初三英语系列复习资料 有关英语句子的考点集汇,讲解和训练

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 03:31:41
1. 陈述句的构成形式及基本用法;
2. 祈使句的构成形式及基本用法;
3. 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的构成形式及基本用法;
4. 由what, how引导的感叹句的构成形式、用法及区别
一. 陈述句的构成形式及基本用法
1. 陈述句:
Tom has a new car.
The flower isn’t beautiful.
2. 陈述句否定式的构成
(1) 如果肯定陈述句的谓语部分含有助动词、情态动词或连系动词be,则只需在这些动词后加not即可构成否定式。
He is playing the guitar.(肯定)
He is not playing the guitar.(否定)
We can get there before dark.(肯定)
We can’t get thee before dark.(否定)
(2) 如果陈述句的谓语动词是实义动词,而其中又没有情态动词或助动词时,则需根据人称和时态在该实义动词前加don’t, doesn’t或didn’t。同时把该实义动词变为原形。
He plays the violin well.(肯定)
He doesn’t play the violin well.(否定)
She won the game.(肯定)
She didn’t win the game.(否定)
(3) 如果句子是there be结构或谓语动词是have(有),除了be和have之后加not之外,句中如果有some要变为any。例如:
There is some water in the cup. →There is not any water in the cup.
He has some books. →He has not any books.
(4) 除not以外,否定词no, never, nothing, nobody, few等也可构成否定句。例如:
There is something wrong with his bike. →There is nothing wrong with his bike.
I have seen the film. →I have never seen the film.
二. 祈使句的构成形式及基本用法
1. 肯定的祈使句:
Be quiet.
You be quiet!
Do come back at once!
Do be careful.
Open the window, please.
Let Jack wait a minute.
Let’s go to school.
(5)在祈使句中,Let’s和 Let us是有区别的。Let’s包括说话者,而Let us不包括听话者在内。这点从反意疑问句时可明显看出。
Let’s go skating, shall we?(表示内部的建议)
Let us try again, will you?(表示向别人发出请求)
2. 否定祈使句通常以Don’t或Never开头。其结构通常是:“Don’t(Never)+动词原形+其他成分” 例如:
Don’t do that again!
Never leave today’s work for tomorrow!
Don’t be late next time!
三. 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的构成形式及基本用法
1. 一般疑问句:
Do you know Mr. Smith?
Can you swim?
① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n’t,则须将-n’t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。
Are you not a football fan?
Aren’t you a football fan?
Will she not like it?
Won’t she like it?
② 与汉语不同的是,英语一般疑问句否定结构的答语是否定还是肯定,全由答语的否定或肯定来决定。若答语是肯定的,则用yes加肯定结构;若答语是否定的,则用no加否定结构。
Aren’t you a football fan? 你不是足球迷吗?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
Won’t she like it?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.
2. 特殊疑问句
Who is on duty today?
How long have you been in Beijing?
What time do you get up every morning?
What must I do now?
例    句
回   答
What is your father?
He is a doctor.
Who is that boy?
He is Jack.
He is my brother
What is she like?
What does she look like?
She is beautiful.
What did they come here for?
To attend a meeting.
Why did they come here?
Because they have a meeting to attend.
How is the weather today?
What is the weather like today?
It’s fine.
what color…?
What dolor is her skirt?
It’s red.
what size
What size does he wear?
He wars 40.
what time
What time is it?
It’s 7:30.
what day
What day is today?
It’s Tuesday.
what is the date…?
What is the date today?
It’s May 2.
how old
How old is he?
He is 38.
how long
How long have you been here?
For five months.
how long
How long is the bridge?
It’s 500 metres.
how far
How far is it from here to the zoo?
It’s 6 kilometres.
how often
How often do you come back?
Once a week.
how soon
How soon will she arrive?
In an week.
how many(可数名词)
how much(不可数名词)
How many jackets do you have?
How much coffee do you want?
Two cups.
how much
How much is it?
How much does it cost?
Five dollars.
how tall(人,树)
how high(山,建筑物)
How tall is she?
How high is the tower?
She’s 1.73 metres.
It’s 450 metres.
3. 选择疑问句:
Is your bag yellow or black?  It’s black.。
Would you like some tea or coffee?  Either will do.。
Which do you like better, singing or dancing?   I like dancing better.
4. 反意疑问句:
I am your teacher, aren’t I?
He didn’t study hard, did he?
(2)如果陈述句中含有否定副词never(从不,决不),hardly(几乎不)或其他表示否定代词或形容词,如nothing, none no one, nobody, neither, few, little等,则附加问句只能用肯定式。如:
They hardly write to each other, do they?
