by definition, is (or should be) more civilised than European Latin Countries. Well... I was so wrong.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you may not know but there are still Barbarian (capitalised) that have past through Middle Ages and even Modern Era. Today, 2009, there are still stupid traditions where some stupid young men have to torture to death defenceless dolphins and whales just to prove they are adults. I am sorry, what? Adults? Hasn't human insanity any limits? I can understand why such acts are still unpunished, and I think they don't either. In fact, judging the crowd assisting to that carnage, they think they must be doing something great. Killers. Murderers. Shameless living species.
This sad scenario happens in  which are a kind of independent country which is in fact autonomous province of. Even if they aren't officially part of the European Union, I thin it's urgent that our well paid  to do something because Danish government seems to close their eyes over this (they still have the legal responsibilities over Faroe). So please, please try to spread the word with this post or other you discovered on the Web.
It has to stop... yesterday!
[Update] I found a petition here: . Please sign.
I let you with some images so you can have an idea about what's going on there. Hold your breath and your stomach too. Please see it all.

I saw this on google suggest while playing around, and it got me thinking. You see, I am from Denmark, and I’ve lived in Denmark all my life. I have to tell you a secret about Denmark: WE DON’T HAVE ANY GOD DAMN DOLPHINS IN DENMARK!!!
Now, having said that, it is true that the are a constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark, along with Denmark and Greenland. What does that mean? Well it means that while the Faeroe island is technically part of the Kingdom of Denmark, it is almost self-governed, as has been since 1948. It’s also true that some people on the Faeroe island kill whales and they’ve been killing whales since 1584.
So, why are people on the internet (and probably elsewhere) demanding Denmark to stop killing dolphins? My guess is that they are ignorant! Seriously, I’ve read  posts (warning: very graphic images) and there’s some less than true statements in there.
Anyways, before I get to mad, let me recap: Denmark don’t kill whales (or dolphins), the Faeroese do.
The Faeroe island is NOT:
So next time you think something is terrible, do your research first!
Calling the Danish people dolphin-killers is not only incredibly stupid, it’s also very insensitive!
Why European Union doesn´t stop this uncivilized act?"
The Faroe Islands are not part of the European Union.
Why not give Dolphins Non-Human Person Status?
Denmark --
Considering Dolphins are, considered by some, to be the closest animal to man by means of intelligence, this atrocity is ever more evident. This type of action, both in Denmark and in Japan, has led a select few to try to gain a non-human persons status for them.
While this may seem too much for some, after considering the logic being put forward this idea isn't too much of a stretch.  The following is an article, copied in full, about this posted .  I am sure that article itself may change a few minds.
Scientists studying dolphin behavior have suggested they could be the most intelligent creatures on Earth after humans, saying the size of their brains in relation to body size is larger than that of our closest relatives, the chimpanzees, and their behaviors suggest complex intelligence. One scientist said they should therefore be treated as "non-human persons" and granted rights as individuals.
The behavioral studies showed  (especially the bottlenose) have distinct personalities and self-awareness, and they can think about the future. The research also confirmed dolphins have complex social structures, with individuals co-operating to solve difficult problems or to round up shoals of fish to eat, and with new behaviors being passed from one dolphin to another.
Several examples of learning being passed on to other individuals have been observed. In one case a rescued dolphin in South Australia, taught to tail-walk during recuperation, in turn taught the trick to other wild dolphins in the Port Adelaide river estuary when she was released. According to  Mike Bossley it was "like watching a dance craze take off", with the dolphins apparently learning the trick just for fun, since tail-walking has no natural function.
Work carried out by professor of psychology at the City University of New York, Diana Reiss, showed dolphins could recognize themselves in a mirror, and could use it to inspect other parts of their bodies, an ability previously only demonstrated in humans and a few animals such as apes, elephants and . In another study Reiss was able to teach captive dolphins a rudimentary language based on symbols.
In anatomical studies of the dolphin, zoologist Lori Marino and colleagues from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia in the US, used MRI () scans to map the brains of dolphins and compare them with the brains of primates. She found the ratio of dolphin brain mass to body size to be second only to the human brain, which means dolphin brains are relatively larger than those of chimpanzees.
The neocortex and cerebral cortex of the bottlenose dolphins were particularly large and the cortex had similar convoluted folds to those found in human brains and strongly associated with intelligence. Cortical folds increase the volume of the cortex and its capacity for interconnections to form. Marino said the findings on  anatomy and intelligence of dolphins mean we should re-examine the treatment of dolphins, especially when their treatment results in suffering.
Reiss and Marino say their behavioral and anatomical findings and our new understanding of dolphin intelligence mean it may not be ethical to keep dolphins in aquatic amusement parks for our entertainment, or to kill them for food. Around 300,000 whales, dolphins, and porpoises die each year, with some being killed for food, such as the annual killing of thousands of dolphins and small whales in Taijii, Japan, or even to prove the manhood of those killing them, such as the slaughter of Calderon dolphins at Faroe Island, in Denmark.
Reiss and Marino will present their findings at a conference in San Diego, California next month. Also speaking at the conference will be professor of ethics and business at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Thomas White, who said the new research adds weight to his ideas that dolphins should be regarded as "non-human persons" with the right to be treated as individuals. White is the author of the book "In Defense of Dolphins".