
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/05 16:13:17
几句很有用的日常口语,多说,注意语感,repeat and repeat!
1、 表达情绪:
1) you are great你真棒
2) you are hopeless你没救了
3) you are out of your mind你脑子出问题了?
2、 鼓励encouragement
1) you are going to make it 你一定行的,你一定能做好的。
2) you are my only hope. 你是我唯一的希望了
3) You are almost there, keep trying, stick to it.你几乎都做到了,再坚持一下,一定行的。
3、 投诉complaints:
1) you are so annoying你真烦
2) you are to blame都怪你,全是你的错
3) you are selfish你真自私
4、 夸奖compliment:
1) you are fantastic你真棒!
2) You are amazing你太迷人了
3) You are really something你真了不起(在某个领域或方面很强)
5、 甜言蜜语sweet talk:
1) you are so kind你真好
2) you are so considerate你真窝心
3) you are the one for me你就是我心里的那个人
4) you are turning me on你让我心动不已