
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/24 00:13:24
发布者:王鑫   原作者:普京xue   发表日期:2005-11-15 10:45:44.233
精彩推荐: 最热资讯排行榜 世界经理人博客首页 愤怒:央视神六报道泄密严重! 干部嫖娼,女干部做甚? 醒醒吧!别再上这四种当了 1.83亿美元,江南春赚翻了 中国航天:日本无奈的眼神! 内蒙妇女捡了一大块神六碎片(图) 憋不住了 曝光男女最尴尬时刻 日本欧洲为何不能发射载人飞船 笑得背过气的日本大片 中国人的杀手锏和中国人的死穴 下载: 行业研究报告免费资料目录 世界经理人商道社区 首页 商业情报资料下载!纯免费! 普华永道“全球娱乐和媒体业展望” 推荐哈佛大学MBA案例教程(上/下) 企业上市运作流程与技巧 全球发行的人力资源管理教程 2005中国传媒(报业)报告 中国汽车网络行销报告 中国大众传媒行业研究报告 2005年下半年基金策略报告 经典MBA管理故事集
I was living in a shack next door to Helen with my ex-wife s grandparents. I spent a lot of time with Helen and keep visiting her. The small child on the photo later died from malnutrition. The older girl was many years after strangled to death by her husband. Another daughter is now in prison. Helen has since turned to religion.
翻译:我和我妻子的祖父母住在海伦隔壁的一个小间里,我花了大量的时间拜访了她,照片上的年纪小的那个小孩在不久后因为营养不良而死亡,照片上那个年纪稍大的小孩在许多年后被海伦丈夫扼死。她的另外一个女儿现在正在坐牢。海伦从此以后致力于她的宗教信仰 ...




I was hanging out with Lep s son. One night he took me home to see his family in a rotten shack out in the woods. The first many times I came around Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a documentary about my friends, he had sobered up. During those years I visited him and his wife in 3 different shacks - all of them later burning down.

Ida is one of the most lonesome people I know of - living totally forgotten by people around her - far out on the back roads in Alabama s dense forest. Exactly therefore she bursts out in a scream of joy every time I come back to see her. I have known her for 25 years and she especially enjoys when I bring friends with me - such as Anita Roddick from THE BODY SHOP.
翻译:Ida是我所知道的人当中最寂寞的一个,生活在她周围 阿拉巴马州浓密的森林回路最前端的人们完全把她忘记了。所以我每次去看她,她都格外兴奋,甚至尖叫起来,我认识她有25年了,她特别满意我带一些朋友去看她,就像来自车身修理厂的Anita Roddick朋友 ...

Apathetic woman in NC(生活在NC的缺乏感情的女人)

Children of pain in GA(生活在GA的痛苦的孩子们)


I went home with one of the field workers one day to his little one room trailer. Except for the tiny window it was totally black inside. Two years after I took this photo of Sam, he was beaten to death by police while being in jail for drunkenness.
dream deferred(一个延期的梦)

While I was “engaged” to a millionaire daughter of the Schlitz brewery family - she gave me permission every other day to drive around her car on the most deserted back roads in North Carolina where you can’t hitchhike. To see poverty from a car backed up by affluence is a very superficial experience. Therefore I have lost touch with this grandmother.

Ida and Joe in AL(在AL的Ida和Joe )

Poor whites I always found the hardest to photograph - at least in the USA where they have deeply internalized the prevailing American philosophy - that you are yourself to be blamed for your own misery. Thus they are also robbed of the dignity and pride characterizing the poor in other countries.

This woman reflects the distrust, fear and self-loathing I find in most poor whites in America - one of the hardest groups for me to photograph.

lived on and off with Nell and her daughter in the crime-ridden projects. She couldn t pay her monthly rent of 59$ and was eventually evicted. Now she is homeless and walking the streets of New York.

Poor white couple in Florida bar(佛罗里达州酒吧的白人穷人夫妇)

Lord, will I ever? No, nigger, never!(我曾经是贵族吗?不,永远的黑鬼!)

