
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/04 17:31:32


主持人:格林·贝克 (简称“戈”) 翻译:陈 凯

BECK: The atrocities of Hitler are rightfully recognized as beyondabhorrent, but we must continue to be vigilant to make sure they neverhappen again. We must never forget. But we also must never stoplearning.

戈: 希特勒的残暴是已被举世公认的,但我们必须保持警觉以保证希特勒的纳粹惨剧不再被重演。 我们绝不应、也绝不要忘记历史。 我们也绝不要停止我们的思考与学习。

Here’s another story of genocide that for some reason history has erased.


(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) 视频 (2)开始: 『共产苏联种族灭绝的暴行』

BECK (voice-over): Growing deep within the roots of socialism is a brutal and dismissive view of human life.

戈(幕后音): 在社会主义的理念根基深层是一个对人的生命的暴虐与漠视的心态。

GOLDBERG: The essence of Marx is simply that the universe is run bythis cold material, impersonal forces and that over time, we are goingto see it move from the futile, through the capitalist to the socialistto the communist stage. Along the way, a lot of people are going to getkilled. And Marx was completely fine with it.

张纳. 歌德伯格: 马克思对宇宙的解释就是: 宇宙就是一片物质的、没有人味儿的时空。我们只能作为渺小的无意义的存在见证我们自己根本就无法把握的历史 – 从资本主义到社会主义到共产主义。在这个历史的进程中许多人都要被虐杀、都要被灭亡。 马克思对此无动于衷。

SNORE: The Nazi Germany, these groups were also defined byethnicity, the Jews, for example, and so with union, they defined themby social origin. But the idea was the same.

埃德温斯. 斯诺尔: 在纳粹德国,人们是被“族群”而分的。 犹太人,还有工会,他们是被他们的祖宗与起源而定义的。 在此马克思(阶级论)与纳粹是完全一致的。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Communist (INAUDIBLE), dictator of 160 million Nazis (ph).

无名男子低语: (苏联)共产党就是一亿六千万纳粹者的专制头子。

BECK: Today, most have forgotten the scale of the Soviet atrocities,particularly, what may have been their most horrific. It began longbefore Hitler’s horror was revealed. Popular uprising had become aproblem in the Ukraine. Their spirit of individualism threatened thegrand design of Moscow. Stalin decided to take steps and correct theproblem.

戈: 今天,大多数人们早已忘却了苏联共产专制的暴行,具体地讲,就是那些人类历史上最暴虐的行径。这些暴行早在希特勒的“大虐杀”之前就已经在苏联进行着。 那时在苏维埃的乌克兰就时常有民众暴动反抗专制。个体自由的精灵造成了对莫斯科专制者们宏大社会主义计划的威胁。 斯大林就决定采取手段镇压消灭这个威胁。

HUNCZAK: The objective was to keep Ukrainians on their knees.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 斯大林的目的是要使乌克兰人屈膝投降。

BECK: Stalin forced peasants to give up their farms under the banner of collectivization.

戈: 斯大林强制乌克兰的农民们在“农业集体化”的口号下向苏联政府交出自己的田园。

HUNCZAK: The peasants are the army of nationalism. So, what do you do? You got to crush them.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克:乌克兰的农民心里是爱乌克兰恨俄罗斯人的。 那你拿他们怎么办呢? 在斯大林脑子里你就得彻底打碎他们的反抗心态。

VICTOR YUSHCHENKO, PRESIDENT, UKRAINE: My wife’s grandfather died in1933. He was arrested, for refusal to join the collective farm. Whilehe was in prison, his wife was forced to divorce him. When he returnedfrom prison, he saw that he had no wife. He could not see his children.He had no house, he had no land. He had nothing. There are millions ofsuch stories.

维克托. 尤溪恩科 (现乌克兰总统): 我夫人的祖父在1933年过世。 他因为拒绝加入集体农庄而被捕入狱。他在狱中的时候,他的妻子被迫与他离婚。 他出狱的时候才发现他已经没有了妻子、没有了孩子、没有了房子、没有了土地。 他真实一无所有了。像这样的惨剧在乌克兰有成千上万。

BECK: Stalin took everything — their independence, their livelihood,and even their food, plunging the Ukraine into famine. And while thepeople were starving, it wasn’t because the food wasn’t growing. Grainproduction was skyrocketing. Instead of giving the grain to starvingpeople, the Soviets exported it to fund their centrally-plannedindustrialization. How the Soviets dealt with the hunger was inhumane.

