
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 18:29:34
中国贸促会副会长 王锦珍
中国北京 2009年11月12日
Speech at the 7th World Expo 2010 Shanghai China Forum
By Wang Jinzhen,
Vice-Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
November 12, 2009, Beijing
Distinguished Mayor Han,
Distinguished President Lafon and Secretary General Loscertales,
Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,
On behalf of the National Organizing Committee of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), and in the name of the Chief Delegate of China to the BIE, I would like to begin by extending sincere welcome to all participants at this forum.
When the world is waving farewell to the first decade of the 21st Century, it will embrace the 184-day World Expo Shanghai hosted by Chinese Government 169 days from now. Since the successful bidding in 2002, thanks to the active involvement and support of BIE and all participants, the preparation for the World Expo Shanghai has come to the final sprint after seven years’ dedication. Now we are well-prepared for the world grand gathering in Shanghai next year.
Dear guests,
Today, with the accelerating progress of global urbanization, city-related issues are emerging. It has become a common concern for human society to pay attention to scientific urban development and solve urban development problems. With the selected theme on “City”, the World Expo Shanghai will be a gallery for the world to showcase the best practice, modes, achievements and future concepts in urban development from all countries, a workshop for people to share urban-building experiences, spread urban concepts and discuss direction of the future city, and a vivid example for the pursuit of sustainable development characterized by livable environment, healthy working style and social harmony, which will be of great significance.
In the face of accelerating urbanization, China has devoted itself to building well-balanced sustainable cities. We sincerely hope that global wisdom will be pooled at this city-focused World Expo Shanghai so that world people would be enabled to explore the future path for human survival and development.
Dear friends,
China’s connection with the World Expo is long. It participated officially and non-officially in the form of individual and delegation visits as well as real exhibits, baptized by modern civilization for many times starting from 1851. Since the founding of New China, CCPIT has participated in the World Expo for 12 times on behalf of Chinese Government and has been playing an active role in undertaking the World Expo missions. A good reflection is the successful hosting of 1999 Kunming International Horticulture Exposition and the anticipating World Expo Shanghai, not only expressing China’s intention to seek constant cooperation and co-development with other countries, but also serving as a platform for countries to enhance communication.
China has been attaching great importance to the preparation of the World Expo Shanghai since the successful bidding. As stressed repeatedly by President Hu Jintao, the World Expo Shanghai is a pivotal opportunity for fulfillment of the Scientific Outlook on Development and the entire nation should make good use of this opportunity, by pooling the global wisdom, to make contribution to getting out of the financial crisis towards sustainable development through cooperation and exchanges in economy, technology and culture between countries.
Just now in his keynote speech, Premier Wen Jiabao also expressed eager expectation for the role of the World Expo Shanghai in promoting global partnership and sustainable urban development. All this is a reflection of the confidence of the Chinese Government in the success of this Expo. As soon as the National Organizing Committee of World Expo Shanghai was established, related Central Government departments started to collaborate with Shanghai Municipal Government in all aspects including participation issues, pavilion construction, promoting, legal assurance, medical and hygienic issues and intellectual property right, etc. to ensure smooth preparation. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also take their parts as participants and are longing for full cooperation with other participants.
As a member of the BIE and World Expo family, China is ready to share the world friends with cultural creativity, scientific and technological advancement, ideas on development and achievements of civilization on a wonderful World Expo Shanghai, so that we could explore new modes and thoughts for cities in the new century and make outstanding contribution to social harmony and sustainable human development.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Complementary exchanges, learning and tolerance between civilizations is an inexhaustible driving force for the social progress. In this spirit, the World Expo Shanghai will function as a pool of wisdoms from various civilizations and geographical regions to conceive a better future for cities. This Forum, I believe, will inspire us to deliver an Expo of wisdom.
To conclude, I wish the 7th World Expo 2010 Shanghai China a complete success. Thank you all.
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