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yiyang_tao@ml.com陶忆阳                MerrillLynch (Asia Pacific) Limited
Sun,Yonghong 孙永红                     摩根大通银行中国不良资产部总经理

发件人: Zhang,Lily [mailto:lily.zhang@credit-suisse.com]
发送时间:2010年2月23日 10:23
收件人: Tao, Diane; yiyang_tao@ml.com; Sun,Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair;Huh, Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; cici779200@yahoo.com.cn;liyi@junhe.com; delh@junhe.com; josieshen@sbcglobal.net; xy@vicap.com;dcwyml@hotmail.com; charles@chicapital.com; euniqueyoung@yahoo.com.hk;Shiu, Ruby; taeyubkim@sc.com; Lai, Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry ShaoLing; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi;Zhu, Wei; xujane@gmail.com; Prince, Jamaliah
抄送: Yale Yang
主题:Dear friends ... Moving on ..
Dear friends,
After 13 yearsand 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I have parted our ways. Yalemoved out last week.
Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,
Over the pastcouple of years, you knew everything about my family. You knew when mykids had their soccer tournaments, you knew when they had their swimmingpractices. You even knew their baby nicknames. On December 18th, 2009,on a noon flight, I took my children to the U.S. for Christmas vacation.On the very same day, December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, youand Yale took off for the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets ofBangkok for Christmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I oftenwondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equatesto the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children andme. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleep inthe arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? I wonderedif you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we aremade of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt,very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if you knew you weredestroying a family, if you knew your joy would bring endless tears tous.
We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Yourclothes were in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touchthose, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell. Theyare the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9 years old,now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." My son, 8 years old,says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychological damage this affair hasdone to my children is catastrophic. They are forever emotionallydamaged. With this, I announce you the winner.
How do I feel, Diane?This affair is like 10 thousand knives stabbing and chopping my heartall at once. This affair has left me in so much pain that I don't knowhow to heal myself. This affair has taught me tear supply can actuallybe infinite. This affair has crushed me, leaving me a corpse walkingaround with no heart. I don't know how to deal with this kind of pain. Idon't know how to move on. But I have children. I must move on. Diane, Ipray to God that you will never have to experience this kind ofbetrayal and hurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life together because,after all, we are all women and we all deserve to be happy.
Withsincere regards,
发件人: Yale Yang [mailto:yale.yang@gbridge.biz]
发送时间: 2010年2月23日11:14
收件人: Zhang,Lily
抄送: Tao,Diane; yiyang_tao@ml.com; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe;Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh, Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee,Andrew; cici779200@yahoo.com.cn; liyi@junhe.com; delh@junhe.com;josieshen@sbcglobal.net; xy@vicap.com; dcwyml@hotmail.com;charles@chicapital.com; euniqueyoung@yahoo.com.hk; Shiu, Ruby;taeyubkim@sc.com; Lai, Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang,Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum
主题:Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
Please do notbring the personal issues to the public. The truth of the facts is thatour marriage had been falling apart 8 years ago, divorce had been indiscussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all the people in theword! Diane had done nothing wrong for her part! I am firmly standing byand behind Diane. I will certainly hope she will marry me one day soon!
Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in thisway is not going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and ourmarriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. I amsorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please move on!
发件人: Tao, Diane
发送时间: 2010年2月25日10:25
收件人: Zhang, Lily
抄送: Yang, Yale; yiyang_tao@ml.com; Sun,Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair;Huh, Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; cici779200@yahoo.com.cn;liyi@junhe.com; delh@junhe.com; josieshen@sbcglobal.net; xy@vicap.com;dcwyml@hotmail.com; charles@chicapital.com; euniqueyoung@yahoo.com.hk;Shiu, Ruby; taeyubkim@sc.com; Lai, Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry ShaoLing; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi;Zhu, Wei; xujane@gmail.com; Prince, Jamaliah
主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
I understand that you are going through a difficult timein your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way todeal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I dounderstand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage canonly break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt tosmear my re@#$@*&tion and paint me as the home wrecker. You know aswell as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and Ieven met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with theeventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this aswell, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as thescapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a maturething to do.
Your de script ion of the emotional damage yourchildren have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wonderingwhat you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's firstand foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotionaldamage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or asprops to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and willalways be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father hecan be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of thechildren's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents willalways love them even though one parent will not be living with them allthe time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teachthe children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it waslike to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why wouldyou want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with youat all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have ahigh-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much timeand energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to staywith you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think youdeserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in thearms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someonewho resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from youwhenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourselfin that situation? Once again, don't think you deserve better?
Isincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subsidesoon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you canlose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself.And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. Theyare innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests ratherthan your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will findit soon.
Best regards,
抄送:  Yang,  Yale;
yiyang_tao@ml.com;  Sun,  Yonghong;  Winn,
Sean; Stevens,Joe;  Dawson,  Andrew;  Morrison,  Alastair;  Huh,  Charles; Chu,  Mabel;
Yee,  Andrew;  cici779200@yahoo.com.cn;  liyi@junhe.com;  delh@junhe.com;  josieshen@sbcglobal.net;  xy@vicap.com;
dcwyml@hotmail.com;  charles@chicapital.com;
euniqueyoung@yahoo.com.hk;  Shiu,  Ruby;  taeyubkim@sc.com;  Lai,  Daniel  Xiao  Ming;
Li, Sherry  Shao  Ling;  Yang,  Sean;  Zhang,  Ting;  Cheung,  Clara  Siu Yum;  Wang,  Cindy
Xi;  Zhu,  Wei;xujane@gmail.com;  Prince,  Jamaliah
主题:  Re:  Damn  You
I thought  that  you  should  have  dropped  your  pretentious  ego  by now;  however  your  facial  skin  is  much  thicker  than  imaginable. Stunning.
