Designrific : How I (color blind person) see the world!

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Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:35 PM byMostafa
How I (color blind person) see the world!
Iwrote earlier about my discovering my color blindness, and a lot of people were asking me "so, what do you see!!". This post is to make you understand what exactly I see. Well, after 26 years I discovered that I see the world in a different way than others, and I am asuccessful web designer, my color schemes are always bright and nice (what people says to me)
I was asking myself, do the green fields which i love look red to normal people?! do normal people see orange like my blue?! when you are born your parents teach you colors, they point to that box and tell you "this is green" they point to this red circle and say "this is red". To them it is green box and red circle but they don‘t know how you see it! you might see that red circle as what they see blue! so you will point to every blue color you see and say RED (they told you it is red), which they actually see as red! so they won‘t tell you, you are wrong!
This is of course wrong , I see red as you see it and same with green, but, I see it with different shades. After browsing the internet searching to understand more about color blindness and different types of it, I found these images which help you to better understand what I see.

The images above are a tool to make normal people able to imagine how color blind people see what they see.
In the first image, normal people see a number.  But if they look at the 2nd and 3rd images they will see what color blind people see in the first image. The difference between the 2nd and 3rd is just different types of color blindness.

In the upper 3 images I can‘t see a difference in them, they look the same to me, but to you as normal person you‘ll see a number in the first one.

In this one you (as normal person) will see every number in a box of color which is different to the one next to it. I can‘t see these boxes, I just see numbers from 0 to 5 as one block with gradient from lime green to yellow but no boxes! same happen from 10 to 15 just a gradient.
You can now understand more about what I see!
hmm, you can start donations now! :)
It is really important to make color tests to your kids!
Color test 1
Color test 2
PS: If you are in Egypt,contact me:we are hiring .Net developers (color blind is ok)
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:38 AM byMonkeyget
It also work the other way. There are thing colorblind people can see but normal people cannot.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:31 AM byAhmad Abozaid
Well, as for the blocks and numbers image, i can see a very slight difference in shades.
I know it might mean a lot to loose those shades, but i am sure it will not kill not to be able to see them. Add to that, if you go for web-safe palettes in design. I guess the problem would not be of such an impact. Would it be?
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:45 AM byLimerat
Really interesting.
There is a website out there where you can input your favorite JPEGS and it will convert them to let you see them as a color blind person does...Back when i had Windows, I messed with it a good bit.
If i can remember where it is,I can send you the URL.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:33 PM byyyy has more about this
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:41 PM byGk
I‘m colourblind, and i totally agree with everything uve writen, i see the same as u
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:42 PM bywis
Although I see no numbers in either of the dot pattern cirlces, I see every box fairly distinctly. Whazzat mean?
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:48 PM byJonathan
to wis,
this means that, assuming the problem isn‘t with the color settings on your computer, you are colorblind in a different manner than Mostafa.  I also see no numbers, but am able to distinguish the boxes, yet I am colorblind as well.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:49 PM byJoey
Limerat, that‘s the URL you where talking about:
I‘m colorblind too. I have a deuteranomaly (problems with green), so I also can‘t see anything in the upper two images. But the numbers in the boxes are clear to me. I can see the boxes like a normal person is seeing it.
That‘s because there are a lot of different colorblindness-levels...every person is different.
# Websites & Life » Blog Archive » 3.5 Million People in the U.S. are Colorblind - Here is What They See
Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:53 PM byWebsites & Life » Blog Archive » 3.5 Million People in the U.S. are Colorblind - Here is What They See
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:02 PM byOld Post
This post is actually quiet old. see
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:04 PM byJeff
I am colorblind an now understand why I can‘t agree with my wife about decorating the house.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:06 PM bydlf
YAY! Someone else that‘s also color-blind besides me. And for the ‘test‘ (with the numbers) I could only see the 25 (or what ever # there) and a 56. so like you I am colorblind to red/green.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:06 PM byCrass
Lol @ Jeremy
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:11 PM byRay
Do be so hard on yourself by calling everyone else NORMAL.
color blindness might be a gift. ???
