Their admiration for his manly accomplishments did him good

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 10:39:02
Theiradmiration for his manly accomplishments did him good; becauseairjordan 4 pure moner he felt his educational defects keenly, and often wondered if hecould find anything in books to satisfy him as thoroughly as did thelessons he was learning from Nature's splendidly illustrated volume.In spite of his silence, the girls found out his good qualities, andregarded 'the Spaniard', as they named him, with great favour; forhis blackairjordan shoes eyes were more eloquent than his tongue, and the kind creatures triedto show their friendly interests in many charming ways.
Hesaw this, and endeavoured to be worthy of it--curbing his freespeech, toning down his rough manners, and watchingairjordan men's flight 23 theeffect of all he said and did, anxious to make a good impression. Thesocial atmosphere warmed his lonely heart, the culture excited him todo his best, and the changes which had taken place during hisabsence, both in himself and others, made the old home seem like anew world. After the life in California, it was sweet and restful tobeairjordan flight club membershiphere, with these familiar faces round him, helping him to forget muchthat he regretted, and to resolve to deserve more entirely theconfidence of these good fellows, the respect of these innocentgirls.
Sothere was riding, rowing, and picnicking by day, music, dancing, andairjordan flight 23 black playsby night; and everyone said there had not been so gay a vacation foryears. Bess kept her promise, and let the dust gather on her belovedclay while she went pleasuring with her mates or studied music withher father, who rejoiced over the fresh roses inairjordan mens flight 23 her cheeks and the laughter which chased away the dreamy look sheused to wear. Josie quarrelled less with Ted; for Dan had a way oflooking at her which quelled her instantly, and had almost as good aneffect upon her rebellious cousin. But Octoo did even more for thelively youth, who found that her charms entirely eclipsed those oftheairjordan flight 23 6 inchesbicycle which had been his heart's delight before. Early and late herode this untiring beast, and began to gain flesh--to the great joyof his mother, who feared that her beanstalk was growing too fast forhealth.
Demi,finding business dull, solaced his leisure byairjordan flight 45 photographing everybody he could induce to sit or stand to him,producing some excellent pictures among many failures; for he had apretty taste in grouping, and endless patience. He might be said toview the world through the lens of his camera, and seemed to enjoyhimself very much squinting at his fellow beings from under a bit ofblackjordanshoescambric. Dan was a treasure to him; for he took well, and willinglyposed in his Mexican costume, with horse and hound, and all wantedcopies of these effective photographs. Bess, also, was a favouritesitter; and Demi received a prize at the Amateur PhotographicExhibition for one of his cousin with all her hair about her face,which roseuggsale from the cloud of white lace draping the shoulders. These were freelyhanded round by the proud artist; and one copy had a tender littlehistory yet to be told.
Natwas snatching every minute he could get with Daisy before the longparting; and Mrs Meg relented somewhat, feeling sure that absencewould quite cure this unfortunate fancy. Daisy said little; butairjordan shoes 14 hergentle face was sad when she was alone, and a few quiet tears droppedon the handkerchiefs she marked so daintily with her own hair.