Contextures -- Excel Tips and Techniques

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Excel Tips and Techniques

by Debra Dalgleish
Table of Contents

Gluten-Free Links
Advanced Filter - Basics
Advanced Filter - Criteria
AutoFilter - Basics
AutoFilter - Filter Text in Long String
AutoFilter - Limits to Dropdown Lists
AutoFilter - Programming
AutoFilter - Protected Sheet
AutoFilter - Status Bar Record Count
AutoFilter - Sum a Filtered List
Bar over character  31-Oct-06
Blank Cells, Fill
Book List, Excel
Books -- on my bookshelf
Books -- e-books, Microsoft Office  10-Feb-06
Charting - Jon Peltier‘s Site Index updated 18-Nov-06
Charting Links
Code, Copy to a workbook
Column headers show numbers (FAQ)
Combining Data
Comments - Add a Picture
Comments - Basics
Comments - Change Indicator Colour
Comments - Change Shape
Comments - Copy Text to Adjacent Cell  22-Sep-05
Comments - Extract Text to Word
Comments - Format All 09-Mar-06
Comments - Insert Selected Picture 28-Jan-06
Comments - Number and List 22-Jan-06
Comments - Printing
Comments - Programming
Comments - Resize
Comments - Show in Centre  22-Jul-06
Conditional Formatting - Basics
Conditional Formatting - Documentation  07-Mar-05
Conditional Formatting - Hide Cells to Print
Conditional Formatting - Hide Duplicates
Conditional Formatting - Hide Errors
Conditional Formatting - Lottery Numbers
Conditional Formatting - Row
Consulting Services
Count Cells
Data Entry - Tips
Data Entry - Fill Blank Cells
Data Entry - Convert Text to Numbers
Data Validation - Basics
Data Validation - Combo box   27-Mar-05
Data Validation - Combo box Named Range  27­Mar­05
Data Validation - Custom Criteria
Data Validation - Dependent Dropdown- Sorted List 15-Jul-05
Data Validation - Dependent Lists
Data Validation - Documentation
Data Validation - Font Size, List Length
Data Validation - Hide Used Items
Data Validation - Input Message in Text Box 05­Jun­05
Data Validation - Invalid Entries Allowed  updated 11-Oct-06
Data Validation - List from Other Workbook
Data Validation - Make List Appear Larger Data Validation - Make List Wider
Data Validation - Messages
Data Validation - Missing Arrows  updated 11-Oct-06
Data Validation - Order Form  11-May-05
Data Validation - Tips and Quirks  updated 11-Oct-06

Dynamic Ranges, Naming
Excel 2007 -- Articles List 08-Dec-06
Excel Links
Excel Sites
Excel User Conference
FAQs, Excel - Application and Files
FAQs, Excel - Dates and Times
FAQs, Excel - Index
FAQs, Excel - Macros, VBA
FAQs, Excel - Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts 09-Oct-06
FAQs, Excel - Worksheet Functions and Formats
File with that name is already open (FAQ)
File size, large (FAQ)
Fill colour doesn‘t work (FAQ)
Filter, Advanced
Filter, AutoFilter
Form, Create a UserForm
Form, Print Selected Items  23-Sep-06
Form, Survey   29-Oct-05  updated 11-Oct-06
Form, Worksheet Data Entry  22-Sep-06
Functions -- Count cells
Functions -- INDEX   23-Nov-05
Functions -- INDIRECT 11-Nov-06
Functions -- MATCH
Functions -- Sum cells
Functions -- VLOOKUP
Gift Ideas for Excel Users  28-Oct-06
INDEX Function
INDIRECT Function 11-Nov-06
Keyboard Shortcuts
Macros, Copy to a workbook
Macros Prompt, Enable or Disable (FAQ)
Macro Toolbar 24-Dec-05
MATCH Function
Names -- Naming Ranges
Names -- Use Names in Formulas  17-Jun-05
Navigation Toolbar for Workbook Sheets  21-Dec-05
Newsgroup Posting Statistics updated 30-Nov-06
Newsgroup Posting Statistics -- Annual 01-Jan-06
Numbers, Convert Text to
Order Form   30-Jul-05
Pivot Tables - Add-in    29-Apr-05
Pivot Tables - Add-in -- Features 21-Ju1-06
Pivot Tables - Add-in - Pivot Play    12-Jul-06
Pivot Tables - Clear Old Items
Pivot Tables - Custom Calculations  07-Mar-05
Pivot Tables - Data Field Layout
Pivot Tables - Dynamic Data Source
Pivot Tables - Field Settings
Pivot Tables - FAQs 09-Oct-06 Pivot Tables - GetPivotData
Pivot Tables - Grouping Data
Pivot Tables - Multiple Consolidation Ranges
Pivot Tables - Pivot Cache   22-Mar-05
Pivot Tables - Printing
Pivot Tables - Protection   23-Apr-05
Pivot Tables - Show and Hide Items
Pivot Tables - Unique Items
Pivot Tables and Pivot Chart Intro
Ranges, Naming
Sample Workbooks  updated 29-Sep-06
Scenarios -- Automatically Show   10-Apr-05
Scenarios -- Create and Show   03-Apr-05
Scenarios -- Programming   12-Apr-05
Scenarios -- Scenario Summaries   03-Apr-05
Shortcuts, Keyboard
Sorting a List
Sorting Data -- Programming 06-Aug-06
Sum cells
Sum a Filtered List
Survey Form   29-Oct-05 updated 11-Oct-06
Toolbar -- Macros  24-Dec-05
Toolbar -- Navigate Workbook Sheets  21-Dec-05
Topics Index
Trailing Minus Signs
Used Range, Reset (FAQ)
UserForm, Create a
UserForm with ComboBoxes 23-Jan-06
VBA Code, Copy to a workbook
VLOOKUP function
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