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:13 PM byn
so if i told you there were no numbers in the first image, i could either be colourblind, or, as you cannot see them either, maybe someone is playing a terrible trick on you! :)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:18 PM byGeert
I "suffer" from exactly the same form of colorblindness, hasn‘t really affected me much..
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:30 PM bydRE
I can see the number 2 in all 3 of them the first one being the easiest to see though
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:33 PM byWill
I‘m colourblind and all this stuff seems like old hat, and as people have said, it‘s a really poorly written article.
That said, at the risk of sounding completely unhelpful, I can say that my problems to date have mainly involved colouring drawings as a child, reading resistor colour codes correctly, and once, a confusion between red + black ink. Generally if a colour is highly saturated and/or well-lit I have no problems seeing it.
Also - have a look at the wikipedia article on "color blindness". It describes the different types of colour blindness.
I think perhaps some people are confused as to the "numbers in the boxes" test. EVERYONE can see the *numbers* in the boxes. It‘s the *background colour* of each box that is different, and that‘s what is not apparent to the colour-blind.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:35 PM bykraemer
Ok, so explain this to me. I cant see the numbers in the top set of round "blob-o-grams" yet I CAN see the different shades of colors for numbers 0 through 19 in the blocks. If I am not color blind, am I "color broken"????
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:36 PM bysoso
yes, but that‘s not the world, is it. I mean, if you say "that‘s how I see the world", then show us some real life examples, not some  lab tests, which by the way have been around at least 30 years.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:36 PM bySchpoink
This was very interesting thanks for putting it up.  I learned a lot.
But to communicate effectively you really must work on your spelling and punctuation.  There were just too many places in your narrative where I couldn‘t figure out what you were trying to say for quite a while.
Good luck.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:37 PM byDan
i disagree, would like to see more if this stuff. Well done.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:37 PM byIvan Minic
Thanks for explaining things a bit.. It is hard for us who see all colors to even imagine how does it feel :(
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:38 PM byj4ckc
wow.  i just found out i‘m color-deficient.  thanks for linking those color-tests!
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:42 PM byDoug Brenner
I have moderate red/green colorblindness and the only time it is a problem is when I encounter one of those new traffic lights with an illuminated arrow made of bi-color LED‘s so th arrow can be either red or green.  It‘s a thoughtless design because I can never tell WTF color it is, and it pisses me off because there are plenty of colorblind people around, and you‘d think such a road sign should be illegal.  The older single color - incandescant arrows have never been a problem for me, because with those, green looks like gray or white to me, but still very easy to distinguish from yellow or red which do have some color to them.  Also the normal traffic semaphores with three lamp assemblies are no problem since green is on the bottom, yellow is in the middle, with red on the top.  Frequently I won‘t notice the green light at night if there are street lights in the area, because it may blend in with the scenery and appear to be just another white light.  But if you drive right through a green light without seeing it, that isn‘t a problem.
PS: All the circles of dots shown above look just about the same to me, but I can easily see boxes around the individual numbers in the rows of numbers.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:42 PM bylamboo
Thanks Mostafa for enlightening lot of people in this world. I (being a colour blind) have been asked this question so many times and I always tried to amuse people by calling red as black (as they though I see everything black and white).
Just for people who don‘t know this is a god‘s gift(or problem - depends how you see it), which usually men get from their mother. In case of women both mother and father have to be color blind to get the gift.
Essentially you get colour blindness from the "X" chromosome of your parents. As it is very rare to have two XX carrying color blindness genes, girls very rarely have it (I never found one). However, girls are typically the carrier. So if you are a male color blind, your mother is surely a carrier and your maternal grand father a color blind as well.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:45 PM byallah
would be nice to see some pics of how you see things, for us reg‘lar folk.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:00 PM byDoug Brenner
Colorblindness can indeed be a gift.
