Portal User Interface Framework Guide

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/01 10:44:23
This document details how the portal framework turns a portal you develop in WebLogic Workshop (see Figure 1) into the portal desktop visitors see in a browser (see Figure 2). The goal of describing the portal framework is to help you develop and troubleshoot your portals. These topics enable you to look at a rendered portal in a browser and understand which pieces of the underlying framework you need to modify to get the results you want. In addition, the Look & Feel Editor is discussed. The Look & Feel Editor lets you interactively modify the text styles used by a portal.
The topics in this document describe key portal framework components and walk you through the portal rendering process. These topics include:
How Look & Feel Determines Rendering Describes how look & feel determines how a portal desktop is rendered and what it looks like.
How the Shell Determines Header and Footer Content Describes how shells determine the content of a desktop header and footer.
How Portal Components Are Rendered Illustrates the rendering process, showing how a portal component is converted to HTML.
The Look & Feel Editor Discusses functional parts of the Look & Feel Editor and important concepts that will help you use the Editor effectively, such as CSS inheritance.
Figure 1 Portal file under development in WebLogic Workshop.

Figure 2 Portal rendered in HTML.

How Look & Feel Determines Rendering
When you build a portal in WebLogic Workshop, the look & feels you use are the key to how your portal is rendered and what it looks like when it is rendered. This topic shows you how the different pieces of the look & feel framework are combined and configured to provide what the portal framework needs to render the look & feel in HTML.
This topic contains the following sections:
Overview The Look & Feel File The Portal File Location of the Look & Feel Resources The skin.properties File Look & Feel Overrides Summary
The look & feel encompasses the following:
Skin - A skin is a group of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files, framework images (mainly for portlet title bar icons), and JavaScript functionality that is used in the portal desktop when it is rendered in HTML. A portal Web project can have multiple skins. When you select a look & feel for a desktop, a specific skin is used. Following are example skin elements, Image, CSS Style, and JavaScript Functions:

CSS Style
.bea-portal-button-float img
vertical-align: top;
margin: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #666699;
JavaScript Function
function initPortletFloatButtons() { var links =
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
if (links[i].className &&
links[i].className ==               "bea-portal-button-float")
{ initPortletFloatButton(links[i]);
} }
Skeleton JSPs - A skeleton is a group of JSPs that are used to render each component of the portal desktop as HTML, from the desktop to books and pages to portlet title bars. The skeleton provides the physical boundaries of the portal components and provides references to the images, CSS classes, and JavaScript functions from the skin needed to render the portal. A portal Web project can have multiple skeletons. When you select a look & feel for a desktop, a specific skin and skeleton is used.
A look & feel is represented by an XML file (with a .laf extension). As shown in the following figure, the .laf (avitek.laf) file is located in the lookandfeel folder of a portal project. In addition, the .laf file name (for example, avitek) can be selected in the Desktop properties panel.
Figure 3 Portal rendered in HTML.

Developers building portals with WebLogic Workshop are not the only users who can select the look & feel used by a portal desktop. While developers create look & feels and select the default look & feel used by a portal, portal administrators and visitors may ultimately determine the desktop look & feel. The following figures show how portal administrators and users can change the look & feel used by the desktop.
After a portal administrator creates a desktop in the WebLogic Administration Portal, the administrator can change the desktop look & feel on the Desktop Properties page, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 4 The Desktop Properties page

If visitor tools are enabled for the desktop, visitors can click the "Customize My Portal" link and change the desktop look & feel, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 5 Customizing a portal

The following section shows the contents of a look & feel XML-based .laf file and describes how it is used as the basis of portal desktop rendering.
The Look & Feel File
Look & feel files point to the specific skin and skeleton to be used for the overall desktop look & feel.
Look & feel files are stored in the following location: /framework/markup/lookandfeel. Following is the avitek.laf provided by BEA. The key attributes are highlighted.