He has found nothing, has he?
Few people knew the secret, did they?
---You won’t be away for long, will you? 你不会离开太久,是吗?
---Yes, I will.不,我会离开很久。
---No, I won’t.是的,我不会离开很久。
---I don’t think she’ll come by bike, will she? 我认为她不会骑自行车,会吗?
---Yes, she will.不,她会骑自行车来。
---No, she won’t.是的,她不会骑自行车来。
四. 由what, how引导的感叹句的构成形式、用法及区别
1. what引导的感叹句:
(1)what + a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语)
What a beautiful city it is!
What an interesting story she told!
What expensive watches they are!
What terrible weather it is!
How cold it is!
How hard he works!
How he loves his son!
How I miss you!
How tall a tree it is!
What a clever boy he is!→How clever the boy is!
What a cold day it is!→How cold it is!
1. (2004年上海徐汇区中考试题)
_________ useful computer it is!
A. What  B. What a  C. What an  D. How
答案:B。该题考查的是感叹句的结构。这个感叹句的中心词是一单数可数名词computer, 所以要用what来修饰,又因为useful第一个发音是辅音,what之后的不定冠词用a,而不用an。
2. (2004年嘉兴市中考试题)
---________ is it from Jiaxing to Hangzhou?
---I’m not sure, but it takes about ninety minutes to get there by bus.
A. How many  B. How often  C. How much  D. How far
答案:D。该题考查的是特殊疑问句疑问词的选择。问话者是在问距离,所以应用how far来提问。
3. (2004年河北省中考试题)
---_______ will it take us to get there by bus?
---About two hours.
A. How soon  B. How often  C. How long  D. How quick
答案:C。该题考查的是特殊疑问句疑问词的选择。问话者是在问时间,所以应用how long来提问。
4. (2004年长沙市中考试题)
---Help! There is a snake near the house.
---________ afraid. It will go away later.
A. Don’t  B. Not  C. Don’t be  D. Be
答案:C。该题考查的是祈使句的结构。祈使句的否定结构是:“Don’t(Never)+动词原形+其他成分” 符合这一要求的只有C。
一. 单项填空
1. ---Excuse me, _______ is the nearest bookshop?
---Go down the street and turn left at the second corner.
A. how  B. what  C. where  D. who
2. ---______ is it from our school to the Bell Tower?
---About half an hour’s bus ride. Shall we go and visit it?
A. How long  B. How often  C. How far  D. How much
3. ---Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning, _______?
---No. She got up too late.
A. had she  B. hadn’t she  C. did she  D. didn’t she
4. ---The room is so dirty. ______ we clean it?
---Of course.
A. Will  B. Would  C. Do  D. Shall
5. ---__________, sir?
---Size 41, I think
A. What size do you need  B. What can I do for you
C. How do you like this shirt  D. What’s the matter with you
6. ---_______ good weather! Why not go out for a walk?
A. What  B. How  C. What a  D. How a
7. ---It’s a nice car. ______ have you been in it?
---Just to Shanghai.
A. How much  B. How long  C. How soon  D. How far
8. ---_______ to the United States?
---No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago.
A. Have you been     B. Have you gone
C. Did you go        D. Will you go
9. ---_______ were you away from school last year?
---About two weeks.
A. How often  B. How soon  C. How long  D. When
10. ---______ do you want?
---I want a CD of popular songs.
A. Which CD           B. How many CDs
C. What CD            D. How much
11. _______ is your mother, a teacher or a doctor?
A. What  B. Which  C. Who  D. whose
12. ---______ is your mother today, Jim?
---She is much better.
A. How  B. What  C. Where  D. How old
13. ---______he ______ at this school last term?
---Yes, I think so.
A. Did…study      B. Does…study
C. Was…study      D. Did…studied
14. ---_______ did you begin to learn English?
---Three years ago.
A. When  B. Why  C. Where  D. What
15. ---________ do you write to your pen-friend?
---Once a week.
A. How long  B. How soon  C. How far  D. How often
16. _______ nice flowers! Where did you pick them?
A. How   B. What  C. What a  D. How a
17. The sick man’s allowed to take a walk in the garden every day, _______?
A. is he  B. isn’t he  C. has he  D. hasn’t he
18.  ______ cross the road before the traffic lights turn green.
