Nagios状态监控 CoffeeSaint 2.3 发布

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/04 18:45:53
红薯 发布于: 2009年12月17日 (0评)
CoffeeSaint 是一个 Java 应用程序,用来显示Nagios 监控系统的状态。
1. Filters for hosts and services were added.
2. Sparklines were added, displaying performance data as gathered by the Nagios process.
3. The remote configuration Web interface was made... prettier.
4. You can now select the configuration file to write to from the Web interface.
5. It will now center text (vertically) when you choose to shrink the text to fit the width on the screen.
6. You can now filter on flapping status