10 Things You Shouldn‘t Do with SQL Server (Data Access Developer "Don‘ts") - goody9807 - 博客园

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10 Things You Shouldn‘t Do with SQL Server (Data Access Developer "Don‘ts")
This article is modeled after a presentation I gave at TechEd 2004,which has since been requested by many user groups around the country.I figured it would be easier to share this information through anarticle than trying to get to every user group in the world. Thecontent of this article is based on an online discussion I had withanyone in the community who chose to participate. I posted a blog entryand a forum entry in a couple places to ask the question, "What are thethings you see developers doing with SQL Server data access that theyshouldn‘t?" The list grew to about 25 or 26 things that were hot topics(so much that the Microsoft SQL Server product team was passing thethread around). Through a non-scientific vote, we narrowed the list tothe 10 most frequent, most performance inhibiting, or most vulnerablesecurity issues. The list that follows is that list - a non-scientificlist of 10 things you shouldn‘t do with SQL Server (or at least knowwhat you are choosing to do and its consequences). Personally, I cantell you that at some point in my career, I have done almost all ofthese (Hey, nobody is perfect). And here is the list (in DavidLetterman count down style)...
10. Add a Low Privilege Account to the Admin Role
The Admin role in SQL Server is designed to allow administrativeprivileges to accounts that LEGITIMATELY need it. Rarely is this everyour application account. For example, with an ASP.NET application, youshould never add the ASP.NET worker process (ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICE)to the Admin role to enable a trusted connection (integrated security).This is just asking for certain disaster. In this example, the ASP.NETworker process was never intended to run under an account withadministrative privileges on a SQL Server database; the ASP.NET accountis intended as a low privilege  account.
The ASP.NET worker process is installed when you install the .NETFramework. If you are running the .NET Framework on Windows XP orWindows 2000 the ASP.NET worker process runs under the MachineName\ASPNET account. On Windows Server 2003 the ASP.NET Worker process runs under the NT Authority\Network Serviceaccount. By including this account in the administrative role you areopening yourself up to SQL injection attacks, among other things.
Instead of granting a low privilege account administrativeprivileges to ensure that your application can do everything it needsto, take the time to determine the needs of your application. Make allpossible attempts to have all of your data access managed in storedprocedures. This will enable you to grant EXECUTE privileges for theASP.NET account (or other low privilege account) on the individualstored procedures. This will not only ensure your application can doall of the things it needs to, but it will also help to tighten theoverall security of your application and database.
Following is an example of TSQL code to grant the ASP.NET accountaccess to your database, and give it execute permissions to a storedprocedure.
-- Windows 2000 / XP
-- Replace "MachineName" with your machine name
EXEC sp_grantlogin [MachineName\ASPNET]
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess [MachineName\ASPNET], [Alias]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [ProcedureName] TO [Alias]
-- Windows Server 2003
This particular issue isn‘t so much about doing something right orwrong, it is about understanding your options so you choose the rightone. Both @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY() return the last identityvalue (primary key) that was entered by your active session, but indifferent scenarios they can each return different values. When I say"active session" I am referring to the current activity you areengaging in. For example, if you can a stored procedure, that is what Iam referring to as your active session. Each call to t a storedprocedure (or user defined function, etc) is a session, unless the astored procedure is nested in the stored procedure you are calling. Inthe case of a nested stored procedure or user defined method, whilethey are separate methods, they are part of the current session, butnot part of the current scope. Your scope is limited to the method(stored procedure or user defined function) that you explicitlyinvoked. This is where the difference between @@IDENTITY andSCOPE_IDENTITY() comes in.
@@IDENTITY will return the last identity value entered into a tablein your current session (this is limited to your session only, so youwon‘t get identities entered by other users). While @@IDENTITY islimited to the current session, it is not limited to the current scope.In other words, if you have a trigger on a table that causes anidentity to be created in another table, you will get the identity thatwas created last, even if it was the trigger that created it. Now thisisn‘t bad, as long as you ensure that things are done in the correctorder. Where this can get ugly is when there is an application revisionand a new trigger gets added that gets fired from your storedprocedure. Your code didn‘t anticipate this new trigger, so you couldnow be getting an incorrect value back.
