Space 简易教程(三十二)—— 寻找音乐文件的网址

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 04:03:11
Space 简易教程(三十二)—— 寻找音乐文件的网址MSN Space Easy Tutorial (32) —— Find the Genuine Link of Music/Songs on Internet
根据我的简易教程(二)和(二十六)中所介绍的方法,我们已经知道如何在自己的 MSN Space 中播放音乐或歌曲了。不过,还有一个问题需要解决 —— 怎样在网上找到音乐或歌曲的有效链接。因为有些朋友曾多次询问类似的问题,所以我决定写篇教程来介绍一些常用的方法和实例。此篇文章中所使用的技巧并不十分复杂,希望大家能举一反三,融会贯通到实际应用中去。
(一)利用 Media Player 的右键菜单
在网络上数以万计的个人主页中,有很多使用了 Windows Media Player 来播放音乐或歌曲,这其中也包括我们的 MSN Spaces。如果你需要找出网页上媒体播放器所播放的音乐文件的出处,有时只需要用鼠标右键点击媒体播放器,在菜单中选择“属性”,即可在新出现的窗口中找到媒体文件的网络地址。请看下图示范。
English Version
According to my "MSN Space Easy Tutorial"(2) and(26), we know how to play music/songs in our spaces. However, one more question need to be answered —— how to find a valid link of a music/song file on Internet. Recently, some friends came to my space and asked me this question again and again. So I write this tutorial to give some examples, and wish you can draw inferences about other cases from one instance. The technic used in this post are not difficult to learn, so you can do them by yourself.
Notice: I do not support illegal dowloading music/songs from Internet and I am not responsible for the content of external sites that I used as examples in my tutorial.
1. Case One —— Right Click Menu
There are millions of personal homepages on the Internet. Some of them use Windows Media Player to play music/song online, including MSN Spaces. If you are want to find out the network address of the music/song that is played on the website, sometimes just right click the Media Player, select "Properties" in the menu, then you will find the URL in "Location" (see the following picture).

(二)运用 Code It 工具
有些网站封锁了鼠标右键菜单,就不能使用上述方法了,比如:这个网站。那么我们还可以尝试一下这个方法。首先,按住鼠标左键,将网页上的媒体播放器选中,被选中的媒体播放器会变成灰色(请参考下面的动画)。其次,按 Ctrl+C 键来复制此播放器。然后,打开教程(二十七)中介绍的Code It 工具,将播放器复制进去(Ctrl+V)。最后,选中页面下方的“HTML 模式”,就应该能看到有关媒体播放器的代码了。你找到所需的网址了吧?
2. Case Two ——  Copy & Paste into CodeIt
Once a friend asked me about the MTV file onthis webpage. Because the right click menu is disabled, I have to find a new way. First, use your mouse to select the Media Player on the website as shown below. Second, press Ctrl+C to copy it. Third, paste (Ctrl+V) it intoCodeIt tool as I mentioned in my "MSN Space Easy Tutorial" (27) and check the "HTML Mode" on the bottom of webpage to see the HTML codes. Now, you can find the web address of the file, can‘t you?

在 IE 中,可以选择查看网页源代码的方法,就是点击工具栏中“查看”,在下拉菜单中选择“源文件”,就会在记事本中打开此网页的源代码。一般情况下,只要在代码中搜索(Ctrl+F)“.MP3”、“.WMA”、或者“.WAV”等音乐文件后缀,就可以找到你所需要的网址了。大家可以试试这个网站,熟悉一下此项方法。
这是前两天一位朋友问我的网页,她需要知道歌曲的网址。当我尝试上述三种方法时,发现全不能成功,于是只好探索新的途径。首先,通过搜索“mplayer”找到代码中媒体播放器所在位置,然后开始往后看。当我看到 的时候,就感觉很可能是这段 Javascript 代码给网页上媒体播放器提供网址。再看一下网页网址 是不是感觉和 wm.aspx?id=41567 很象呢?于是我把 IE 地址栏中的网址 detail.aspx 改为 wm.aspx,结果音乐文件的链接就显示在屏幕上了!
SoGua 娱乐搜索:,
Sogou 音乐搜索:,
3. Case Three —— Source Code
In Internet Explorer, you can view the source code of the website by clicking "View" and selecting "Source". In general, the music/song web address can be found in the source file. For example, viewthis website source codes, then try to search (Ctrl+F) ".MP3", ".WMA", or ".WAV" in the file. Finally, you can get what you want.
4.Case Four —— A Special Example
This is a real case that I was asked to find the address ofthis song. When I opened the source file, I could not find any ".MP3" or ".WMV" in it. I had to search "mplayer" to locate the Media Player, then began to read the codes from there. When I found , I was thinking whether this Javascript code is to provide the URL of the song to the Media Player. The webpage is, here src is the wm.aspx?id=41567. Similar, right? So I changed the detail.aspx to wm.aspx in the address bar of IE. Ha, the network address of this song was shown on my screen!
5. Some powerful search engines
These search engines can find a lot of songs on the Internet. Try them, you will love them!
Good luck to your music searching!