戈: 斯大林夺走了一切: 他们的自由独立、他们的生计、还有他们生产的粮食。 乌克兰自此陷入了一场前所未有的大饥荒。人们挨饿并不是因为地里不长粮食。 那时候是乌克兰大丰收的年月。 可是挨饿的乌克兰人得不到粮食。苏联将乌克兰的粮食收归国有以完成斯大林的中央计划的快速工业化进程。 苏联对乌克兰饥民的残忍是非人反人性的。

NIKOLAY MELNIK, SURVIVOR, FROM “THE SOVIET STORY”: They entered ahouse and asked, “Where are your dead?” There was only a half-deadwoman laying in the bed. They said, “Let’s take her. She will dieanyway. Why come after her tomorrow?” She begged them. “Do not take me.I am still alive. I want to live.”

尼古拉. 茂尼克(在“苏联的故事”纪录片中的一位幸存者): 他们一进门就问: “你们死的人在哪儿?”看到床上躺着一个半死的女人,他们就说: “干脆现在就把她抬出去埋了吧。 她反正得死。 省得我们明天再跑一趟了。” 那女人哀求他们说:“求求你别抬我出去。 我还活着。 我想活着。”

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was horrible. They were all dumped into the grave. The ground was moving.

不知名的女人: 那真是恐怖。 活人死人全都埋在土里。 那土堆儿还在动那!

BECK: The forced famine that resulted was so horrific, the situationso desperate that there were even widespread reports of cannibalism.

戈: 随即而来的大饥荒让人耸人听闻。 许多报道都提到人们绝望到不得不吃人肉的地步。
HUNCZAK: I was once with a group of people going to one part ofUkraine, and I said, “Is there some older lady that could tell mesomething about what happened?”

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 我当时随着一些人去乌克兰的一地。 我就问当地的人: “有没有能把话讲清楚的女人告诉我到底发生了什么?”

BECK: What the woman told him next, he would never forget.

戈: 他可一辈子忘不了那个女人告诉他的话。

HUNCZAK: And she said, “Oh, my God, I really don’t like to talkabout that.” She said, “You see, there is this house on the top of thehill there? A mother ate her daughter. She was already insane, becausethe people had reached the level of insanity. And then she committedsuicide.”

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 那个女人说: “上帝啊! 我真的不想讲。” 然后她说: “在山顶上的那户人,母亲把她亲生女儿吃了。 她已经饿昏了头,因为饥饿到极点会让人发疯。 她吃了自己的女儿后就自杀了。”

BECK: How did the Soviets deal with this? They printed posters thatsaid, “To eat your own children is a barbarian act.” This period isknown as, “the Holodomor,” roughly translated as “murder by hunger.”

戈: 苏联政府怎么看这样的事呢? 他们张贴布告说“吃你的孩子是野蛮人的举动”。 乌克兰人对那个大饥荒有一个专有名词 -“喉瘘斗嚰”,真意是“用饥荒来屠杀”。

YUSHCHENKO: Death from hunger was not unusual in the 20th century.But there is a difference between death from hunger and murder byhunger.

维克托. 尤溪恩科: 二十世纪时有人饿死并不罕见。 但在“因饿而死”和“用饿屠杀”间有本质的区别。
BECK: These intentional policies resulted in murder as efficient as has ever been seen in human history.

戈: 这些人为的计划与政策导致了前所未有的、最为有效的人类大虐杀。

HUNCZAK: You find that whole families actually die out like eight members in the family.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 那时候你常常可以看到一家一家人,有时候一家八口,通通饿死光。

SNORE: Many millions of people are killed. And given the fact thatit was done within one year, I believe it is certainly comparable tothe great genocides of the 20th century.

埃德温斯. 斯诺尔: 几百万人就这样被虐杀掉了。 这只是在一年的时间啊! 我相信这个暴行是二十世纪中人类最大的族群灭绝的暴行之一。

BECK: Most know that the horrors of the Holocaust resulted in thedeaths of approximately six million Jews. But what many don’t know isthat the government-designed starvation in the Ukraine caused thedeaths of between 7 million and 10 million in just one year. None ofthis is meant to diminish the horrors of the Holocaust. The pure evilthat inspired it is above question and must be remembered vividly andat all costs.

戈: 许多人现在都知道希特勒的虐犹大杀戮造成了约六百万犹太人的死亡。但今天大多数的人们并不知道苏联在乌克兰的农庄掠夺仅在一年之内造成了七百万人到一千万人的死亡。这并不是用此去减轻对希特勒的杀犹政策危害性的估量。 乌克兰大虐杀的邪恶性质与真相是被不容被辩解的。 人们应永世记住这些共产革命大虐杀的暴行。

Though, in addition, the other victims of vicious governments whohave treated human life as nothing but a speed bump to their granddesign must also be remembered.

