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Scholars Discuss "Color Revolution" and "Street Politics" and America‘s Strategy of Occidentalizing and Disuniting China
<<高校理论战线 >>2005年06期
祝念峰 ,王群瑛 ,Zhu Nianfeng ,Wang Qunying
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专家学者研讨"颜色革命"、"街头政治"及美国西化、分化中国战略 Scholars Discuss "Color Revolution" and "Street Politics" and America‘s Strategy of Occidentalizing and Disuniting China[高校理论战线 Theoretical Front in Higher Education]祝念峰 ,王群瑛 ,Zhu Nianfeng ,Wang Qunying
独联体"颜色革命"与美国"新布什主义" "Color Revolution" in Commonwealth and "New Bushism" in America[中共天津市委党校学报 Journal of the Party School of Tianjin Committee of the C.P.C]林建华 ,李华锋 ,Lin Jianhua ,Li huafeng
警惕美国以文化"软实力"西化、分化中国 Be Attentive to American Occidentalizing and Disuniting China by It‘s Soft-power of Civilization[高校理论战线 Theoretical Front in Higher Education]龚书铎 ,Gong Shuduo
"颜色革命"与美俄角逐独联体 "Color Revolution"and the Contention between the US and Russia for the Commonwealth of Independent States[国际问题研究 International Studies]陈玉荣 ,Chen Yurong
"颜色革命"与美国中亚战略的调整 "Color Revolution" and America‘s Adjustment of Central Asia Strategy[天中学刊 Journal of Tianzhong]李小圣
应对西方国家"西化"、"分化"战略的对策 Strategy and Counter-measures to the Occidentalizing and Dividenizing of Western Countries[延边大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Yanbian University(Social Science Edition)]吴文
美国推行"街头政治"的实质和策略 The Essence and Tactic of American "Street Politics" Pursued in Other Countries[高校理论战线 Theoretical Front in Higher Education]张崇防 ,王万征 ,Zhang Chongfang ,Wang wanzheng
"颜色革命"·美国的民主战略·对策 The "Color Revolution", American "Exporting Democracy" and Our Countermeasures[扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版) Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)]匡小阳 ,刘煜 ,KUANG Xiao-yang ,LIU Yu
"颜色革命"与国际关系专题研讨会--黄仁伟、冯绍雷、潘光、沈丁立、赵华胜等著名专家观点综述 A Summary of the Academic Conference on "Color Revolution" and the International Relations[国际观察 International Review]孙凌云 ,Sun Lingyun
民主自由与安全——"颜色革命"后的思考 Democracy, Freedom and Security——Reflection made after "Color Revolution"[西北民族研究 North West Ethno-national Studies]王智娟 ,潘志平
颜色革命与美国 Color Revolution and America[成都行政学院学报 Journal of Chengdu Institute of Public Administration]宁金和 ,Ning Jin-he
美国走如何推行"街头政治"的 How do America Carry out "Street Politics"[高校理论战线 Theoretical Front in Higher Education]南菁 ,Nan Jing
论当代中国的内源式政治发展战略 Discuss on the politics development strategy of the inner resource pattern in modern China[云南行政学院学报 Journal of Yunnan Administration College]邓集文 ,袁金辉
解读"颜色革命" Explaining "Color Revolution"[国际资料信息 International data information]徐海燕 ,Xu Haiyan
美国的"民主化"战略值得警惕(笔谈)[国外理论动态 Foreign Theoretical Trends]牛新春 ,房宁 ,刘洪潮 ,龚书铎 ,曹长盛 ,李亚洲