Law seeks to thwart “puppy love”制止早恋要靠法律了?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 15:56:43
导读:8月底,黑龙江省首开先河,对“早恋”(puppy love)问题进行立法。新法规一经颁布,立刻在社会上引起巨大反响。不少人质疑:学生早恋是否应该纳入法规监管?它是否具有实际操作性?一纸法规对早恋究竟有多大作用?
Law seeks to thwart “puppy love”
FROM Internet
PUBLISHED: 2009-09-08

Guangzhou Daily:删除《牛郎织女》以防学生早恋?漫画:黑龙江“早恋入法”,规定父母或其他监护人应当对未成年子女早恋行为进行批评、教育、制止和矫正。
In late August, at the 12th session of the 11th Standing Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Congress regulations regarding the protection of minors were amended with the addition of provisions relevant to so-called “puppy love”. The provisions state that: “Parents or other guardians should criticize, educate, stop and correct minors.”
Existing national and local laws and regulations have no provisions on “puppy love”. Heilongjiang is the first province to so legislate.
Legislator: guardians’ responsibility.
A Congress legislative official said that the provisions should be used carefully. The directive to “criticize, educate, stop and correct” should not be dogmatically interpreted. It was important that legal guardians were sensitive to individual cases.
Critical opinions are being voiced: “It will be difficult to use the law to achieve the desired effects. But we need to fully understand the legislation, we cannot simply reject it,” These voices think that it is the educational aspects of the provisions that are most important.
Teachers: “puppy love” or “intense friendships”?
Wu Xiaojian, a Guanzhou high school teacher, thinks that the provisions have educational value, but that they do not recognize the reality of the feelings of young people and will be difficult to implement.
“We have no real definition of the ‘puppy love’ the provisions refer to, or what kind of behaviors fall under the category of ‘puppy love’. Most high school students are less mentally mature than they are physically mature. We don’t use the phrase ‘puppy love’ in education any more. From a behavioral standpoint, it would be better to speak of ‘intense friendships’. Students, too, find that expression more agreeable,” Wu said.
Parents:difficulty of implementing legislation.
Most parents don’t back the provisions.
Mrs. You, whose daughter has just entered high school, thinks the new provisions are unnecessary. She said, “This is a matter of children’s privacy and not a matter of law. It isn’t the responsibility of parents, but the matter is a difficult one because ‘puppy love’ is so difficult to understand and it’s difficult to implement rules with respect to it.” In their teenage years children often go through a rebellious phase. If the regulations are implemented heavy-handedly, it will not be good for relations betweens parents and children.
Mrs. You said that she hopes her daughter will not form a romantic relationship early, but if she does she will not oppose it for fear of it having a negative effect on her daughter. “To deal effectively with these issues, we need to act responsibly rather than depend on regulations,” she added.
Children: the rules will result in rebelliousness
Students discuss the provisions.
Xiao Chen, a Guanzhou high school student, believes “puppy love” can be divided into two kinds, corresponding to the school levels of students. Entering puberty, primary school students are largely ignorant about the opposite sex, so parents need to guide and correct their behavior. Secondary school students, who are more capable of making judgments, are often eager to go to parents for advice
“Instead of legislation, we need something like a lecture program to teach parents and children how to talk with each other freely.” she said.
专家: 粗暴制止孩子早恋不可取,不如一起面对。
Expert: Let’s face the issue together
Senior psychologist Yu Donghui believes that the “puppy love” provisions are totally unnecessary.
“Children's education is the responsibility of family. Certain behaviors should be condemned, it is true. And there is a role for the media in offering guidance. But it seems strange to make laws about puppy love, which is not illegal.”.
“There is nothing particularly wrong with ‘puppy love’, but provisions like these threaten to turn it into something monstrous. If a parent discovers a relationship they should try to find the right way to stop it. Handled insensitively, it will have a bad effect on the child. Parents should face the problems of puberty together, and offer advice.”
thunder-shock measures to stop puppy love
set “standard distance”
A Nanjing high school held a meeting at which girls were called on to maintain an “average distance" of 44 centimeters from boys.
delete "Legend of Love"(Niulang, Zhinv)
"Legend of Love", a famous folk tale, is no longer features in primary school textbooks. Qiao Hua, who works at the Chongqing Academy of Education and Science, says the reason may be that the editors considered the question of puppy love before making choices about selections.
to assign the class by gender
In Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and other cities, some secondary schools have divided classes up by gender in a move to thwart puppy love.
(Translator & Editor: Aaron AND Paul)
amend 【法】 修改, 修正, 修订
category 范畴,类型
dogmatically 固执己见地
from a standpoint 从某种角度讲
legislate 立法
monstrous 可怕的,异形的
puberty 青春期
rebellious phase 叛逆期