Once I was at an open pit Amethyst mine, and I was the only person in the group who was finding Amethyst samples laying around in the gravel... and I was finding dozens of them.  Literally dozens and dozens.  Eventually I figured out that everyone else was looking for blue tinted colors, but not me!  Since with my colorblindness I go through life ignoring color most of the time, I was naturally looking for the crystal shapes and I was seeing them everywhere.  Every sample I found was all dusty from the gravel and clay, so anyone who was looking for colors would never have spotted them.
The US Military used colorblind people during the war in Viet Nam to help spot the enemy from the air, because colorblind people weren‘t deceived by camouflage.
So yes, it can be a gift.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:01 PM byFred
There‘s a nice example of vision impairment at the web site for the US Paralympic Academy.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:03 PM bynone
New pigment ->
New Pigment is a picture viewer for colorblind people.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:09 PM byTenaya
Wait, wait.  It‘s important to separate color blindness (the inability to distinguish colors from one another) from lack of taste (the inability to pick colors that go with one another).  Lack of taste is what causes you to disagree with your wife/GF, not color blindness.
Mandatory disclaimer:
I suffer from the same color blindness AND I have no taste.
# » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:11 PM » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
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# How I (color blind person) see the world! at Nowhere
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:13 PM byHow I (color blind person) see the world! at Nowhere
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:23 PM bySaty Raghavachary
Here is a render I created, to illustrate RenderMan‘s ‘disk‘ primitive:
It has the number ‘7‘ in the middle.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:27 PM byUlf
If you have Mac OSX check out Sim Daltonism, it simulates various types of color blindness on your desktop.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:29 PM bylyzazel
Wow, I have just found out I have a normal sight. ;)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:43 PM byDoug Brenner
To some extent, colorblindness might be controllable by the subconscious mind.  Here‘s why I say that:
One day at work, I had to make a bunch of cables out of 50 pair telephone wire.  That kind of wire has always been a nightmare for me so I tend to avoid it.  But nobody else was any good at soldering, so basically I got stuck doing it.  It was really hard at first, but after about an hour, I got a little better at it.  I kept my head down making cables for about 4 hours.  Then when I got up, I was startled to see that my red knapsack was just a brilliant color.  I couldn‘t believe it.  To me, it was very similar to how I would normally see flourescent "day-glow" orange, except this seemed more red.  I mean it was really glowing!  Like it was on fire or something.  Glowing coals!
That effect lasted for about 45 minutes, during which everything I saw that contained any red appeared just brilliant.
Also I have one pair of Ray-Ban sun glasses which are a rose color when you look through them.  Strangely I notice that when I wear these, I can distinguish colors better.  Don‘t ask me why, since I know the lenses have to be inhibiting some colors and removing some light, and therefore reducing the information that reaches my eyes.  How such a thing could help me see colors better, I haven‘t a clue...   but I tell you, it does.
(PS: Sorry for posting 3X... this is my last one.)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:01 PM byme
i have just found out i am red green color blind! sHAIT! Now i‘m curious what normal people see. I‘ve been living life without properly seeing and experiencing it. How depressing!
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:06 PM byWrecks
Dude! There is no number in the first pictures! Somebody is jerking your chain!!! lol
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:26 PM byJen
Part of the problem with color blindness and inheritance is that some women are quadrachromats, which means that they have two genes that code for slightly different shades of green. This makes them very sensitive to differences in color and is thought to confer an evolutionary advantage. Because of the way that chromosomes get paired up, male offspring of these women will often inherit two "greens" and a "blue" gene or two "greens" and a "red", instead of the normal "red", "green", and "blue" transfer. Female offspring (if I remember correctly) usually end up as quadrachromats unless they have a color blind father.