How  dare  you  comment  on  my  feelings?  "I  do understand  how  you  feel"  -  oh  really?  If  you  do,  you  should be  shivering  under  a  wall  by  now,  as  if  you  have  seen  the reaphook  of  the  Death  himself.  Let  me  demonstrate  you  a  very small  proportion  of  my  hatred  towards  you  which  is  still accumulating,  after  you  robbed  my  man  from  my  very  bed.  If one  in  a  thousand  of  that  hate  is  concentrated  in  a  droplet it  is  enough  to  poison  a  nation.  Do  you  know  what  fills  my mind?  Vengeance,  retribution.  I  shall  have  your  head  with dropping  blood,  hang  on  my  walls  so  that  I  can  appreciate  an example  of  indignity  once  every  hour.  I  shall  slit  your throat  before  the  eyes  of  your  "love",  letting  him  witness the  true  blood  color  of  a  whore,  which  stinks  of  lust.  I can  think  of  a  thousand  way  to  end  your  miserable  pathetic life,  but  why  bother?  You  will  burn  in  eternal  flame  anyway. Satan  has  reserved  a  fine  slot  for  you  in  Hell,  where  your sinful  soul  will  repay  an  endless  debt!
And  yet  don't make  yourself  too  conformable  either  when  your  heart  still beats.  You  think  it  has  ended?  It  never  ends.  The  man  who abandoned  me  will  abandon  you  in  the  same  cause.  Value  your moment  in  the  arms  of  Yale,  for  they  will  soon  find  a  new mistress  after  the  depreciation  of  your  inglorious  little  face. When  the  time  comes,  I  shall  acquire
immense  satisfactory.
Best  regards
From:Danyang Tao [mailto:dytao@yahoo.com]
Sent: 2009年5月28日19:50
To: Yale Yang
Subject: Re: To my baby!
Baby, I loveto read your letter. I am so touched when I read this: - my love iswaiting for you every morning when you wake up! Thank you so much, baby,for your love! I am so proud of being with you! I miss you a lot. Dayand night, whenever, wherever, whatever! Love you, baby!
Sentfrom my iPhone

话说该中金男和女友若干年前一起去英国读书,在英国认识了一ABC IBM技术女,两人好了几年,该男去香港渣打PE工作后又交了新女友。木有想到ABC怀恨在心,给该男和其新女友分别下了木马,进了他们的邮箱。增补一点,该男在渣打的老板就是渣打小三的情儿
话说该IBM ABC看到瑞信渣打小三事件后,深受启发。先冒用中金男的名义把他跟同事议论老板(也就是渣打小三情儿)的邮件转发给了渣打全公司。。。该老板因为被戳穿已经暴怒鸟(完全不是邮件里那个讲理的正人君子样)。然后又用新加坡女的名义发了那封著名的怒斥邮件。(见下)
From: LhenreittalY
To: WangleiPE@cicc.com.cn; wanglei_chn@yahoo.co.uk
cyj@fengshang2002.com; Stevens, Joe;
zhu.wei@sc.com; liuzhao@cicc.com.cn
; weiqi@cicc.com.cn
; jrx_1989@163.com;
xiatian@cicc.com.cn; lukai@cicc.com.cn
; fengdy@cicc.com.cn
; weina@cicc.com.cn
Sent: Fri Mar 12 12:17:58 2010
Subject:WL = Lying Asshole
you are a liar and acheater!  I left my husband and Singapore for you,
thinking I canfinally find happiness.  Last August when we got
intimate during ourNanjing project, you promised to abandon your
second fiancée for me. But it's been seven months and you're still
telling me to stayhidden because you don't want our coworkers, your
friends and familyto know you're living with a married woman who is
not your wife. Well, I  just found out that the real reason you want
everyone tothink you're single is because you're secretly whoring
around with atleast two other 情妇 at the sametime!  One is a married
client of SC and the other one is a21-year-old high school dropout
from the 峰尚project where we worked together!  I can’t believe you are
screwingaround with so many women on company time. Did being on the
Board ofDirectors at 峰尚 help you to score? No wonder it always took
you so long to get work done!  And Ifinally understand why you carried
around three separate boxes ofcondoms in your brown travel bag.  I
always wondered why you boughtso many since it’s not like we were able
to use a lot anyway.
Youexplained that you were using the
married woman to curry favors fromher husband’s business.  How does
that explain the intimateexchanges you continue to have after you've
gone to CICC and whywould she offer to buy you expensive gifts?  What
“services” do youperform for her? Don’t you feel ashamed that your
ex-fiancéesubsidized your housing for the last two years and to keep
you happy,had to buy you expensive things like the USD$300 shoes
you’rewearing on your feet and the USD$500 flashlight you keep in your
car,only to have you turn around and cheat on her?
tellingeveryone at SC and CICC you are a 卑鄙小人andnot to trust you
without adult supervision on company projects,because you will surely
take advantage of company resources to cheat,lie, and sleep around
with anyone from the office.
Shame onyou, WL!  Go back to your mommy.