The following table describes the look & feel file‘s key attributes.
Table 1 Look & Feel File Attributes
Required. The unique label used to identify the look & feel for setting entitlements. Each look & feel in the portal Web project must have a unique definitionLabel. For best practices, use the same name as the markupName.
Required. The string used to display the name in the Look & Feel drop-down fields in WebLogic Workshop, the WebLogic Administration Portal, and on the visitor tools page.
Optional. Description of the look & feel. The description is used in the WebLogic Administration Portal; when you select a look & feel in the portal Library, the description appears on the Look & Feel Properties page.
Optional. The name of the directory containing the skin you want to use.
If you do not set this attribute, the /framework/skins/default skin is used.
Optional. The path, relative to the portal Web project, to the parent directory of the skin directory.
If you do not set this attribute, the /framework/skins/ skin is used.
If no skin attribute is set, the /framework/skins/default skin is used.
Optional. The name of the directory containing the skeleton JSPs you want to use.
If you do not set this attribute, the framework uses the default.skeleton.id path in the skin.properties file of the skin used.
If you do not set this attribute and no default.skeleton.id path is set in skin.properties, the /framework/skeletons/default skeleton is used.
Optional. The path, relative to the portal Web project, to the parent directory of the skeleton directory.
If you do not set this attribute, the framework uses the default.skeleton.path in the skin.properties file of the skin is used.
If you do not set this attribute and no default.skeleton.path is set in skin.properties, the /framework/skeletons/ skeleton is used.
If you do not set this attribute and no skeleton attribute is set, the /framework/skeletons/ skeleton is used.
If you do not set this attribute and no skeleton attribute is set, and skin.properties contains no default.skeleton.id, the /framework/skeletons/default skeleton is used.
Required. The name of the type of component. Must always be "LookAndFeel".
Required. The name for the look & feel. Each look & feel in the portal Web project must have a unique markupName. For best practices, use the same name as the definitionLabel.
When you select a Look & Feel in the WebLogic Workshop Property Editor for a selected desktop, the look & feel XML is automatically added to the underlying XML in the .portal file, as shown in the following section.
The Portal File
The following example portal file, created with the Portal Designer, shows the inserted look & feel XML (in bold) from the .laf file. The portal file is a template with which multiple desktops can be created in the WebLogic Administration Portal. When used as a template, the portal file determines the default look & feel of any desktop created from it.
markupType="Desktop" title="New Portal Desktop"> skinPath="/framework/skins/" title="avitek"/>       title="Header-Footer Visitor Shell"> [XML for books, pages, and portlets...]
The look & feel XML is inserted when the Look & Feel property is set for the selected desktop in the Property Editor. For example, in the following figure, the look & feel called avitek is selected.
Figure 6 Selecting a Look & Feel

When the .laf file is inserted into the .portal file, its job is finished in the rendering process and the .portal file is used to set look & feel.
Location of the Look & Feel Resources
The look & feel attributes in the portal file tell the portal which skin and skeleton to use to render the portal in HTML. The portal in the previous example will use the following skin and skeleton resources:

The /css, /images, and /js directories contain the CSS files, framework images (mainly portlet titlebar icons), and JavaScript files that will be used in the skin. The skin.properties file (discussed in the next section) contains references to these resources, and at rendering time those resource references are inserted into the HTML region. You can name your skin resource directories anything you like as long as you reference them correctly in skin.properties (or skin_custom.properties).
Skins can also contain subdirectories for sub-skins, or themes (discussed inLook & Feel Overrides).
The skeleton is made up of JSPs that map to and convert each portal component to HTML. The XML elements for the portal components in the .portal file determine the order in which the skeleton JSPs are called and rendered as HTML.
This figure shows a clipped view of the skeleton contents. The subdirectories shown are skeleton themes and skeletons used for mobile devices. The JSPs in the /default directory make up the "default" skeleton.
Themes are discussed inLook & Feel Overrides.
Note About Portlet Titlebar Icons
The icons used in portlet title bars are stored in the skin‘s /images directory. The portal framework reads the portal Web project‘s WEB-INF/netuix-config.xml file to determine which of these graphics to use for the portlet‘s different states and modes (minimize, maximize, help, edit, and so on).
The skin.properties File
Each skin has a skin.properties file, which is used by the portal framework to populate the section of the rendered HTML, among other things. Included in skin.properties are references to the images directory, the CSS files containing the styles to be used in the HTML, and the JavaScript files containing the functions that will be used in the HTML.
Note: You can also create a file called skin_custom.properties in the same directory as skin.properties. Any entries you include in skin_custom.properties are also added to the HTML region. This feature lets you customize the properties without having them overwritten by product updates.
The following will not be rendered:
Style Sheet styles that do not exist in one of the .css files listed in the . JavaScript functions that do not exist in one of the .js files listed in the .
That is why it is important to add references to all skin resources in skin.properties or skin_custom.properties.
The skin.properties or skin_custom.properties files can also contain skeleton path information that is used if skeleton attributes are omitted from the look & feel (.laf) file, as described inThe Look & Feel File.
The following table shows an example of how entries in skin.properties for the active skin are converted to HTML entries. Different skins may have different entries.
Table 2 How skin properties map to HTML entries
skin.properties Entries
Rendered HTML Entries
images.path: images
link.body.href: css/body.css
link.body.rel: stylesheet
link.book.href: css/book.css
link.book.rel: stylesheet
link.button.href: css/button.css
link.button.rel: stylesheet
link.fix.href: css/fix.css
link.fix.rel: stylesheet
link.form.href: css/form.css
link.form.rel: stylesheet
link.layout.href: css/layout.css
link.layout.rel: stylesheet
link.portlet.href: css/portlet.css
link.portlet.rel: stylesheet
link.window.href: css/window.css
link.window.rel: stylesheet
link.window-plain.href: css/plain/window.css
link.window-plain.rel: stylesheet