Seeing into the blue spectrum is a relatively recent evolutionary change (barring insects and birds) in primates. Additionally, some animals like rodents can‘t really see red either. This is why an orange striped tiger blends in with green grass- most prey can‘t distinguish these colors. While color is not necessary for object recognition, it does usually help with faster stimulus discrimination, which would have been helpful to our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
# » What colour blind people see
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:30 PM » What colour blind people see
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:31 PM byTim McCormack
Colored glasses do indeed change which frequencies of light pass through (and in what amount), so they can help colorblind folks differentiate between colors.  For example, green-tinted shades make red apples look darker, but don‘t affect green apples. (Folks with red-green colorblindness can use those red-green 3D goggles to enrich their vision.  Your brain will eventually start to interpret the left eye-right eye difference as the difference between red and green.)
# Colour Blind
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:54 PM byEuan‘s Rants
I am colour blind and often people dont understand what I see and what I dont... Its really frustrating...
# Will’s Blog - Partially colourblind?
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:56 PM byWill’s Blog - Partially colourblind?
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:56 PM byparkbench
Doug Brenner: your comment is absolutely fascinating! It was the high point of the article, in my opinion.
I think this has to do with the eyes adjusting to different levels of light, neh? For example--if you‘re in the dark for an extended period of time, you slowly start growing accustomed to picking out the "light" spots--or, the edges of actual objects. If you‘ve been in the dark for an absurd amount of time, you become adept at this.
I can understand staring at these cables all day, your eyes adjusting, until...the red backpack. Damn, that‘s profound. Now I want to write...
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:11 PM byNicolai
i see dead people
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:17 PM byLoweded Wookie
This is seriously interesting. Thanks for bringing us into your world.
What‘s interesting though is the second series of images where normal people see the number two in the far left image, in the second and third images in this series I can still see the number two, although this doesn‘t happen for the number 7.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:49 PM bysome guy
Interesting article. I‘m not color blind, I came across this site from
Just for the heck of it I highlighted the numbers inside the circles for your viewing pleasure.
You should see number 7 in first image:
You should see number 2 in second image:
I‘m not done reading all the links posted in comments, but now what I‘m going to look for is a software that can convert my web sites into color blindness format just to see for myself if the page can be visualised properly by color blind people.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:58 PM byNotColorBlind
The see the number in the circle never worked for me, I always described all the colours and pointed where I saw them... apartently me pointing the colours out formed the number I was supposed to be seeing - they are STUPID tests.
The boxes is a far better approach, and maybe if the boxes were of different length and the testee had to indicate at what point the box ended and the next colour started that would be a better test than one where you blur your eyes and you see a 3D object (number hidden in circle of dots) type crap test.
# How I (color blind person) see the world! at Scott Wyden Imagery
Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:19 PM byHow I (color blind person) see the world! at Scott Wyden Imagery
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:22 PM byBlow Me
This is not interesting at all unless your colorblind
# All Sorts » Blog Archive » How color blind people see
Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:47 PM byAll Sorts » Blog Archive » How color blind people see
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:50 PM byChristopher Smart
I actually paint the world through color blind eyes (red green color blind).
Fortunetly for me I paint underwater scenes and the first color to leave the spectrum is red.
Check out this post on my blog to view my art as I do.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:02 PM byMark
Here‘s a link to a color-blind simulator.
It also enhances images for those suffering from color-blindness.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:13 PM byGlenn Greenfield
Funny how people that are not colorblind think that being colorblind is no big deal.  Sometimes it REALLY is.  Occasionally I‘ve found a few games that actually have a colorblind mode, otherwise it is very difficult for me to play games like Tetris since many of the blocks look the same.  I for one am glad you posted this.  Often times pepole simply think if you are colorblind then you just learned your colors wrong. :/  And to those that complained about this article: What difference does it make if alot of this info has been available for 30 years?  Do we not re-teach the same important things to each new generation?  Why not say something intelligent or STFU?  Oh and to Blow Me - take off that pink tutu and yellow bonnet and consider that there are others in this world for once you ignorant baboon.  This IS of concern to people that are not colorblind like web & game designers.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:43 PM byDr Tiki
Cool, thanks for sharing.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:07 PM byRon
I lost my first job potentional in 1965 because I didn‘t know that I was colorblind.  The old dot pattern (for the railroad) did me in.  In today‘s world, the tiny LED‘s on many electronic devices are useless to me as I cannot distinguish the subtle (to a color blind person) differences between green and amber or red indicating the status of some device.  Hope no ones life depends on my recognizing a designers intent!!