Child growing up in the ditch in Florida(成长在佛罗里达沟渠里的孩子)

This old woman in Washington D.C. with the “smile” sign in the window was the closest neighbor to Congress, which had condemned her to a pension 40% below the official poverty line.

lived with this woman in the projects on and off. She had promised me that I could photograph the birth of her child, but unfortunately I missed the chance. The bedroom here was right next to one of the most noisy freeways in New Jersey and the bed tilted badly, so usually I preferred to sleep on the cold concrete floor in the living room.

Grandmother in bed(床上的祖母)

While I lived with the playboy millionaire Tommy Howard in North Carolina I walked around in the local ghetto. I visited an old woman who were cooking this meal of cornbread.
翻译:当我在北卡罗莱纳州和百万富翁花花公子Tommy Howard生活那段时间。一次我在当地一个犹太人区闲逛,拜访了一个老女人,她正在烹饪这类馅饼作为膳食。

Through a “mysterious mistake” I got locked up in this California prison with my camera and had plenty of time to follow the daily life of my co-inmates. Food was served in their cells where the only table was their toilet.

I stayed with these two junkies in Florida - always shooting up as the first thing in the morning.

Between my campus lectures I often visit this family in a small town near South Carolina. The shack had four rooms, each full of beds for the 24 children. The photo was taken in 1992 and shortly after the shack burned down in one of the common stove fires.

These two addicts first attacked me, but later invited me home. They lived only a few blocks from Congress, whose white dome can be seen in the background. A month before I lived with these addicts, a cop was shot in their hallway, and a woman was murdered in this very room – the last glimpse she got of this stronghold of democracy and freedom.
翻译:这两个瘾君子开始是排斥我,但是后来他们又邀请我到他们家里去。他们靠着国会(就是那个任何不起眼的地方都能被看见的白色圆房顶的国会)提供的微薄补贴来生存。一个月前我和这些瘾君子住在一起的时候,发生了一件事情,一个警官用枪扫射着他们的走廊,一个妇女正好在这个房子里中枪身亡--她最后一刻终于明白了什么是民主和自由 ...

From 5 in the morning all year they stand around these fires waiting for a white employer to pick them up for a day’s labor. Raleigh, North Carolina.

Next to mining sugar cane work is considered the hardest in the world. After an exhausting day s work the men are driven like cattle to camps enclosed by barbed wire. Here they live often over 100 to a room.
翻译:采甘蔗的工作几乎世界上是最不被尊重的工种。在一天精疲力尽的工作后,这些男人像附上带刺铁丝网的牛一样被赶回营地。他们经常体力透支的回到住处 ...

Slum dwellings right next to Congress in Washington DC.

40 million with no health coverage !(四千万人没有健康保险)

Homeless in line for shelter(无家可归之人为获取资助排长队)

So poor were they in Linda s family - right next to Disney World in Florida - that they rarely had light before I moved in with them. I had just stayed with some millionaires in Palm Beach and had a little millionaire money with me so I could buy kerosene for their old lamp. Linda ran out to meet her father when he walked home in the darkness, shouting: Dad, dad, we got a present....see, see, light.....we got light! Well, the joy didn t last forever! Today I have to visit Linda in prison whenever I want to see her. The scars from childhood poverty eventually defeated her.

南北战争结束后,美国黑人开始全面参政,很多地方都有了黑人的议员,甚至市长,州长,国会议员,甚至现在的两届国务卿。而大量解放了的黑人进入工厂,又为美国工业的发展做出了贡献。在两次世界大战中,大量黑人参军,他们为了美国和世界的和平与自由,牺牲在战场上。黑人体力好,所以,在田径,篮球等体育运动上,为美国争取了很多荣誉。至于文化,黑人的影响也很大。蓝调,爵士乐,HIP POP等,都起源于黑人音乐。而黑人作家,好莱坞演员就更多。从贩卖黑奴进美国,美国并没有真正给黑人尤其是南部的黑人多少真正的民族解放,他们依然是2 等公民




这就是“民主富强自由”天堂国家 世界超级警察: 美国!!!