script.skin.src: skin.js
script.skin.type: text/javascript
script.menu.src: menu.js
script.menu.type: text/javascript
script.float.src: float.js
script.float.type: text/javascript
script.menufx.src: menufx.js
script.menufx.type: text/javascript
script.util.src: util.js
script.util.type: text/javascript
script.delete.src: delete.js
script.delete.type: text/javascript
script.search.path: js (Provides the directory for the location of the JavaScript files.)

You can control the order in which the CSS and JavaScript entries are inserted into the HTML section by adding
to a CSS entry and
to a script entry, where the number is the order in which the entry should be inserted. All CSS entries are inserted first, followed by all script entries.
Look & Feel Overrides
You can override the skin elements and skeletons on individual portal components so that those components have a different look & feel than the other portal components. For example, you can override the look & feel of a portlet so that it looks different than the other portlets on a page.
Overriding Look & Feel with Themes
As part of each skin or skeleton, you can create sub-skins and sub-skeletons called "themes." Themes contain all or part of the resources contained in a skin or skeleton. For example, a skin theme can contain a /css subdirectory with a single CSS file, and a skeleton theme can contain a single JSP to render a portlet titlebar. Themes can be used on books, pages, and portlets.
Each theme requires a .theme file located in /framework/markup/theme/. Following is a sample theme file:

The theme file contains two key attributes:
name - The name attribute value tells the portal framework the name of the theme directory to look in to apply theme resources to the book, page, or portlet. title - The title attribute value is used to populate the Theme drop-down list where it appears in the book, page, and portlet properties in the Portal Designer and in the WebLogic Administration Portal.
The theme XML is inserted in the .portal around the XML for the book, page, or portlet to which the theme applies.
The following figures show where you set a theme in WebLogic Workshop and in the WebLogic Administration Portal.
WebLogic Workshop
WebLogic Administration Portal

Theme selection for a book, page, or portlet does not depend on the look & feel selected for a desktop. All themes are available for selection for all look & feels, whether or not the skins and skeletons for the look & feels contain the selected theme. If a skin or skeleton does not contain the selected theme, the theme is ignored. If both a skin and a skeleton theme exists for the selected look & feel, both are used.
The following figures show an example theme directory structure for the theme file, a skin theme, and a skeleton theme:
Theme File
Skin Theme
Skeleton Theme

If skin or skeleton resources are not explicitly contained in a theme, the parent skin or skeleton resources are used. For example, if a skeleton theme uses only a JSP to render a portlet titlebar, the parent skeleton JSPs are used to render the rest of the portlet.
For skeletons, the ability to use parent resources is dependent on a file in the skeleton theme directory called skeleton.properties,which contains a single entry:
jsp.search.path: ., ..
where ., .. is a relative path to the theme‘s own skeleton JSPs and to the parent skeleton‘s JSPs.
In the parent skin, the skin.properties must contain path information to its skin themes in the following format:
theme.alert.search.path: alert/images, images
The name of the theme directory is the second entry in the property. The path to the theme images is set (alert/images), along with the path to the parent skin‘s images directory (images) in case the theme images are an incomplete subset of the necessary images.
Overriding Look & Feel with Properties
For any selected component in the Portal Designer, you can override CSS properties and the skeleton JSP used to render the component. With the portal component selected in the Portal Designer, set the property overrides you want in the Property Editor under Presentation Properties, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 7 Property Editor