# Warnell (dot) canada
Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:22 PM byWarnell (dot) canada
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# - » How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:43 PM - » How I (color blind person) see the world!
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# misanthropia rising » Blog Archive » Colors
Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:48 PM bymisanthropia rising » Blog Archive » Colors
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:57 PM byChris
in color test one, I can only see 2 numbers in the cirlces.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:14 PM byregeya
I fail the first two tests, but can at least tell a difference in the colors in all six.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:34 PM bygreen
This article is cool simply because it sheds light on colorblindness for those who don‘t have the affliction.
Personally, I don‘t find colorblindness to be a gift.  It sucks.  I would like to see full color rainbows, among other things. Rainbows for me consist of two stripes, a bluish one and a yellowish one.
Also, I don‘t like being made fun of or having to ask people what colors things are, such as when selecting clothing.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:40 PM byGabriel
So, if my website/publication/game/product instructions/etc needs to be perceived 100% correctly, can i use B&W and shades of gray? Or do color blind also perceive them diferently?
what about hot/cold shades of gray?
and perceiving depth on a colored surface? like if i have red buttons on a telephone, and the numbers on those buttons are just a 1mm raised line. Would it be dificult to see the lights and shadows that gives out the number?
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:44 PM byMe
Thanks this is cool!
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:57 PM bypeteremcc
Once important thing to point out is that you are currently viewing this on a computer monitor.
All the colour settings on a computer monitor can be changed and as such it‘s not really a good place to do any ‘tests‘.
Any difference you do or don‘t see could just be because of your screen.
# links for 2006-08-21???Amateur Megalomania
Monday, August 21, 2006 12:22 AM bylinks for 2006-08-21???Amateur Megalomania
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 12:27 AM byYou
"Occasionally I‘ve found a few games that actually have a colorblind mode, otherwise it is very difficult for me to play games like Tetris since many of the blocks look the same."
I‘m sorry to inform you that you are also geometry blind.
# » what color blind people see: a clever play on number phonetics gone wrong.
Monday, August 21, 2006 12:39 AM » what color blind people see: a clever play on number phonetics gone wrong.
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 1:29 AM byRadfish
Hey green...   I think conditions have to be pretty ideal for anyone to see much more than just the yellow & blue bands on a  rainbow.  But when have you ever seen a rainbow against a black background?  It almost doesn‘t happen.  Rainbow colors aren‘t all they‘re cracked up to be, so take heart.  The colors in a rainbow aren‘t usually clean and bright like a laboratory spectroscope could show.  If you can see the yellow and blue in a rainbow, then in all reality, what you‘re seeing is probably very similar to what a "normal" person sees.  What people get excited about is not the colors but rather the mere existence and sighting and clarity and brightness of the rainbow, and where does it end, where‘s the mythical pot of gold, is there a double rainbow ring, and so on... since you don‘t see a rainbow every day.  It‘s really just a good excuse to get happy; and one that we don‘t outgrow.  IMHO the colors themselves have very little to do with the simple enjoyment of the occasion.  You may want to see it better, but I really don‘t think you‘re missing much... a color or two AT MOST.
# An interesting way to start the day. at
Monday, August 21, 2006 2:18 AM byAn interesting way to start the day. at
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 2:51 AM bymanu
yea um colourblind alrite, but its a gift!!! i can c stuff that others say if theres a shade of purple which has more red and less blue, then itll be reddish for me and if it has less of red and more blue, itll be dark blue to basically i can c the constituent colours!!!
another e.g....i work part time at the post office and there was this one time that during letter sorting there was this letter that had gotten wet and the purple ink had washed off.......but i cud still read the faint address visible, while the others cudnt c a thing...they were fuckin baffled!!!
