But Archie certainly was unusually excited

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/03 02:36:57
ButArchie certainly was unusually excited, and whenbootshikingsomeone remembered that it was the anniversary of Uncle Jem'swedding, and wished he was there to make a speech, his sonelectrified the family by trying to do it for him. It was ratherincoherent and flowery, as maiden speeches are apt to be, but the endwas considered superb; for, turning to his mother with a queer littlechoke in his voice, heairjordan shoessaid that she "deserved to be blessed with peace and plenty, tobe crowned with roses and lads'-love, and to receive the cargo ofhappiness sailing home to her in spite of wind or tide to add anotherJem to the family jewels."
Thatallusion to the Captain, now on his return trip, made Mrs. Jessie sobin herboyswellington bootnapkin, and set the boys cheering. Then, as if that was not sensationenough, Archie suddenly dashed out of the room, as if he had lost hiswits.
"Toobashful to stay and be praised," began Charlie, excusing thepeculiarities of his chief as in duty bound.
"Phebeskechersbootbeckoned to him; I saw her," cried Rose, staring hard at thedoor.
"Isit more presents coming?" asked Jamie, just as his brotherre-appeared, looking more excited than ever.
"Yes;a present for mother, and here it is!" roared Archie, flingingwide the door to let in a tall man, who cried out
"Where'smy littlewomanwork bootwoman? The first kiss for her, then the rest may come on as fast asthey like."
Beforethe words were out of his mouth, Mrs. Jessie was half-hidden underhis rough great-coat, and four boys were prancing about himclamouring for their turn.
Ofcourse, there was a joyful tumultredwing desert boot for a time, during which Rose slipped into the window recess andwatched what went on, as if it were a chapter in a Christmas story.It was good to see bluff Uncle Jem look proudly at his tall son, andfondly hug the little ones. It was better still to see him shake hisbrothers' hands as if he would never leave off, and kiss all thesisters in a wayslipon waterproof bootsthat made even solemn Aunt Myra brighten up for a minute. But it wasbest of all to see him finally established in grandfather's chair,with his "little woman" beside him, his three youngest boysin his lap, and Archie hovering over him like a large-sized cherub.That reallyshoeboot stylewas, as Charlie said, "A landscape to do one's heart good."
"Allhearty and all here, thank God!" said Captain Jem in the firstpause that came, as he looked about him with a grateful face.
"Allbut Rose," answered loyal little Jamie, remembering the absent.
"Faith,I forgot thecheapshoes bootschild! Where is George's little girl?" asked the Captain, whohad not seen her since she was a baby.
"You'dbetter say Alec's great girl," said Uncle Mac, who professed tobe madly jealous of his brother.
"HereI am, sir," and Rose appearedboysfur boots frombehind the curtains, looking as if she had rather have stayed there.
"SaintGeorge Germain, how the mite has grown!" cried Captain Jem, ashe tumbled the boys out of his lap, and rose to greet the tall girl,like a gentleman as he was. But, somehow, when he shook her hand itlooked so small in his big one, and her face reminded him so stronglyof hisredwing traveler bootdead brother, that he was not satisfied with so cold a welcome, andwith a sudden softening of the keen eyes he took her up in his arms,whispering, with a rough cheek against her smooth one"God blessyou, child! forgive me if I forgot you for a minute, and be sure thatnot one of your kinsfolkboysfootwearis happier to see you here than Uncle Jem."