同时,我们也不能忘记那些由于大政府邪恶的、所谓的为了人类的、宏大的虚幻构想 而造成的惨剧 — 它们将人命肆无忌惮地践踏与虐杀,好象是人只是它们实践革命路上的一块绊脚石一样。

HUNCZAK: It is not just the number of people. It’s the nationalculture also. Imagine how many writers, artists, all of them perished.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 被虐杀的人数只是这个惨剧的一个层面。 一个特有族群的文化也被有意地毁灭了: 想想有多少乌克兰的作家、艺术家在那场大虐杀中丧生了。

GOLDBERG: One of the most disgusting things about the way we talkabout communism is you have people talk about it as if it was thiswell- intentioned social experiment. But even at the level of firstprinciples of the sort of planning session, it was planned andpremeditated mass murder on a massive scale.

张纳. 歌德伯格: 让人最恶心的是: 现在人们常常谈起共产革命就好像它就是一个意愿良好的社会变革的实验一样。 但不管你从任何角度去看一个任何共产革命,它都是一个精心策划的、早有预谋的、大规模的对人类的虐杀。

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With the newest devices of destruction.

一个无名的男子: 用最新设计的杀人新花样。

BECK: All the while supported by prominent media members — “The NewYork Times” now acknowledges their role in the propping up of Stalin’sregime by their reporter Walter Durante. He called the forced famine inthe Ukraine mostly bunk and viciously justified the millions dead bysaying, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

戈: 这样的共产大虐杀一直都有西方左派媒体的声援 – “纽约时报”现在承认他们曾用像华特. 杜兰特这样的记者去为斯大林的暴行涂脂抹粉。他说由于苏联的农业掠夺造成的乌克兰大饥荒死人是被夸大了。 他还恶毒地、恬不知耻地声称: “你要做个蛋饼,还能不先打碎几个鸡蛋?”

SNORE: Because of this information, many people in the West reactedquite passively to what happened in the Ukraine. Durante was there andhis position was pro-Soviet. I think he did a lot of harm to the truthat that time.

埃德温斯. 斯诺尔: 因为这些左派媒体故意扭曲的报道,当时在西方许多的人们对乌克兰大饥荒的惨剧无动于衷。 杜兰特之流的“亲苏亲共左派”把持了主流媒体。 我认为像他那样的人当时做了很多造假的坏事。

HUNCZAK: He reported, no, there is no famine in Ukraine. But there is widespread mortality due to diseases of malnutrition.

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 杜兰特当时对世界报道: 乌克兰根本没有什么大饥荒,只有因营养不足引起的疾病而造成许多人死亡。

BECK: Yet still, even in August of last year, “The Times” wrote in abook review that despite the fact that Fredrick Engels, one of thefounders of communism, was an advocate of ethnic cleansing, he wouldhave been a fine man to drink with.

戈: 可是,就在去年(2009 年)八月,“时代周刊”在一篇书评中声称,虽然共产主义的奠基人恩格斯是个崇尚“优生种族清洗”的人,他仍旧是个你可以一块儿与其饮酒畅谈的君子好人。

And it is surely true that Engels’ larger critique of capitalism resonates down the ages.


YUSHCHENKO: Recognizing this as a tragedy means not only torecognize the genocide of the Ukrainian people. We should also speakabout the crimes — not only of the Stalin regime — but about thecriminality of communism itself. In my opinion, it is a very difficultdiscussion for a large number of people, including people from Europe,unfortunately.

维克托. 尤溪恩科: 今天回顾那些乌克兰大饥荒的惨痛年代, 我们不光要永记那些共产暴行,我们还要大声疾呼去向世人暴露那些共产暴行。这不光是对斯大林政权的控诉揭露,这是对在全世界所有共产政权与共产主义理念本身的罪犯性质的控诉揭露。我知道事实是今天世界上所多的人们不愿正视这个共产主义的邪恶罪犯性质,也有意回避这个话题。 这个不幸的现象包括许多欧洲的人们在内。

BECK: And apparently, here in America as well. It is up to us toknow the truth so our children don’t face the same threat ever again.Each year, Ukrainians gather to remember the Holodomor by lighting25,000 candles. Why 25,000? Because during this intentional famine,they lost 25,000 people every single day.

戈: 我可以说,不幸的是今天美国的人们也是同样。 我们今天要扭转这个现象: 我们要了解真相并告知我们的后代不要让悲剧惨剧重演。每一年,乌克兰人都要聚集在一起回顾“喉瘘斗嚰”–“用饥荒来屠杀”的共产暴行惨剧。 他们会点起25,000只蜡烛。 为什么25,000只蜡烛?因为在“用饥荒来屠杀”的共产暴行惨剧中,乌克兰每天有25,000人因饥饿而丧生。

Allowing this to happen one more time would be unforgivable.


HUNCZAK: The totalitarian system established by Stalin wasresponsible for murdering millions of innocent people in a mosthorrendous way. And nobody was interested in knowing about it. Thequestion is what kind of people are we?

特拉斯. 洪可扎克: 由斯大林所代表的共产专制极权造成了千百万无辜人们的可怖悲惨的死亡。 但今天似乎没有人想要知道真相。 到底是怎么了?? 我们是什么样的人们啊??