SCOPE_IDENTITY(), like @@IDENTITY, will return the last identityvalue created in the current session, but it will also limit it to yourcurrent scope as well. In other words, it will return the last identityvalue that you explicitly created, rather than any identity that wascreated by a trigger or a user defined function.
Follow is some sample script that you can run to see the different value you get back before a trigger is added, and after.
/*In a test database, create a new table named TY*/
USE SomeTestDatabase
/*INSERT records into TABLE_A*/
/*Create a new table named TABLE_B*/
/*INSERT records into TABLE_B*/
/*INSERT a record into TABLE_B*/
VALUES (‘Kali‘)
/*SELECT the data to see what values were returned by @@IDENTITY and SCOPE_IDENTITY()*/
/*Create the trigger that inserts a row in table TABLE_A when a row is inserted in table TABLE_B*/
/*Now INSERT a record into TABLE_B, which will cause the trigger to be fired*/
VALUES (‘Donny‘)
/*SELECTthe data to see what values were returned by @@IDENTITY andSCOPE_IDENTITY() - they will be different values. SCOPE_IDENTITY() willreturn the identity from TABLE_A (the identity that you explicitlycreated), while @@IDENTITY will return the identity from TABLE_B (thetriggered item).*/
8. Fetch Semi-static Data on Each Request of a Resource
Ah, performance. Ultimately that is what we are talking about here.If, in your application, you have some semi-static data (data thatdoesn‘t change very frequently), and you are making calls to your datastore on each request of the resource, you are missing a hugeopportunity to increase the performance of your application. Data thatis semi-static (even if it is only static for a short amount of time)can be cached in the application to reduce the overhead associated withmaking database calls frequently.
There are a couple options for caching in your application.
Cache API: The Cache API is your application-level cache. This is where you can put ANY object and define rules around how long the object stays in the cache. The size of the cache (e.g., how many items you can put in it) is dictated by the amount of RAM on the machine running the application. The nice thing about the Cache API is you can put any object into the cache, and pull it out later to reuse it, even complex objects. You can define a sliding expiration time as the life span of the item in the cache (e.g., keep it in the cache as long it has been used in the past 5-minutes, but kill it after 5-minutes of idle time). You can alternately define an absolute expiration time (keep the item in cache for 1-hour and then remove it, regardless of how much it gets used or not). You can also define a file dependency (e.g., keep the item in cache until this file gets updated). This works great for caching XML data, and invalidating the cache if the XML file changes.
Output Caching: For data you want to cache, where you don‘t need access to the raw data again, you can cache the output of the data. This is output caching; caching only the rendered HTML, not the actual object that you used to create the HTML. This is also very easy to implement, as seen in the second example below.
Using the Cache API:
DataTable productsTable;
// Insert code here to get a table of Product data
//The following code puts the object in cache
"ProductsTable",             //Name
productsTable,               //Object to cache
null,                        //CacheDependency
DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60), //Absolute Expiration
TimeSpan.Zero,               //Sliding Expiration
CacheItemPriority.High,      //Priority
null                         //onRemoveCallback
//The following code can be used to get the object from cache
if(Cache["ProductsTable"] != null)
productsTable = (DataTable)Cache["ProductsTable"];
Using Output Caching:
<%-- Sets the cache to 60-seconds --%>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" %>
<%-- Sets the cache to 60-seconds and creates a separate cached version of the page based on the "City" parameter --%>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="City" %>
<%-- Sets the cache to 60-seconds and creates a separate cached version of the page for each Accept-Language header --%>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" VaryByHeader="Accept-Language" %>
7. Include SQL Data Manipulation Language in Application Code
Embedding SQL code in your application code is simply asking fortrouble. Not only could you be opening yourself to a SQL Injectionattack, you are also creating code that is harder to maintain than itshould be. With hard coded SQL in your application code, any time youwant to make even a slight change to the SQL code, you have torecompile the entire application.
For example, the following SQL in your application is the code equivalent of a near death experience.
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username=‘" +
Username.Text +
"‘ AND password= ‘" +
Encrypt(Password.Text) +
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (sql, connection);
For a full explanation on what can happen with this kind of code, readStop SQL Injection Attacks Before They Stop You by Paul Litwin.
