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2009-01-05 来源:网络 作者: [打印]教师绩效工资最新消息


    5.使用斜线介绍新词。如:I go there by bus. He goes to scho-ol on foot.在斜线旁给一个句子或一个词,目的是斜线上的词放在有意义的情景中,来区分词的意义上的细微差异。

    (附图 {图})

    6.利用诱导的方法介绍新词汇。如:老师指着眼睑问What aboutthis?Look-I can open and close the m. They are …eye…?学生答“眼睑”。老师接着板书出eyelids.这样诱导的优点是在于学生的注意力会集中到这个新词上来,对了解这个词产生兴趣。

    7.利用直接介绍法。直接介绍讲解词汇,让学生重复。如:介绍新单词wrist,老师:(Pointing to wrist )。Look,this is my wrist. C-an you say it?学生重复说wrist两遍。

    8.利用下定义法。如:breakfast——the first meal of a day. Anoun is the name of a person,plac e or thing. 9.利用各种关系解释词义。

    1)利用事物的特征:Ice is cold. Water turns into ice in winter. coal is black. Coal burns When coal burns,we get fire.

    2)利用因果关系:Xiao Li has not taken his lunch, so he is hungry. I have drunk a lot of water,so I am not thirsty now. 3)利用先后关系或自然顺序:Spring comes before summer. Sunday comes before Monday. We take our breakfast at seven in the morning. We take our lunch at twelve.

    二)操练和使用新词汇。介绍新词汇,是让学生初步感知词汇,而操练和使用词汇目的是保证学生正确而 迅速地说出新的词汇。





    2.使用新词汇。如:学习market(市场)这个词,教师围绕这个词连续提问问题,让学生回答,重复使用这个词,使学生在语言环境中掌握这个词。如:Do you often go to the market?

    Do you live near a market?

    When does your mother go to the market?What does she buythere?