A. Not  B. Won’t  C. Don’t  D. Doesn’t
19. He found nothing in the room, _________?
A. doesn’t he          B. does he
C. didn’t he           D. did he
20. You haven’t changed your mind, ________?
A. do you             B. are you
C. have you           D. did you
二. 句型转换(按要求改写下列句子)
1. Bruce bought a dictionary yesterday. (改为否定句)
Bruce ________ ________ a dictionary yesterday.
2. Mr. Smith does morning exercises every day. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Mr. Smith ______ morning exercises every day?
3. Allan will go back to England by plane next month. (就划线部分提问)
________ _______ Allan go back to England next month?
4. There are some apples on the table. (改为否定句)
There _______ _______ apples on the table.
5. When she sees you, she will tell you the news(就划线部分提问)
_______ ______ she tell you the news?
6. Uncle Wang likes making things. (改写为否定句)
Uncle Wang _______ _______ making things.
7. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Ann _______ the book to the library yesterday?
8. Our city is very beautiful. (改为感叹句)
_______ _______ our city is!
9. He has worked in this school for five years. (就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ has he worked in this school?
10. Both of them are my best friends. (改为否定句)
_______ of them _______ my best friend.
11. They are happy to see each other. (改为感叹句)
_______ ______ they are to see each other!
12. The exam begins at nine. (改为一般疑问句)
________ the exam _______ at nine?
13. He was playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon. (就划线部分提问)
______ ______ he ______ at four yesterday afternoon?
14. He had nothing for breakfast. (改为反意疑问句)
He had nothing for breakfast ______ _______?
15. She doesn’t think I can surf on the Internet. (改反意疑问句)
She doesn’t think I can surf on the Internet, _______ _______?
16. He’s put the tree in the hole? (改为一般疑问句)
______ he ______ the tree in the hole?
17. How useful the book is! (改为陈述句)
It is ______ ______ useful book.
18. The population of Australia is about 19,500,000. (就划线部分提问)
_______ ______ population of Australia?
19. The meeting will start in ten minutes. (就划线部分提问)
_______ ______ will the meeting start?
20. Don’t tell him to come to my office. (改为肯定的祈使句)
______ ______ to come to my office.
三. 句子翻译:根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. 我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。
My mother usually _________ some cleaning and __________ on Sundays.
2. 在今晚的聚会上我们肯定会玩得痛快。
We’re __________ to have __________ at the party this evening.
3. 你看明天有可能结束这项工作吗?
Do you think _________ ________to finish the work tomorrow?
4. 你怎样与你的邻居相处好?
________can you get on well ________ your neighbours?
5. 西安的新变化使参观者们感到惊奇。
The _________ are __________ at the new changes in Xi’an.
6. 天冷了,请穿上暖和的衣服。
It’s cold. Please _______ _______ warm clothes.
7. 爱迪生在小时候就对科学感兴趣。
Edison _______ _______ _______ science even when he was a small boy.
8. 尽管他失败了很多次,但他没有灰心。
Even though he had failed many times, he didn’t _______ ________.
9. 无论发生什么事情,我都会和你在一起。
___________happens, I’ll be with you.
The noises upstairs made me not able to _______ _______all night.
一. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C
二. 1. didn’t buy 2.Does; do 3.How will 4.aren’t any 5.When will 6.doesn’t like 7.Did; return 8.How beautiful 9.How long 10.Neither; is 11.How happy 12.Does; begin 13.What was; doing 14.did he 15. does she 16.Has; put 17.such a 18.What’s the 19.How soon 29.Tell him
三. 1. does; washing 2. sure; fun 3. it/ it’s possible 4. How; with 5. visitors; amazed/ surprised 6.put on 7. was interested in 8. lose heart 9. Whatever 10. fall asleep
初三英语系列复习资料 有关英语句子的考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 主谓一致的考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 定语从句的考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 交际用语的考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 定语从句的考点集汇,讲解和训练2 初三英语系列复习资料 形容词、副词考点讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 宾语从句考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 代词考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 数词、冠词考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 介词、连词考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 动词考点集汇、讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 名词考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料 主谓一致的考点讲解和训练 初三英语 系列复习资料 初中英语系列复习资料 数词、冠词考点集汇,讲解和训练 初三英语系列复习资料和材料 2009中考英语复习一:名词考点讲解和训练 2009年中考英语复习八:状语从句的考点讲解、和训练 2009年中考英语复习十一:短语动词和句型的考点讲解、训练 2009中考英语复习二:形容词、副词考点讲解和训练 2009中考英语复习三:动词考点讲解和训练(转载) 和春节新年有关的英语句子 2009年中考英语复习五:代词考点讲解、训练 2009年中考英语复习九:定语从句的考点讲解、训练