so to all those ppl who think they r fucked up bcoz of this or are any lesser....*** that!!! we cud be super heroes, fite crime or be employed by the secret service for some spy stuff!!! lol
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 3:10 AM byKibble
I‘m colourblind, diagnosed and all, but I can still see the boxes. (not the number though)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 3:33 AM bysuburbanlad
i am colorblind as well, and i am so happy i found this article. at least now i know someone else is colorblind as me, and i think we‘ve got the same kind of colorblindedness, if there‘s such a word.
my mates keep on asking me if i see this as blue, or as red. it was hard explaining it to them, they though i couldn‘t see any colors at all!
now i also need those donations. =)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:17 AM byJohn Poltria
I‘m blind, I can see nothing on this page at all... I can‘t even see my computer.
# SilverKey Egypt
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:34 AM byEmpire Builder
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:45 AM byHan
Hey.... in Eastern societies, it is believed that ppl who are colour blind, with a little bit more training can see the world of the dead. Y‘know, like The Sixth Sense.
So all you colour blind ppl, train up your 3rd eye and go find those ghosties!
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:10 AM bySte B
What would be really cool is if you could take these rules and run photos of stuff through photoshop so ‘normal‘ people could actually see how real-life stuff works.
I now know know how colour-blind people see blob diagrams..
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:15 AM byHobo Joe
On this colortest picture:
Does anyone see a circle for #23? I don‘t...
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:18 AM byJoint
Ha-ha ) My job is to fix pictures in photoshop, now i see why my colour correction is not what other people see )))
# Wond’ring Aloud… » Blog Archive » Color Blindness
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:25 AM byWond’ring Aloud… » Blog Archive » Color Blindness
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:31 AM byshil
it actually doesnt matter that the colour blind see differently. its the same as taste of sound of other frequesncies we experience. no one can see/taste/smell/hear a thing in exactly the same way as anyone else! its not a deficiency in any case, just different perceptions. yes colour blindness leads to some discomfort in a system designed entirely for the colour-seers, but thats just a system created by the majority.
i think we should just be glad of our different abilities and not be relieved at being ‘normal‘ or sad at being ‘different than the normal‘, any more than we are sad about not liking particular smells which others seem to like. and with a ‘lack‘ in one direction comes a heightened awareness in other direcitons. :-)
i could never understand this need to be ‘normal‘ and ‘like most other people‘. why, even the ‘normal blood pressure‘ is way too high, one needs to have much lower blood pressure to be healthy! the ‘normal‘ BP is just the range which most ppl have nowadays.
i am normally sighted as far as colour perception goes, but am short sighted, which also seems to be a fault of my mind. i am improving it using dr bates method (u can google it). so far progressed from -3.5D to -2.5D, mostl of it in the past year.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 6:21 AM byRaj
Great post  ! Thanks !!
While color-blind people do appreciate finally seeing (or not) how differently we see stuff, I do agree with the other posts regarding trying not to keep referring to normal-vision people as "normal people" :)
(As for the morons who have nothing constructive to say, like the ones who keep ridiculing the grammar, I say get a life, appreciate the post for its content, not for its english.
And either the post has been fixed since then or I must be grammar-blind too, nevertheless: I pity the dopes whose tiny brains cannot process words that are even slightly misspelt/mispronounced a certain way for them to understand them I say "dont dare venture out of your countries" !)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 7:30 AM byJared
Again, thank you for sharing this and don‘t bother with those ignorant baboons ;)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 7:39 AM byTodd

# How I (color blind person) see the world! at
Monday, August 21, 2006 7:46 AM byHow I (color blind person) see the world! at
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 8:10 AM byDuchamp
We are all colour blind when compared to Tetrachromats.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 8:31 AM byJoris
Great find! Thx! I‘ve linked to your article on my weblog:
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 8:59 AM byNathan Waters
It‘s weird, I‘m "red/green colour blind". But I can still see the colour red and see the colour green.
But I can‘t see the numbers in those images.
