
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 09:12:53
Fall 2006Oral Training for Sophomores
Fall 2006Research Methodology and Thesis Writing
Spring 2006Oral Training for Sophomores
Spring 2006翻譯與習作
Fall 2005  Freshman Oral Training
Fall 2004  Conference and Communication Skills  會議與溝通技巧
Fall 2004  English for Practical Purposes 應用英文
Spring 2004 口譯入門
Fall 2002  Oral Training for Sophomores  大二口語訓練
Fall 2002 口譯入門
Fall 2002 English for Practical Purposes  實用英文
Spring 2002NCU English PR Team  中央大學英文公關隊
Spring 2002 Freshman Writing 大一文法與習作
Spring 2001 Freshman Writing 大一文法與習作
Fall 1999 Tesol  英語教材教法課程線上資訊
Spring 1996 Composition Class  大二作文
Spring 2007 Studies in Consumer Society 文化研究入門:消費社會
Fall 2005 Studies in Subcultures 文化研究概論:次文化研究
Spring 2005Introduction to Cultural Studies   文化研究入門:文化研究與批判理論
Spring 2004 Cultrual Studies 文化研究概論:理論探究
Spring 2004 Introduction to Cultural Studies 文化研究入門:認識通俗文化
Fall 2001 The MacDonaldization of Society
Spring 1999    The Making of the Modern World
西洋文化概論II ──現代世界的誕生
Spring 1998    Western Civilization and Its Moments
西洋文化概論I ──西洋文化剪影
Fall 1996    Introduction To Cultural Studies
Fall 1994   Literary Studies:An Institutional History
Fall 2001
Seminar on Foucault  傅柯專題
Spring 2001
Seminar on Gender/Sexuality:Love and Modernity  現代浪漫愛危機
Fall 1999
Introduction to Transgender Studies  跨性別概論
Fall 1998
Seminar on Gender/Sexuality:Feminist Theory and Queer Politics  女性主義理論與酷兒政治
Fall 1997
Gender/Sexuality and Its Discontents Part II:Seminar on Bisexuality  雙性戀研究
Spring 1997
Seminar on Gender/Sexuality and Its Discontents  性/別及其不滿
Spring 1996
Seminar on Sexuality and Difference III: Lesbian and Gay Studies  同志研究
Fall 1995
Seminar on Sexuality and Difference II:The Sex Debate  女性主義性辯論
Spring  1995
Seminar on Sexuality and Difference I:Freud and Sex-Pol  佛洛依德與性政治
