
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 18:13:05
转贴  biobaselou2006-02-28 00:31:46查看评论 
文章来源: 方兴东
Dave Pollard的博客名称很牛,叫“如何拯救世界”(How to Save the World),内容也颇有深度和独到之处,一周半月来一次必有收获。这篇关于虚拟协同的文章,对于与博客相关的一些应用,比如wiki、留言板、邮件、即时通信等11种应用进行了比较。主要着眼协同方面的三个应用纬度:包括对话、项目和联盟(Conversations、Projects、alliances)。翻译之后可能理解起来反而更别扭,大家不妨阅读原文吧。
Tool / MediumCollaborative AdvantagesCollaborative DisadvantagesBest Suited to Collaborative:
weblogeasy to post & comment; content is subscribable/ publishableparticipation limited to comments
anyone can contribute content
harder to learn; can be easily sabotaged; inelegant appearanceProjects / Alliances
real-time; anyone can contribute contentcontent only persists for duration of call; possible firewall issuesConversations / Projects
can be real time; anyone can contribute contentpossible firewall issues; attention is focused on a documentConversations / Projects
IM/skype/phone/ e-mail/ videoconferencing
real-time conversations; audio/visual context; speedcontent only persists for duration of callConversations
shows and documents consensuscan‘t capture detail
discussion forums
threading of comments; content is subscribable/ publishablelimited contextual knowledge of participants; can attract undisciplined behaviours; threads can be hard to followConversations
community of practice/ interest spaces
organization; defined membership; multiple collaborative toolsharder to learn; formality can reduce intimacy and level of participationProjects / Alliances
personal e-mail groups
flexible; personal; easy to use
e-mail overload/spam; threads get lost or hard to navigate and followProjects / Alliances
social networking tools
large number of members; good way to find collaboratorsmost actual collaboration is done using other tools and mediaFinding collaborators
in-person collaboration
easy; real-time; context-rich; flexible
expensive; time-consuming
All of the above if time & cost permits