I think it‘s just when red and green are together, and small or perhaps it‘s a little dark then I find it difficult to distinguish the two.
# Joon You » How I See The World
Monday, August 21, 2006 9:56 AM byJoon You » How I See The World
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# ExtraLife - Scott Johnson’s Comics, Podcasts, Blog, Artwork, Humor and MORE! » Blog Archive » How the color blind see the world.
Monday, August 21, 2006 10:48 AM byExtraLife - Scott Johnson’s Comics, Podcasts, Blog, Artwork, Humor and MORE! » Blog Archive » How the color blind see the world.
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# Nochmal Rot-Grn Sehschwche
Monday, August 21, 2006 10:49 AM byflurp::
Ich hab da jemanden gefunden, der hat wohl die gleichen "Probleme" wie ich. Interessant ist, das er Webdesigner ist und eigentlich immer fr seine Farben gelobt wurde. Besonders fr die Grnen. Und er sagt auch was Wahres, und zwar das wir (die
# eBiz-IQ Online Success Help and Tools » How a 26 year old color blind person webdesigner sees the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 11:20 AM byeBiz-IQ Online Success Help and Tools » How a 26 year old color blind person webdesigner sees the world!
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 1:04 PM by
Strange ... I found your Colored designs pretty perfect!!
It seams that you really love your colored world and you knew how to deal with it.
That means your aesthetic color values works perfect, your eye can feel the harmony and variations between colors.
Actually I think color blind is not a big issue as long as you can feel it, and can define colors and its names.
Come back to your own colored world and cheer up … it may be better than ours :)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 1:48 PM byCarpcatcher
The comments here have been very interesting.  I was diagnosed as color blind at an early age and I‘m in the group that can‘t see the numbers in the circles but can see the individual boxes.
Any other color blind people here find that you see colors statistically? I‘ve tried to explain this to non-color blind people and they never get it. I think of red/green colors as pairs. For every red color there is a green color that looks the same. I unconsciously memorize which is the more common and when asked that’s what color I use to identify it. I‘ve found that in nature this holds up pretty well. Ex- Grass green doesn‘t seem to have a common red pair so I can identify that color green correctly most of the time. I have a much harder time when it comes to man made colors like car paint. Either I‘ve not seen enough instances of it to sink in or the matching pair is just as common.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 1:58 PM byJohn
Color blind folks have traded some color sensing cells for more light sensing cells in their eyes, so we have better night vision.  We can also spot some types of military camoflage others can‘t.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 2:45 PM byRipvtech
I too am color blind (partial) I found out when I was about 10 years old.
John: Your correct in regards to the camo. I just doesn‘t work on me! That was great as a kid and we were playing commandoes in the forest :) I won everytime. lol
However, I also had 7 eye surgeries by the time I was 6 (I hold the record for the youngest person to have a major eye surgery) So my night vision sucks :(
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 3:20 PM byinaccurate
Dear all: there are no numbers inside the circles, and no boxes in the third image. These guys are just trying to make fun of you!
# Het Leven » 21
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:02 PM byHet Leven » 21
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:27 PM byMatthew
Thanks to you I just learned I am color blind!  Tritanopia!  I‘ve been alive for 28 years without knowing this!  Thanks.  Kinda mind-blowing
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 4:51 PM byMatt
It‘s so fascinating to me that I have a friend who‘s colorblind, partially, who can‘t see the difference between dark colors (brown, purple, blue, etc) but he‘s a graphic designer.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Monday, August 21, 2006 5:00 PM byPython
Take a look at that - Im color blind and I thought I was contribute into this discussion by posting about how it affects my web design work.
# News » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:05 AM byNews » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:45 AM bySherri
I am not color blind, but I have a 7 year old son that is completely color blind.  He just started 2nd grade last week and we are already encountering problems with reading because the story has green backgrounds with red words.  It is very frustrating for him because he doesn‘t feel smart like the other kids since he can‘t see what they are talking about.  Another page has lines that you are supposed to count after you read the paragraph because it is trying to teach you how much time different activities take.  He can see some of the lines, but of course they use different colors to separate the combined lines (on colorful backgrounds) for adding the total time it took to do two activities.  He would count the first few lines and then automatically stop.  He didn‘t see the orange lines.  Therefore he got the question wrong.