Of course, a better solution that concatenated string (if you MUSThave SQL syntax in your code) is to use parameterized queries. Here youcan see the same query using parameters (which will aid in preventingSQL injection attacks).
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username=@Username AND password= @Password";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (sql, connection);
command.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName.Text;
command.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Encrypt(Password.Text);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (sql, connection);
An even better solution is to use stored procedures so that yourqueries are stored in the database, where they are compiled andoptimized, and can be modified without having to recompile yourapplication code.
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ("Users_GetUser", connection);
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName.Text;
command.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Encrypt(Password.Text);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (sql, connection);
The motto to live by is "embeddedSql == death;"
6. Abuse SELECT *
Strangely enough it seems that there is an all too common habit todo lazy data fetching. That is, many of us are still using "SELECT *FROM..." when we are writing our data access queries. This is bad news.Apparently many developers are still writing queries like this becauseat design time there are only a few fields, or the amount of data issmall, or some other excuse. But what happens when the scope grows, anda new field is added. An Image field to hold a 1024x768 picture of auser for example. Now every call that uses "SELECT * FROM..." ispulling back this very large image (potentially multiple megabytes).This has HUGE performance implications.
This is just lazy. My theory is, at design time you will know all ofthe queries you need to do, and can write explicit stored procedures toreturn ONLY the data you NEED for those queries - no exceptions. Youshould never have to use "SELECT * FROM..." again.
5. Create Stored Procedures without Exception Handling
Every day you write code (I hope). And every day you likely writesome exception handling in your code because you know that somethingcould go wrong. The input may not be what you expect, data may not bereturned from a query, etc. Strangely enough, not enough of us arewriting exception handling in our stored procedures. Is it that strangeto think that nothing will ever go wrong in our stored procedures? Soyou‘re telling me that you just handle the exception in yourapplication code? Why not handle the exception as close to the sourceas possible? That is my #5 recommendation.
Following is an example of one option for exception handling in astored procedure. There are lots of methodologies you could use, andthis is only one. In this example we rely on an XML file in theapplication that cross references predefined error codes with humanreadable, user friendly error messages. The error codes were defined byour application architect.
@Username VARCHAR (20)
SET @Err = 0 – Success
INSERT Users (Username) VALUES (@Username)
SET @Err = @@ERROR – This resets @@ERROR to 0
IF (@Err <> 0)
IF (@Err = 547) -- statement conflicted with constraint
SET @Err = 32 -– Our error code indicating ‘Username already in use‘
GOTO abort
SET @Err = 1 –- Our error code indicating ‘Unspecified error‘
When the error code is returned to the application you caninterrogate its value. If it is "0" then there was no error. If thevalue is "32" you cross reference that with the ErrorCodes.xml file toreturn the string value:
"There was an error creating your user account.The user name you selected was already in use. Please choose a new username and try again."
If the error code is "1", then you cross reference that with the ErrorCodes.xml file to return the string value:
"An unspecified error occured. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Care."
At the very least you should always include some form of exception handling on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
An important note: As soon as you interrogate the@@ERROR value it gets reset to "0". It is critical that you copy thevalue of @@ERROR to a local variable to ensure you can work with thevalue without accidentally resetting it.
4. Prefix Stored Procedures with "sp_"
I am often reminded of my early learning with SQL Server when Istumble across this little gem. You see, when I was first learning SQLServer, I looked at how things were named and saw a common theme,stored procedures were named with the Hungarian notation "sp_". Much tomy dismay I later learned that "sp_" is the notation for "System StoredProcedure" (why they didn‘t use "ssp_" I‘ll never know). I say I amoften reminded of this because I see it in code all over the place. Ionce stumbled into hundreds of these guys in an internal applicationcreated and used by one of the largest software companies in the world(name excluded to protect the guilty).
Allow me toquote SQL Server Books Online to provide clarity here:
System Stored Procedures
Many of your administrative activities in Microsoft® SQL Server™2000 are performed through a special kind of procedure known as a system stored procedure. System stored procedures are created and stored in the master database and have the sp_prefix. System stored procedures can be executed from any databasewithout having to qualify the stored procedure name fully using thedatabase name master.