When the portal desktop is rendered as HTML, the skeleton JSP you selected is used to render the component, and the style overrides you entered are automatically inserted into the XML of the .portal file.
The look & feel selected for a portal desktop serves as the basis for how the desktop is rendered in HTML. The look & feel XML file (.laf) points to a specific skin and a specific skeleton on the file system to use for rendering.
Skins are made up of framework images (like portlet titlebar icons), CSS files, and script files, such as JavaScript. Skeletons are JSPs that convert XML-based portal components to HTML.
Once a look & feel is selected, its XML is inserted into the .portal XML file, which is the primary XML file used to control desktop rendering (.portlet XML files are used to render portlets). The look & feel settings point to the file-based skin and skeleton resources that are used to generate and used in the rendered HTML.
The skin used in a look & feel contains a skin.properties and an optional skin_custom.properties file that contains references to all images, CSS files, and script files that are used by the skin. The entries in skin.properties and skin_custom.properties are converted to HTML entries so that any framework images, CSS styles, and script functions used in the HTML are recognized.
You can override the look & feel for any book, page, or portlet by using themes; and using the Portal Designer and Portlet Designer Property Editor you can override CSS styles, attributes, and the skeleton JSP used to render desktops, books, pages, and portlet title bars and windows.
How the Shell Determines Header and Footer Content
When you build a portal in WebLogic Workshop, the shell that you select determines the header and footer content of the portal desktop. The shell can point to JSP or HTML files that contain the content, personalization, or other behavior you want to include in your headers and footers.
This topic contains the following sections:
Overview The Shell File The Portal File Location of the Shell Resources How the Shell Relates to Look & Feel Summary
The following figure shows the area of a portal desktop controlled by the shell:
Figure 8 Portal areas controlled by the shell

The shell could also be set up to include a left navigation region, as illustrated in the left navigation sample in the WebLogic Workshop sample portal. So the shell really controls everything outside the main page book in a portal.
A shell is represented by an XML file (with .shell extension), as shown in the following figure.
Figure 9 Shell XML file

Developers building portals with WebLogic Workshop are not the only users who can determine the shell used by a portal desktop. While developers create shells and select the default shell used by a portal, portal administrators ultimately determine the desktop shell.
After a portal administrator creates a desktop in the WebLogic Administration Portal, the administrator can change the desktop shell on the Desktop Properties page.
Figure 10 Changing the desktop shell

The following section shows the shell XML file and describes how it is used to provide header and footer content.
The Shell File
The shell provides paths to the JSP or HTML files to be used in the desktop header and footer.
Shell files are stored in the following location: /framework/markup/shell/. Following is the headerFooterVisitor.shell provided by BEA with the key attributes highlighted.

The following table describes the shell attributes and shows how they are used to put content in the desktop header and footer:
Table 3 Shell Attributes
This or attribute...
does this
Required. The string used to display the name in the shell drop-down fields in WebLogic Workshop and the WebLogic Administration Portal.
Optional. Description of the shell. The description is used in the WebLogic Administration Portal; when you select a shell in the portal Library, the description appears on the Shell Properties page.
Required. The name of the type of component. Must always be "Shell".
Required. The name for the shell. Each shell in the portal Web project must have a unique markupName.

Required. This element maps to the head.jsp skeleton file that renders the boundaries of the HTML region.

Required. This element maps to the body.jsp skeleton file that renders the boundaries of the HTML region.

Required. This element maps to the header.jsp skeleton file that renders the boundaries of the header region in HTML.

Required. This element maps to the footer.jsp skeleton file that renders the boundaries of the footer region in HTML.

Optional. Use this element to reference the JSPs or HTML files you want to use for content in the header and/or footer (by way of the contentUri attribute). To use this element, make sure the and tags have opening and closing elements inside which this tag is inserted. Use the contentUri attribute to reference the JSP or HTML file relative to the portal Web project.
The shell XML is automatically added to the underlying XML in the .portal file.
The Portal File
Following is an example portal file, created with the Portal Designer, showing the inserted shell XML from the .shell file (in bold). The shell XML was inserted when the Shell property was set for the selected desktop in the Property Editor. When the .shell file is inserted into the .portal file, its job is finished in the rendering process and the .portal file is used to set the header and footer content.
[XML for books, pages, and portlets...]
The portal file is a template with which multiple desktops can be created in the WebLogic Administration Portal. When used as a template, the portal file determines the default shell of any desktop created from it.
Location of the Shell Resources
The shell attributes in the portal file tell the portal which content to use for the portal header and footer when the portal is rendered in HTML. The portal in the previous example will use the following shell resources:
Figure 11 Shell resources

The headerFooterVisitor.shell example file contains two tags that point to the content to use in the header and footer, one inside the
element and one inside the