
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 22:46:50
Tag:wallop   orkut
由于是google推出的,Orkut因而名声大噪。改版后的orkut吸收了美国总统投票的设计,加入了 Rank friend 功能。每个人可能给圈内朋友作匿名评价。orkut只有通过邀请才能加入。对提高网络质量做了很好的探索。
orkut的首页上介绍自己为:“orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends.We are committed to providing an online meeting place where people can socialize, make new acquaintances and find others who share their interests.”。访问地址:www.orkut.com
Wallop被认为是微软与google针锋相对的竞争性产品,而且出手极具杀伤性。 Wallop里边四个要素:SNS,BLOG,PHOTO,MUSIC,风格比较讨好,是一款极具分享精神的社会性软件。目前正在成为一款只炙手可热的社会性软件
wallop的首页面上有:“Welcome to Wallop, where you can share photos, blog, and interact with your friends.Wallop is a research project of the Social Computing Group at Microsoft Research, exploring how people share media and build conversations in the context of social networks.”。访问地址:www.mywallop.com。
yahoo360的首页上写着“Keep your friends and family connected to you.”,也决定了它的目标和功能。访问地址:360.yahoo.com
还有  msn space
msn space:界面简洁紧凑,速度快,上手很容易。功能有blog,Photos,不过空间总共30M,blog有简易网址http://spaces.msn.com/members/username。
msn space的首页面上有:“With your own space, you can share your thoughts, photos, and music lists.”。访问地址:spaces.msn.com。