It is strongly recommended that you do not create any stored procedures using sp_ as a prefix. SQL Server always looks for a stored procedure beginning with sp_ in this order:
The stored procedure in the master database.
The stored procedure based on any qualifiers provided (database name or owner).
The stored procedure using dbo as the owner, if one is not specified.
Therefore, although the user-created stored procedure prefixed with sp_ may exist in the current database, the master database is always checked first, even if the stored procedure is qualified with the database name.
Important  If any user-created stored procedure has the samename as a system stored procedure, the user-created stored procedurewill never be executed.
3. You Don‘t Protect the Database Connection String
The database connection string is probably the single most importantsecret information that your application uses. You MUST protect it atall costs. In the past people just like me (OK, it was me)  told youthat it was OK to store your connection string in the web.config file.Well I am here to tell you I was wrong (hey, it can happen to any ofus). In the early days of ASP.NET (circa 2000) we thought that this wastrue - that storing the connection string in the web.config was OK. Thereality is that this is a big security risk - the web.config file is anXML file - human readable - which means if someone (external orinternal) gets a hold of it, you‘re in big trouble. All secrets arerevealed.
New Rule: Storing the connection string in the web.config file unencrypted is too risky - store it in the web.config file encrypted.
Of course this brings up the next question, "Where do I store myencryption key?" The answer, "You don‘t - let Windows do it for youusing the Data Protection API (DPAPI)."
Windows 2000, XP and 2003 all include the Win32 DPAPI. This is anunmanaged API that you can use to do strong encryption of information,while letting Windows manage the key storage. Simple as anything. Thereis one important fact however - anything encrypted using DPAPI can onlybe decrypted on the same machine it was encrypted on. That means if Iencrypt something on Machine_1, I cannot decrypt it on Machine_2. Thismeans DPAPI is not a good solution for encrypting values you will storein the database, but it is good for encrypting connections strings andstoring them in the web.config. You simply need to encrypt the rawconnection string on each machine you deploy to, storing the machinespecific encrypted value in the web.config file on that machine.
The .NET Framework v1.x doesn‘t include a managed wrapper for theWin32 DPAPI. You will need to write your own wrapper. Fortunately thePatterns & Practices group at Microsoft has helped out by providinga complete tutorial that includes cut-n-paste code (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/secmod/html/secmod21.asp).
2. Accept All Input
In the book,"Writing Secure Code, Second Edition" (MSPress),Michael Howard writes "All Input is Evil" (in fact, that is the name ofChapter 10). That‘s it...as simple as it sounds...all input is evil.Treat any input from a user - TextBox, QueryString, Cookie - as suspectuntil you have validated it to ensure it‘s legitimacy.
The .NET Framework ships with a number of tools to validate user input, either at the client or on the server (or both).
ASP.NET includes five (5) input validation controls: RequiredFieldValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, CompareValidator, RangeValidator, CustomValidator, plus the ValidationSummary control.
Windows Forms controls expose the Validating event to perform validation tasks.
The System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx class exposes a powerful regular expression engine.
HttpUtility.HtmlEncode can be used to HTML encode text before echoing it to the screen (prevents scripting attacks).
ASP.NET v1.1 (2003) includes a ValidateRequest attribute (@ Page directive or Web.config) that prevents some malicious script from being submitted.
1. Access the Database from the Application with the "sa" Account
Honestly I was stunned to see this at the top of the list. I thoughtwe had all learned by now that the "sa" account is an administrativeonly account. Apparently note, so let me get on the soap box one lasttime:
NEVER use the "sa" account to access a database programmatically.
Use one or more limited-privilege accounts for programmatic data access (see #1). SELECT-only account for data retrieval.
EXECUTE-only account for stored procedures.
Not using "sa" reduces an attacker‘s ability to execute harmful commands or system procedures.
If you really, really need to use the "sa" account, create a new account named "essay" and see if that help get past the need to use "sa".
Hopefully this Top 10 list has been helpful. Again, this isn‘t theend all be all of do‘s and don‘ts with SQL Server, but it is a listthat was compiled by a number of developers working in clientlocations, and seeing this stuff happen on a daily basis. Learn fromit, love it, leave it.