Are We Almost There

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 15:00:42
Are We Almost There
I met retro jordanyou first when I was six and you were in utero. You weren't there yet. I was six and a half and in Florida on my first vacation by plane.air max 360 In O'Hare Airport my mother gave me a spoonful of bitter yellow Dramamine and then held me up to the drinking fountain, and the icy metallic water got that bad taste out of my mouth. The medicine made me drowsy, but still I was scared.shox r4 How will the plane stay in the air, I asked. How will they understand us in Florida—do they speak another language there. nike shoxMy father, a kind and peaceful man, talked with great faith about engineering matters. He talked as though he personally knew lots of engineers and liked and admired all of them.air max 95 Engineers were great men, he seemed to be saying. My mother, who tended to scorn things, Buy paintingslaughed at my other question. Of course they speak English, it's not another country, she said. Everyone knows that. These answers were pleasant,nike shox shoes relieving—like that mouthful of cold water after the Dramamine—but fleeting. Everything was fleeting.
After max 90that plane we took a very small plane that roared beneath us and seemed to be going terribly fast, air jordan shoesjust faster and faster, over water.jordan sneakers I felt that I was trying to hold on to something, though I couldn't say what. It was getting harder and harder to hold on, the faster and faster we went. max ltdWe're almost there, we're almost there, the grown-ups kept telling me, not only my parents but also other adults on the plane, their kind faces leaning in as we went faster and faster, cheap jordansWe're almost there, we're almost there, and I tried to hold on but finally couldn't anymore, and as we rushed in and down to the runway, I threw up into a white bag someone held for me, and everyone forgave me, Flower oil paintingand I was given more water and everything went back to normal.
The motel Fine art oil paintingoverlooked a beach of seashells, and at the end of the shells was the water. nike shoxNo sand could be seen on the beach, only shells. This was rare, it was explained to me, something to be appreciated. air maxNot too many people knew about this place, but we knew about it. Behind the motel was an endless hilly park with winding paths and regularly spaced white cinder-block structures that looked like identical, fierce little houses but which actually contained only pipes, my father explained; I was happy to hear that, because I wouldn't have wanted to live in one of those little houses. air jordan shoesIn the evenings, right after dinner, sprays of water appeared everywhere, crisscrossing and arching over one another, some tall and fine and waving like the tails of exotic birds, and some shooting relentlessly in one direction, feeding the green dips and rises. From our room's patio I looked, but it hurt a little—my eyes or chest or something. glue gunThe color was so deep, so wet, the hills like mounds of wet green cake. air jordansI felt you out there somewhere, amidst all that green, but I couldn't see you, no matter how I concentrated. If I looked away, something would move in the corner of my eye,wholesale handbags but when I looked back, you were never there.
But when I turned around to go back into the room there was a decal of a diving woman on the sliding glass door, right there at my eye level, air maxstrangely, as though someone had known I would be there to see it, and it let me know the door was closed and I had better open it or I would bump my head. The woman wore a pink bathing suit exactly like my mother's and the ugly white kind of bathing cap that strapped under her chin and covered practically her whole head. nike shox shoesShe was a little faded, peeling a little, as if she had been stuck on there for years, though she did not appear to be an old woman. Her back arched gracefully and her toes were pointed, still, after all this time.