My brother and mother are both color blind and I knew I was a "carrier" so when he started school I had him checked.  People who aren‘t aware of this don‘t know to get tested and so many kids struggle because they don‘t know what they are doing wrong on their school work.  Red check marks from the teacher do not stand out for them.  By the way, camo does not stump him either.  He can spot things most people can‘t whether its people or deer.  I had never heard anyone else mention that and thought it was cool.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:43 PM byBen Kamprath
It‘s interesting that people with a color deficiency can succeed as designers. My father, like the author of this article, is colorblind, yet has had no problem working successfully as a graphic designer.
Just gives it a little twist, eh?
Thanks for the article!
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:22 PM byManuel Gustavo Saraiva
I couldn‘t see either.
# Cyberpunk Hero » Blog Archive » Digg, digg, digg of the week!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:10 AM byCyberpunk Hero » Blog Archive » Digg, digg, digg of the week!
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# Interesting things at
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:03 AM byInteresting things at
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:36 AM byJohn
From the headline I thought it was what colour do blind people see which didn‘t make a lot of sense :)
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:50 AM byC.L.L.
Thanks for posting this.
Your explanation is among the best ones I‘ve read.
I‘m not color blind, but I‘ve always been curious about it.
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:21 AM bymWalk
I have color blindness, though what I get up and put on to wear in the morning may seem crazy, my career as a digital artist/graphic artist hasn‘t been affected. Very cool read, though when I look at the 3rd image with the number and boxes, U can see each box, so what does that mean for me?
Is my color blindness an illusion, all in my head? Or do I have a different type?
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:56 AM byLjupco Smokovski
I am also color blind, and I am also in the imaging bussiness (see the link above).
When I was a little kid I wasn‘t aware that I was color blind untill I turned 18.
Previously my friends had discovered that I couldn‘t recognize some shades and they were joking about it but no one took that seriously. This had happened on numerous occassions, and I didn‘t really pay any attention. It was something like me saying to them, while riding bikes, lets turn left after that green car, and they were saying What green car? So we had a laugh and went on.
When I turned 18 I went on to take my divivng lessons. Here in Macedonia before you attempt to take driving lessons first you have to undergo a medical examination for reflexes, vision, and so on.
So I went and completed almost all the exams when it came to the vision exam. When I entered the doctor‘s office she told me to sit down and have a look at a thing like a microscope in which she said there were colored circles in which I should recognize numbers (The same circles as above in which I aslo can‘t see a thing). I had a quick look and saw nothing , so I am saying to her O.K. there are no colored circles, you must have forgotten to place them in the device. She said No they are there, have another look. I did and said again - there are no colored circles in which I could see numbers. She thought it was strange that someone had taken out them from the device
She had a look in the holder and was astonished to see that they were all there and that not only I couldn‘t see the numbers, but I also failed to see the coloured circles as well. (It was really dark).
So she said I was color blind and couldn‘t become a pro driver. (I know you F1 fans are disappointed now, but thta‘s life).
So today I have problems with some shades but have found ways to cope with them, and when I doubt something I go by the numbers.
Regards from Macedonia. Ljupco
# » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:55 AM » Blog Archive » How I (color blind person) see the world!
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# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 7:45 AM byLjupco Smokovski
I forgot the link to my iStock account:
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Friday, August 25, 2006 7:58 AM bysarika
hey even i am color blind and a web desigenr from india. but i have another option i type bgcolor=color and i can get if some one wants that color only but yeh sometimes its really bad for this thing.. god gave me all the things except colors
# re: How I (color blind person) see the world!
Friday, August 25, 2006 9:32 AM bySimon
Etre also has a tool that allows you to upload an image and see how it looks to people with a range of colour deficiencies:
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